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Everything posted by susieq

  1. hiya! you can simply look at my case and hope it would probably gives you some insightful idea about what this P3-fuss is about. Good luck! http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13950 -FYI
  2. your timeline chart is great!!! pls add my timeline for your project,hehe..thanks!!
  3. My Controls > Edit Signature 171608[/snapback] awesome! Ta!
  4. Susieq has just got P3 this morning! I called the post office this morning at like 7:20am and they told me that i had that mail! holly cow..from 9/26-11/25!! So i'd like to add my timeline-so-far but dont know how,so i just simply put: 8-31-2005 petition handed in at VSC 9-02-2005 NOA1 9-14-2005 NOA2 online approval 9-26-2005 Fiance got a mail saying that our case was forwarded to GUZ on that day. 11-07-2005 Check with DHL,GZ stamped the 9-26-2005 package. 11-15-2005 called DOS,was told that my P3 was so-called mailed out off to me on 11-14-2005.. 11-25-2005 Aha,here i go. I got the P3 on hand! So basically my timeline was quite similar to that of Ken's except my initial starting point was like 2 months after his.( i guess it's due to the VSC "rocket" centre that pushed my case so hard and now it has just been released from the blackhole for a while thank god!) Good luck everyone we will all get there! and for me susieq, I wont stop rumbling about my visa process on and on until the day i finally get that damn thing!
  5. just a small notice for all the friends here who have been giving their advice on the p3 awaits. So all i can do is to wait huh..that's so lame..hehe
  6. dont worry,they told everybody of that "90-120 days" thing before they have done your namecheck and send your case off to GUZ ,it's probably going through the name check and if your name is as rare as my fiance's,yours would get roll on its way to GUZ within 12 days!!!! Gook luck and keep us dated about your case process!!!! 169281[/snapback] oh my...after over 1.5 months waiting,DOS finally said that the P3 was sent out to me on 11/14,same day as ken's! We're really in the same boat aha! i hope our good news will bright up the hope for those who are in the same timeline with us and are still waiting for p3! I strong recommend calling DOS at 202-663-1225,and hit 1-0-0 to get an human operator.Pls do that and let the great news bring up your day!! 169454[/snapback] Glad to hear the news, let us know when you get P3, we'll do the same. Maybe we'll see you guys in Guangzhou ! Ken & Jie 170016[/snapback] ken, i havent heard from P3 yet. what about your guys? I assumed that they send out p3 off to another place first instead of directly to us;-/ I hope that we can get them by monday. Geez,from 11/14 to 11/20..it's still not in its destination yet,that's a long-haul trip for p3 man!!!
  7. dont worry,they told everybody of that "90-120 days" thing before they have done your namecheck and send your case off to GUZ ,it's probably going through the name check and if your name is as rare as my fiance's,yours would get roll on its way to GUZ within 12 days!!!! Gook luck and keep us dated about your case process!!!! 169281[/snapback] oh my...after over 1.5 months waiting,DOS finally said that the P3 was sent out to me on 11/14,same day as ken's! We're really in the same boat aha! i hope our good news will bright up the hope for those who are in the same timeline with us and are still waiting for p3! I strong recommend calling DOS at 202-663-1225,and hit 1-0-0 to get an human operator.Pls do that and let the great news bring up your day!!
  8. dont worry,they told everybody of that "90-120 days" thing before they have done your namecheck and send your case off to GUZ ,it's probably going through the name check and if your name is as rare as my fiance's,yours would get roll on its way to GUZ within 12 days!!!! Gook luck and keep us dated about your case process!!!!
  9. Remember that it is Christmas. I have had connections in Embassies before. Prior to the holidays, they begin to really buckle down and "clear their desks!" They are doing this due the fact that they will take their break, and a huge amount of paper hits them immediately after New Years Day holiday. 169211[/snapback] Great post and thanks for some encouraging words. I have thought about what you say........we are in the same timeline as Susieq, and just found out our P3 is on the way. I am seeing many people go from p3 to interview in 2 to 3 months now. I hope this affects us and susieq. If we have P3 now, it is possible to have P4 before Christmas, and interview in January. Of course it is speculation, but gotta have hope ! Does the same reasoning apply to when consulate is closed on Chinese Holidays? Like the Chinese New Year? 169219[/snapback] i've already had a dream about my interview date,it would be on march.28.2006. Up to this point,am not so worried as my timeline is very close to yours. I just hope that they would really get my case on hand and put the case number into the system.That's what I have in mind atm,other than that,i'm not expecting anything else until the end of this year.Or i could just wish to get p3 as one of my Xmas gifts;)
  10. i cant agree with you more on that! also,i called DOS a couple of weeks ago,they told me that they couldnt provide any information regarding to my P3 until the GZ consulate got our cases numbers on hand and have them entered into the system. Otherwise,calling them seems to be pretty useless too.. 168324[/snapback] susieq, I promised to let you know about P3. Today I called that DOS and they said the consulate mailed it yesterday,. The Visa Center told my SO they had no information and that we had to wait 2 to 4 months for it. She will call the Visa Center again to see if they really have accurate, up to date information. BUT: P3 is on the way ! ! ! ! and, DOS told me they had the new address entered into the system. P3 is on the way ! ! ! 169062[/snapback] Ken,I'm so happy for you guys! i am going to give DOS a spanky call tonight and see what they'll say for my case!!! I hope my case could be there at the time i call too! Get ready to grab the p3 forms and go rock!!!!!!
