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Everything posted by sarah36

  1. C'mon, lets have a more marketable one-----"Owen Krout---008 in China" Sarah
  2. I agree on Sean Connerry. So the name of Owen's movie is "007 in China"? Sarah
  3. Oops, this part, I mean in China you can check in this way. In USA, from my point of view, there can be two ways: one is by internet, one is by telling your gal to ask from Beijing or shanghai China eastern company, usually they should know their american branch's number. Good luck! Sarah, oh, professor Sarah
  4. hi, about the number of China Eastern, I think you can check from INtrnet or tell your gal to check by 114 here in china. 114 is a phone number checking center in China. Each city has itself's 114 station. For example, if you want to check China Eastern Beijing company's number, you can call 010-114, then ask the liner about where number you want to know. They will tell you. But I think you need your gal to do it because the liner doesn't speak English. About shipping, I think it's possible. Usually shipping is done between company and company. But person itself can also do it now. You need to clear the custom by yourself. About the details of this information, you need to check with the shipping company. They will tell you what to do. You just tell them you want to ship some stuffs to China for yourself, then they will let you know what to do next. Professor Sarah
  5. Owen is going to write book and make movies? Wow! When Owen become famous, then all of us will be included in his book and movie. What jacket do you want to wear in that movie? Sarah
  6. Sometimes you dont need to understand Congratulations! Sarah
  7. Congratulations, blsqueaky . Your name may be difficult to read, but the blessings are always the same. Sarah
  8. Congratulations! The date of being reunited wont be far. Btw, when did you receive the good news? Sarah
  9. Do you know that after I read your post, I feel I have already in Dave's arms!! Sarah
  10. Last year, Dave and I planned to marry this April, obviously now that the plan has to be postponed. ALso yesterday when I was reading some of my old emails, I read one from Dave dated on 06, Nov 2002, saying:"Good morning honey, Did you know that next Monday is "Veteran's Day?' This is a specail holiday to honor those Americans that serve in the military like the army or navy. It is a national holiday and all government offices and schools are closed. We have a similar holiday in May called Memorial Day in which we honor those people that died defending our country. I hope you will be here by then to help us observe that day..........." This Monday we just passed the Memorial Day Dave mentioned in that email. And I still can't be there to help them to observe the day. We have experienced so many holidays saying to each other over the telephone or emails that we hope that next holiday we can be together. But when? I know it's not smart to ask this question here. But I do hope on next holiday we can hold each other to spend the whole day long! Sarah
  11. Hi, Jennifer, even I didn't know you before, I still want to say hi to you, hope later on we can be friends! As the first present for you, pls receive the best wishes from me and my fiance Dave! Sarah
  12. Sure, Mick, I will let it eat fish's eyes, bull's musle and chicken legs and monkey's brain Sarah
  13. That's true! I have also received some letters with opening. What I suggest is whether GZ can mail by EMS, and we can pay for it. EMS is fully called Express Mailing System. It is much safer because then the letter can be sent directly to the person itself. Sarah
  14. It looks more like a dog. A poor sweetie. What a pity that it would have virus in its body. And what a pity that it would be eaten! Sarah
  15. No prolem! As long as the custom wont press hard on my bag with Toufu inside of it. Sarah
  16. GuangDong perple seem like to eat so many wierd things. They eat cat, snake, and even mouse! Many years ago, I heard they ate raw mouse with dipping a kind of sauces, Gee! Sarah
  17. Hi, I'm another Sarah I think you should still wait for P4 coming from GZ then always do things according to their instructions. ----the same as Dave and I are doing now. Then travel or something----actually I dont know exactly. I just think to do according to what GZ tells you but not to do according to what you think. Sarah
  18. Thanx, Li: I bought a roayl cooking book to cook according to that guides. Then in the future when friends come to our house, they can enjoy the traditional Emperor and Empress dishes! Because Dave advised Mick lots of vegetable dishes and Tofu also, it seems my Dave starts to like those things , so I think I will especially prepare those things for him (I wish he can see this post ) Maybe we can meet together in the future sometime, then you and Mick can also surprise at my excellent Royal cooking skill, just pls don't praise me too high. Sarah (btw, which part of China are you from?)
  19. Cool! Oh, I know, you want to be a mandarine teacher when you come to China, do you? Studay hard! Sarah
  20. Hey, guys, I am here I like Li's childhood story. Best wishes for your couples!
  21. Hi,Randxuej, what happened to your fiance? Has she got sars? I will pray for her. But pls dont worry too much, because she will recover finally. She is just experiencing another kind of hard time, she will be fine. We will be here praying for her. Sarah
  22. Hi, YiYi, I can understand your feeling. Many people here have been competing patience and luck for a long time, then compare notes on the experiences. Dont worry too much, things will be all right finally. You will be fine! YW! Sarah
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