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About Nate_NT

  • Birthday 06/17/1974

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    Norcross GA

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  1. Friend of mine only made 45.00 a movie there in vegas because she was not on contract. Sad work but she wanted to be in that type of Biz
  2. Working with Gmail to back trace the Hack. At least i am good for something on this site.
  3. I met my wife on Chn-love and well the translater was the one to meet me at the Airport. She said her name was Hong and I was to be her husband. I told her nope you are not Hong. You are the one that has been acting like her. I thne told her to take me to meet my future wife. They took me to the Urumqi office and called her. They did not tell her I was there since they were afraid they would not pay. They lied to her and said they needed another payment. Once the Hong I had a photo of walked in I yelled out 100usd for someone to introduce me to Genghong. Poof about 20 people came running over to help. That was the first time my now wife ever heard of me. Other than the first day she paid 4k rmb and looked at photos online and picked 100 men. I knew what I was getting into and I knew that 90% of the letters I got from women were not really them. (most were the exact same letter with just the name changed. I was looking in Urumqi for my wife) When I told my wife what all had happened she told me this would happen. She was told that American men only see beauty and like young women. She also told me she picked out the person to act like her during my first visit. She was also told that American men are stupid and I would not know the difference when I returned for the wedding party on my next trip. There is more but I just want to warn people to be careful if using an agency.
  4. There are ways around the "Paying for English classes" part. In short you dont say that you are the one paying for the class. I sent my wife the money for the classes, but at GUZ she only said that she is taking English classes. VO then asked her how she was paying for the classes and she said she saved up for the classes. Which is true. She saved the money I gave her for 6 months. (She did not want to take classes in Urumqi during winter) Like Scott said the better his or her English is the more yellow and red flags are over looked. For 2 of my wifes interviews I was stupid. I thought the system was fair. It is not. on the 3rd and the callback interview I used my old talents I learned in the military and PI school. I stated the facts in a way that hid the full meaning with out telling a lie and during my last visit with my wife I coached her like I would anyone taking the stand in a court room.Short direct answers in English and Chinese with out a pause.
  5. I have been here and I will give you some pointers. (4 years 3 1/2 times denied) 1. Never use the words "massage parlor" in a letter going to GUZ. #1 Red Flag (was part of the reason my now wife was denied for her K1) 2. You paid for her to go to school. Should have been written the fact that she is or has attended English classes. I hate to say it but this can be used as a yellow flag. (you did say she will work in a parlor and she would need English for that) 3. Big red flag. You stated what you think she was denied for. Alas to really get help you need to look at it like a courtroom case. Only state the facts and only the facts dont say what you think happened only what you KNOW happened. 4. If you are living with her in China you needed to show that. IE your Visa stamp of your current visit. Only showing 1 visit to China also sends up a yellow flag. 5. Now about the photos. Take many photos all over the place. Pick a street sign have someone take a photo of you together near the sign. Take a photo next to a statue. In short terms make sure you have photos that stand out. I will use this as an example. I was a Translater for a Russian General when I was in the military. He was in China for an inspection of their Embassy last Nov. I asked to speak with him and he had a photo of me and my wife taken with him and his family at the Ballet later that night. That photo could not be staged. In their eyes a staged photo is a common photo that you can be imposed into. Example I have never been to the Great wall before I met my wife in 2006 but I have a photo of me on the wall in 1990. 6. ( my overhead per year is very low. I explained this in the AOS. My overhead is about $14,000 per year in expenses) In this case if I was the VO I would assume that you only have 10,500.00 to take care of you and your wife. this would put you under the poverty level and make you a High welfare case. Not teeling you to cook the books but I would have left it at I make 24500.00 and not explained anything else. 7. Last make sure you have screenshots of you two chatting on yahoo. Text chats can be faked but Screenshots are harder to fake when your photos are also on the page. Hope this helps. Nate
  6. she will arrive in the USA on may 6th at betwwen 730-8pm PST
