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yuan fen

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Everything posted by yuan fen

  1. That's Awesome! I'll pass it on to my Jie to read. From the pictures, comes a thousand words. You are a lucky man. Peace. Eric
  2. Lao po uses soap? Yes! Liquid soap, gel soap, bar soap, hand soap, face soap, hair soap, and clothes soap (bathroom related)! Can't be too clean.
  3. Lao po grew up in a farming community. The stories of her childhood are very graphic, similar to some of the pictures here. No shoes, minimal clothes, denied food, and expected to work. I have seen this side of China. It's really hard to take face to face.
  4. "Current Plans" are for her to be here. I don't know what the agenda will be though. Most likely it will involve never ending calls to China with the lao wei screaming "Happy New Year" in Chinese.
  5. Attending ACH is a wise decision, good face. If that means anything. Although, there are too many other factors, ACH or no ACH. Bonified Relationship. ACH does show involvement, as does interview day, and trips to China. and so on. This is my belief. But, not required, in terms of many cases. I did not attend ACH, but rather spoke to a Consulate Officer in Guanzhou in Citizens Services who had prior work experience in the IV Unit. I was logged as visiting the Consulate. The response was informative, but not a conclusive one. You walk into China, they know.
  6. Are you talking there or here? I am curious what they liked? Can you elaborate? PS: I see some sorta new folks. Welcome to CFL. Hope your journey is smooth. Here. We have co-workers come to McKinney often. Since I speak "slower," and have "Chinese Wife" I get "detail." Company paid. Usually get great seats at the games too. B-Ball, Hockey, Fooseball. Anyway, Ribs, neck bones, ox tail, greens, "East Texas" hot links (Pittsburg certainly) , fried taters, green beans, pork chops, cabbage, cornbread, and pigs feet. Didn't have a chance to try hog mals, or chittlins, but I bet they would have been liked as well. Cajun/Creole food goes well with the ones who like it spicy. Red beans and rice with seafood, mud bugs, ettoufee, hit it with Tabasco. Mmmmmm-Mmmmm. Just good ole Texas BBQ is a favorite too! . Tex-Mex, so-so. There is not many true Mexi-resturants here in Mckinney. I did see flour tortillas in China, well they were steamed. Jie makes them. I need to teach her how to make vinison tamals. Now, pizza, fried chicken, and hamburgers?, they have no interest in usually, they can get that in Shanghai
  7. Ooopps.... I think it might be off to the culture discussion. Jie has this same "pre-determined" notion about "Western Food." She does not eat many things because she will get fat, well this is the answer I get. She is not here yet, a few more weeks. But, in many cases I have taken my co-workers from Shanghai to eat at many homecooked resturants they say, "this like China food, I like." This is Southern Food, or Soul food. "Cheap it is," and very different from main stream resturants in the US. My friends are from various locals in China, they usually stay for 3-4 weeks at a time, and we frequent the same place often at their request. Make them Fat? Maybe? No problem, Lao po can cook her greens, I will cook my "ro". (meat)
  8. Great writing, each entry excelent. Thanks.
  9. Excelent! Congratulations! Screaming and Shaking. Yes, with Jie, this is something I'll never forget. Speedy process to ya'll.
  10. Congatulations! Again ya'll.. When I told Jie last night she said, "friend go together wife Guangzhou good luck." She was very happy to hear the news. Merry Christmas! Eric
  11. "but does anyone know how this is handled if she is still waiting for her GC?" File for AP right out the gate? I still need to look this up. But, I echo this question. Not only if a family member gets too ill, but in a line of work where one could be sent to China anytime. They will want her to travel with back to China also, which I would. Don't know when. Could be tomorrow, next week, next month. We have talked of these very issues early in our relationship, and still do today. There are several members here, that their spouse returns often, or is there at the moment.. How do they handle this situation? One denies Chips, another buys face cream, another they just go back for a month or so too, anyway, Ron good topic. If she did not want to come back, would one go there?
  12. Most recent years taxes are required if looked at. If one feels that further documentation is needed to prove the case, three years will be accepted. Often recomended. Are you self employed? Will "04" be a problem? I bet there is not enough information to say yes or no, on this question. Not for certain anyway. What gets overlooked in one case becomes an issue in another. Someone may be able to put more light on the subject, it is early. I'll bump it.
  13. Anything that is "recent dated" is better in our opinion. Being there is nice, but no time it seems. Then. You could dive in to "07" to get "06", but hey, I have seen more impressive things. Sorry about that, Yuan Yang has been up forever answering the many questions of the new members. He said, "the most recent tax returns for the past 3 years." Hehehe Anyway, back to the topic. If you have given her all the financials. Oh, they will ask for this in many cases. P.S. You could be positive she knows what the docs are, and where the docs are. All the documents from the P3 list, dated as such. Fee Paid? Medical Done? P4 Documents completed? Wake up call scheduled for the wife? Good Luck!
  14. PM frank1538, I bet he knows.
  15. A Car? Hey, Bill. Good here. Not sure on the driving thing yet. In Texas, we will need insurance, and a pass on a written test. Jie will learn one day. Neely has been studying right?
  16. A Car? Hey, Bill. Seriously, I'm not sure on this one. Good to see you.
  17. Excelent! We are happy to see ya'll's overcome. Our interview was on the same day the first go around in Oct. We have waited to see the good news. Congratulations!
  18. Well, the "Company Purchase Program", in China. Yea, right! Haier seemed to be a popular brand in China for appliances. They may offer something. If one could read Chinese, one could tell. Haier Dishwashers, some of these companies have a minimum order of 2 containers, but I bet they have distributors somewhere. Here is a page with a few dishwashers. The controls are at the bottom so I would have to guess it sits on a stand, and fairly compact. Something similar to what one would see in a bar setup. Dishwasher-Disinfective-Apparatus
  19. Howdy Mike! Please be from Tejas, please! You can act like it if you are not, hao ma?(Ok) Welcome! It's okay if you are from somewheres else too. We Texans are not that bad?
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