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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Geez, the ingenuity it took to fake it seems almost as impressive as the stuff that was "real".
  2. I read that when it was in the paper. I avoided posting it because so many here can't read the slightest hint of criticism of China without going on a rant about the evil press. I don't agree with much of what Chapman writes but I thought he had this about right. He's basically saying that while China has it's warts on the political and human rights front (and it does whether we witness it first hand or not) there's much more to the country and the people if anyone takes the opportunity to find out. We're much more aware of that here than the vast majority of our fellow citizens because we've been there to experience it. Folks here are fond of saying, and rightly so, that change/progress IS happening in China but can't be expected overnight. I think the same can be said of western attitudes (and not just in the US) that have been formed over decades of China's history. That history has included some pretty bad things but some pretty wonderful things as well. The bad things get most of the press. Sorry, that's just the way it works. I think that will change over time as China continues to open up and outsiders learn more of what we've learned. But, like the incredible turnaround in China's economy over the last couple decades or so, that will take time.
  3. I never had any problems in Shanghai or anywhere else. I was pretty careful but I did use ice cubes at restaurants (hate warm Sprite) and brushed my teeth with tap water at our hotel in Shanghai. The water at the hotel may have been purified somehow, I don't know. Otherwise it was bottled water or Sprite.
  4. I really felt for that kid. Imagine the pressure-cooker they're under in their home country. It's one thing to go to Athens or Atlanta and perform perfect routines. But to do it at home in front of 1.3 billion people?
  5. Looks like he was referring to the man in the white shirt Dave. "Hey Dad, this guy says he knows where we can get some fantastic duck. And Cheney doesn't even have to shoot it." B)
  6. Well if she wins a medal you can ask to see it.
  7. Sorry Dennis. I was referring of course to their warm-up routine.
  8. Ah Dave I featured it in my Hainan thread...Don't you read it??? Anywho they transported 17,000 tons of fine Hainan white beach sand to BJ for the Games...Atheletes rated it THE BEST they had ever played on... B) I did read it. That's why I mentioned it when the boys at NBC were talking it up.
  9. Welcome to Candle Justin. Just my two cents on some of your questions. Others will be able to answer the more technical aspects about jobs and such. I do know that you'll need to have 3 years of tax returns so if you didn't file while in China you need to get started on that. Since your interview will be in about 9-12 months at the earliest, you have time to establish yourself in a job so you can show income etc. But judging from what you've said, it sounds like you'll need a co-sponsor which won't have a negative impact on your case as long as the financial limits are met. Many people use co-sponsors. It's not a problem. No, seeking a lawyer will NOT speed up the process. Just hanging out here and being able to fill out forms along with attention to detail should get you through the process. It has for many here. The fact that you have friends who've gone through it is definately a plus. Forget the lawyer. Good luck.
  10. 1988 was the last "amateurs" only Olympics. Since then it's been whoever a country wants to play. Before that the US played against many teams whose players were basically state funded. But I agree with you Smitty. It seemed more interesting when it was our real amateurs against their fauz ones.
  11. Hey Rog, They were just talking about your lovely Hainan sand on NBC. Looks llke it's taking quite a beating in the downpour they're playing in now. Seems to be holding up though.
  12. Excellent news! Congrats. Five days? Oh well, great things are worth waiting for right? Have a great trip back.
  13. Here's an article about folks who plan to watch online and on alternative sources. Not sure which outlets will carry in live though. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/we...5f-31d2610b84f0 You're a good man Dave. We'll give the 3 they mentioned a try. Thank you and hope you and your beautiful wife are well!!! Same to you and yours Michael.
  14. Here's an article about folks who plan to watch online and on alternative sources. Not sure which outlets will carry in live though. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/we...5f-31d2610b84f0
  15. You could ask where are the odds better Jim??? That China will be deeply changed by this cosmetic clean-up... Or that the Cubbies will finally win it all... Hmmm...That IS a tough one.
  16. Interesting slice of life story about the "before" half of life in Beijing leading up to the Olympics. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080806/ap_on_...nitized_beijing
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