  7. Took me 4 years and Hong just got approved. (1 interview a year) We hit them with everything including a signed letter from the Prez for her 3rd interview and the said we had a non Bonafide. Trust me it takes time just make sure you have good knee pads and kiss lots of arse. They will ask for some pretty stupid items. Here are items that they requested from myself and Hong for past interviews. 1. "Signed letter from the petitioner's father welcoming you to the family." (she told them that he past away and they told her this." We still need a letter signed by the deceased") yes, you read right they wanted a letter from my dead father. and sent her a letter requesting the item to my lawyer. 2. "We see that you have no children, Will your ex'Husband allow you to take your children with you?" She told them that she was never married. "I will still need to see a letter allowing you to take your children to the USA" 3. Last the item they requested thru my lawyer to me to provide. A letter from my ex wife of whom I have no idea where she is at saying it was ok for me to marry another woman and asking her permission to allow her children to leave China with my current wife. As my lawyer told me they will demand stupid things. it is up to you to go out of your way to find the items they need. My fathers letter to them was a photo of his gravestone. My wife wrote a letter stating that she did not want custody of any invisible children from her invisible ex'husband that she never married. and last a letter signed by Ford Island HI saying that the govenment does not track down ex'wifes that commit adultery and were banned from the base. You will get approved soon. Nate&Hong
  8. PINK. now comes the planning to get her here.
  9. Interview number 4 is March 1. It better be PINK or I will move to CHINA
  10. Well I guess they read what they sent me and have now sent me a new letter with a date for my wife to meet with them on the 1st.
  11. I sent an email on the 3rd(their 3rd) to check the status and here is what I got today. " Dear Nathan Taylor, Thank you for your inquiry. We regret that we do not accept additional documents submitted in person. Ms. Taylor's case is just temporarily refused. You may mail the required additional documents via reliable courier mail system such as EMS or FedEx. You may rest assured that Ms. Ho's case will be given full and fair consideration once the additional documents are received. If you want to confirm the receipt of your mail by the Consulate, you may contact us again with the mail tracking number after the mail is sent. We will keep an eye for the mail. Sincerely, Immigrant Visa Unit U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou 1 Shamian South Street Guangzhou, Guangdong 510133 PRC" We regret that we do not accept additional documents submitted in person. I have an EUTNOSC Form 1000. (Loan of Items form) and a NAVONR-4400-4 Personal property form to show that the items were signed for while I was there. Now they say they do not have my papers. Also My wife does not use my last name nor is it Ho. Not a happy computer geek today.
  12. Well Dec trip is over. Spent a week in airports trying to get back. At least I was able to get them the paperwork by the time they requested but I was then told that they would not look at the paperwork until March. Wish they would have told me that before I took a month of no pay to go to China. Sure that said I had to have the paperwork to them by Dec 15th. But then to be told they would not look at the paperwork until next year. That part I did not like. Once again I have to hurry up and wait.
  13. finances are good. it was the almost the only thing that was not checked on the blue slip for items for me to re-provide. House in Aiea HI I rent out to military people took care of that. Was being pushed out of the military worth it to marry the love of my life. YES, I would do it in a heart beat again, but I would not wait as long as I did to marry her. Now the only problem I have is after the DOD sent a letter explaining that my Navy Passport will be Black Lined except for the China and Russia trips, GUZ has said that will not do. So if I do not post again after DEC 12th it means I am living with my wife in China. If I can not bring her here I will live there. Baba or as he has me call him Shang Xiao. Would love for me to live with him at the Army house he has. Both he and my wife say I could pretty much find a job my first day if I lived there.
  14. I fully agree with this. I would have been happy to fix this on the spot rather than try to figure out what was asked. My wife knows some English butif i was there I could have explained it to my wife in a different way to help her better undersatnd what was asked etc
  15. Trust me I have pressed to meet with them face to face and have my wife get a new interview since the last one was not done correctly. (IE.. Having to wait almost a month to get the parts of the blue slip the VO did not hand to my wife.) I was told that due to my case they can look over my papers during the American time and say "this will do or I need to add this or that". But they will not fully discuss my case. They also said if I am not polite and play nice I will be forced to mail the items instead of hand delivering the items they requested. Handing over the papers in person is a special thing and is rare I am finding out so I have to play by thier rules. It will be hard to do but I have faith my wife will be PINK in Jan or Feb.
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