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Everything posted by hankster

  1. Way to go Rick. Congratulations!!!!!!! Hank and Lily
  2. AT ACH, I met a 35-40 year old U.S. black man VO. He was friendly and professional. From Lily's description she had the same VO at her interview 5 days later. This was Feb. 2007
  3. they had the I-693 supp. with the Doctor's name already stamped on the line: "Civil Surgeon's name (print or type)". After she had signed, they made me a copy and put the original in a sealed envelope. I had already found a downloadable I-693, so Jim and Dan are right about being able to find the form. I'm going to go with it, I think. We'll see.
  4. No, she wasn't on the list, but then again, neither was the CS I had trouble with. That one was recommended to me by a friend who married a gal from HK and went to this one. His wife is scheduled for AOS interview in Memphis tomorrow. In the beginning of AOS i had called a CS who was listed, but was no longer practicing, or retired or something. I wonder how up to date the CS locator is? I asked again at the main branch of the Health Dept. if this doc was a CS. The nurse said Yes, she fills out I-693 supplements often. You bring up a good point, Carl. Worried now.
  5. I had trouble a couple of weeks ago with the Civil Surgeon here in Knoxville. See my post: I-693 Supplement Today I took Lily and Dongao to the Knox Co. Health Dept. west branch to get their 2nd round of vaccinations. I showed the nurse the I-693 supplement that the Civil Surgeon had filled out a couple of weeks ago and I told her I wanted to make sure the vaccinations they were receiving today would satisfy the CS who we have another appointment with this Thursday. The nurse said the CS should have signed off on it last time. She suggested I go straight to the main branch of Knox Co. Health where they would sign off for $0. I asked her specifically if they had a CS on staff. She assured me they did. I went to the main branch, the nurse filled out a new I-693 and had the CS sign it. $0.00. I don't know if this is the case in other areas, or if I just lucked out. I had already wasted $100 ($50 each) at the CS who checked the "Applicant does not meet immunization requirements" box. It might pay off for someone starting AOS to check with their County Health Dept before searching for a CS.
  7. We bought one like this from Ebay. Lily had used this brand in china. It works great. Zojirushi http://imagehost.vendio.com/preview/hm/hmddistributors/ZOJNSMYC10WK.JPG
  8. Lily gives me ginseng root twice a day. Tastes like dirt, but I really think I have more energy and generally feel better. She also has been applying the Gua sha treatment to my back for the last couple of weeks. Can't say this helps, but it sure feels good going on.
  9. Congratulations, our friend and neighbor in China , Hank and Lily
  10. Congratulations to you and your family!!!! Hank and Lily
  11. Thanks, David, and I plan on her having the full course, but in this case, my wife is not due the second course, yet. It's been only 2 weeks since she had her first Td, MMR and Varicella at the county Health department. I think you're right about how this CS defines "immunized". Looks like I'll have to find another CS. I do plan on sending an email asking if the CS will sign off after lao po receives her second shot, which according to the health department is due in 2 weeks. I got blindsided yesterday, thinking the CS had signed off, but on second glance, I noticed she had checked the "does not meet immunization requirements". I argued, but to no avail and she was out the door. Wish now I had refused to pay.
  12. Thanks, Can anyone provide a USCIS or CDC link that specifically states that the first round of vaccinations is sufficient for the CS to sign off on for USCIS requirements? This CS accepted the fact that a physical wasn't needed after I showed her the I-485 instructions about K visas. I feel if I can show her this information then she will sign off on the I-163 supplement. Thanks
  13. Just got back from the CS. She signed wife and stepson's I-693 Supplement, but she checked the box under item 3. as: (X) Applicant does not meet immunization requirements. I argued, but the CS said that since they had not had all rounds of Vaccinations, she must check this box. They've both had the initial rounds of Td, MMR and Varicella, which the CS noted in the "Vaccine History Transferred from a Written Record" anyone had this box checked? Will USCIS accept this? Thanks, Hank
  14. Code 2.(No "ASC code" just "code") Appointment is 2 weeks from now at 8am - Nashville TN. Request for Rescheduling Please reschedule my appointment. Upon receipt of your request, you will be provided a new appointment notice. Make a copy of this notice for your records, then mail the original with your request to USCIS Nashville, 329 yada yada yada.
  15. Me too, Carl. That was my next question, Especially since it's a 200 mile trip to Nashville. If that's the case, will abandoning the EAD cause any repurcussions after I file the I-485?
  16. I just got a Biometrics appointment form I-797C in the mail. I haven't sent the AOS application in yet for wife or stepson. Just the EAD form I-765, and just for wife. Is this the usual sequence? Thanks, Hank
  17. 87 days NVC out to P3 in hand........... Maybe tomorrow?
  18. I took Lily to the Knox Co. Public Health Clinic today and they charged $140 for the 3 shots (Td, MMR, Varicella). I also negotiated with a Civil Surgeon today for signing off on the I-693 Supplement. She was not aware that K visas don't need a complete physical if one was performed in the last 12 months for the IV interview. As Dan and others have suggested, I emailed her a copy of the I-485 instructions. She was open-minded enough to read this and have her receptionist call to say they would do the I-693 supplement for $50.(a figure I had suggested as the Max she should charge for this ) The receptionist thanked me for bringing this to their attention.
  19. Love that Pink........... CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hank and Lily
  20. Thanks for the recommendation Dan and Jim. I've been thinking of something like this. I just ordered it.
  21. Yuping, I think it is now $180 Hank
  22. Just over 7 months.........very fast. CONGRATULATIONS!!
  23. Good to see you back, SL. I've been wondering how you are. Congrats on your marriage and Hawaiian Honeymoon. My experience with vaccinations is, so far, this: There are only 4 Civil Surgeons in Knoxville and so far, by phone and only talking to the (whoever answers the phone), they all insist on doing a complete Physical. I'm going to take Dan's advice and show up and give the CS himself the I-485 instructions and see what happens. Hank and Lily
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