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Everything posted by stacato

  1. I am glad to see that you are keeping the fight alive. Hope you can see the in laws in the US soon.
  2. That's what I want to know, great question 220459[/snapback] They do protect American citizens, women. The men seem to get the short end of the stick. If it wasn't sad I would laugh.
  3. Are you telling me that maybe I should start worrying that my visa process is going to take longer?
  4. It really makes little sense that they completely toss the proven science of "First In, First Out," or FIFO. GUZ uses DHL as their holding facility for weeks at a time for all the packages sent to them by the NVC. Then, once per week they have a group of boxes dropped off at their facility. Do they look at the dates on these boxes? Hell no. It appears that someone works on Saturdays and opens whatever box happens to suit them at the time. Frustrating? You bet! Stupid? More stupid than Wily Coyote strapping an Acme rocket pack to his back thinking he'll catch the roadrunner. Can we do anything? I've pissed and moaned about it until my laundry basket overflowed. Trouble is, ain't no-one listening. Here's to hoping for those of you still waiting that perhaps this Saturday someone will get to it.....We can only hope... 209865[/snapback] That's right Jesse, FIFO my @$$! 210039[/snapback] Forget the FIFO , where is my FICO?? Answer: Go ask my EX, she has all the answers...
  5. If your case is "loaded" it's a good sign. Nothing much more you can do but wait. 219669[/snapback] I am a bit confused. Can a case be "loaded" but still be in customs? My case is loaded, but DHL said (after an investigation) that it is still being held up in customs. 219675[/snapback] I have heard of cases being "Loaded" before arriving physically to GUZ. I deffinitly read it in an old post the other day. I just wish I remembered which one it was.
  6. It seems like they can't have more breakups than any other couple: just one. After they break up, they aren't a couple any more, and all it takes is one... 219344[/snapback] Couples dude.. he wrote couples, not a couple...
  7. None of the above. It was Pedro and Theresa shortly after they crossed the Rio Grande
  8. Good points. This is also true when it comes to job interviews. An applicant who is well groomed,positive, and communicates well, stands a better chance of getting the job. A lot of psychology at work here.
  9. Thanks for the info. I think that sometimes reading to many posts will get one worried. I know it happened to me ( But I'm stll here for some reason ) What you said is true, and that is why collecting evidence is key here. My approach is, kill them with documents hehe. Don't give them a chance for rejecting you. They ask for something, you gota have right there. This is the positive side of being online here. You read so many tips and suggestions, that if you follow them, then you can't go wrong. Congrats on your successfull journey and best of luck to you in you new life together!
  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Best of luck the rest of the journey.
  11. No, I do not believe it is the income. I make way over the minimum, over 6 figures. (but yes I do have bills with that income too) I really think after I saw the VO on Friday and asked him why, that it may have had to do with the fact that my divorce was finalized, after a year of court battles, living apart, in June 05 and I went to China and got engaged in July of 05. This is why I think they want to see proof of residency of my ex and me. 218747[/snapback] See, this is what I don't understand. A guy makes 6 figure income, and they think he might want to scam the goverment for money??.... and jeopardize everything he has for that? It just doesn't make sense.
  12. Hey Dan, I did one more thing in Wuhan - I got married!!! (Wife is from Yichang) Nice pictures
  13. Hey Favor, what happened with your visa? Please let us know.. hope you got it.
  14. Possible. I 'll tell you what though, I am going to GUZ with EVERY proof possible, so if and when we get hit with that blue slip, we are prepared with ANYTHING they might ask for. I don't want to have to scramble in the last minute. And knowing my luck... I WILL get hit with that blue slip
  15. Yes, reading the successes will bring you up, then you read about those last two.. bummer.. I guess i'll have to have my wife repeat my address for me 20 times (How in hell do they expect a Chinese to memorize her husband's US address is beyond me...) I will also get all the proof in the world to show that me and my ex are not scamming anyone. The lease on my house, her current address, SS number, my utility bills for the last 3 years her utility bills for the last 3 years (My son will get that for me...) and on and on and on. (F%^&ng process eh?)
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