  11. wow..what can i say.. I just wanted to say that you have a very smart woman who also has a very generous heart like most of the other Chinese women regarding to spending their every single day in this utterly overwhelming period! We all suffer more or less in many ways,and we all know what it takes to bring our beloved ones back in the future.While not like others,we have unfairly had numerous days not being able to be with our loved ones.That's not fair..however..nothing is fairable in this world.. Good luck to all of the Chinese-US lovers!!!!! Thanks to those two countires' natural and policies stuff, it has made us awesome couples!!!!!!
  12. good luck with potato! I have a sense that she'll awesomely pass really quickly! Good luck to you too!OMG she's waiting for your congratz kiss shortly after!!!!!...exciting!
  13. i cant agree with you more on that! also,i called DOS a couple of weeks ago,they told me that they couldnt provide any information regarding to my P3 until the GZ consulate got our cases numbers on hand and have them entered into the system. Otherwise,calling them seems to be pretty useless too..
  14. yes,calling DOS is one of the ways to find out if the GZ side has already got your hard file. But the GZ side has to get the hard file in the first place!!!!
  15. i think i'm going to fax GZ to confirm on my address and give out my cellphone number as well. I hope that their fax machine is not an ornament. is 020-8121-8341 is the right fax number in GZ consulate?
  16. Can you clarify why they had the wrong address ? 168292[/snapback] yea i feel a bit worried about the address too.I'm sure that i gave my fiance the right address,but some of the exampls from 001 makes me feel not confident enough about that..I dont fully trust GZ side,the work attitudes from the operational level there must be horrible anyway!!
  17. ken,Sure thing.I'll keep you posted on anything about p3 that comes up! Jim,yea that's also what i'm doing at the same time..I'm not complianing about this slow process to my fiancee everyday anymore..i guess that's a huge step forward to me in terms of my attitude towards this visa await. But still I worry about things that I have to and i shout my thoughts and wonders out as usual and... CFL is great!!! I'll take your words;)
  18. Do you get any help at that #? If yes, what can they tell you? 168185[/snapback] They would tell you nothing.. i've already tried..the person at NVC call centre told me that once the case's been sent off to GZ they would have no idea about the later on story about the case at all.
  19. It's been over one month and a half since my case was forwarded to GZ on 9/26. And from DHL website,i found out that the package got delieverd to the Consulate on 11/7. Now it's 11/13. I start getting more worried about not having any news on P3. I am not sure if i'm still in the safe 'timezone'..I've tried to convince myself not to worry about it too much by this period as normally i should be expected to wait for another 10-15 days after 11/7, before they inputting the cases into the computer system and EMSing the P3 off to me. However,my real concern would be whether or not I could wait for any more longer than that?!?! one more month await from now on,or two or three????? I am really sick of the waiting.Now the case is just disconnected from NVC,being forwarded to GZ, while in GZ only god knows if the visa guys have already recieved my case physically. I cant find any peace of security at this point upon this kind of situation,it's like i got lost and found myself in the middle of nowhere.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......I need find a way out!!!!
  20. my p2 was on Sep 14,and we were told that our case was forwarded to GZ on Sep 26. I'm waiting for my p3 here as well...*sigh*
  21. ahha,another "on hand" ..;(..oh hey Hanli btw,i've add you to my msn list,i hope i can talk to you soon so that we can both think of a way of making things at least a bit happening.!!
  22. Thank you for helping answer my question.But pls read my post carefully before giving your advice..I know what "on hand' means and i know it supposed to step into "at gateway" status shortly after being "on hand".But it's not the case at all about my parcel.That's why i asked.;-/ AGAIN: I need to stress that this parcel has been sitting there as "on hand" since 9/30,and it never reach the "at gateway" status,which is a big deal for me!!
  23. OMG!! Is that what it is???!! I feel so sorry about some of you guys' similar situations too:( Also I did remembered that I called DOS four days ago,but it didnt seem to be helpful,the operator just told me that she didnt think that GZ had physically got that package yet.and from her tune,i just figured that she wouldnt have any idea about the problems that usually happen at DHL anyway. 'On Hand'=denied clearance?? is that real?? what made it a denied clearance??? That's too terrible..i was told that it usually takes 1.5-2 months for one to get P3,and now 2-4months???!!
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