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Everything posted by hunter

  1. Does it seem the period between P-3 and P-4 are the longest period to wait through? What are your thoughts?
  2. There is no way I want that to happen. As I said, it would only be a sybolic marriage, but, from what I'm reading, I should wait until after the legal marriage in the U.S. 205610[/snapback] Not to worry. Just don't register a marriage in China. Several members, including our own Frank, did a full blown ceremony in China before his wiife came over. Just don't show the "wedding" pictures at the interview. 205612[/snapback] If you absolutly have to marry her before her cr1 is finished, there should be no problem, just send in a I-130 and then K-3 it. I dont think if you were to marry while pending the cr1 that she would not be able to ever enter the usa.
  3. When your SO comes to the USA and you marry under the fiance visa, get your licence, adjust your status, then go back to china and have a ceremony with the family. When you marry in the USA you will be leagally married in China, that is by treaty.
  4. Hi Bill, Congrats by the way. The first thing is to have Chunyan get to the States. Once that happens, Candle is here to help as well as myself and my beautiful wife. If you'd like, I'll send an email with my #. Then, it's just another waiting game! Good luck!!! Eric and Lucy 205423[/snapback] Hey Izus, in just about every major city, there is an immigration office. You can look in your phone book under the blue pages, i'm sure you will find it there. You can call them and ask what specifically you need to do to adjust her status. I would go that route , then if you have any other questions or if things look hazy you can ask in CFL. But you want that info from the horses mouth i would think. Grats and good luck.
  5. Thank you Leefisher, I sent the fax this morning, I had no problem sending it. It was nearly a full page just sticking to the facts of the issue. Boy I hope this doesnt slow us down too much. 205412[/snapback] You need to begin checking with DOS to discover if the fax has been logged on the case and the status has changed concerning her child in the case. I worry about your full page of "facts", but hopefully they will understand that they need to change this one specific item in the computer so it can move forward. It took me 2 different faxed letters to get this done. 205415[/snapback] Ok, just so you know. On the fax, i put down my wifes name, her GUZ case number, her birthdate, my name and my relation to her. I told them about calling DOS and what they relayed to me. then I explained her son is in custody by her ex husband and we do not need a visa for him. i told them i just want the visa for my wife so she can come and we can start a family and a life together, then i pasted the part about 21A question 14 and 15, and NONE. thats about it. nothing else. was that too much or not enough? It was 1 pages cause i double spaced everything to make it easier to read. =) 205424[/snapback] Do you all think my wife should resubmit the DS-230 with the N/A erased and NONE added and send it to GUZ? Question 21a. "Person(s) named in 14 and 19 who will accompany you to the United States now" is NONE.
  6. Yes I saw that, I will make sure the P3 gets filled out correctly 205396[/snapback] Thats the same crap im dealing with now. My wife listed her son and GUZ thinks we want a visa for him so they delayed our interview date waiting for her sons visa app. GRRRRR make damn good and sure you specify for whom the visa is for.
  7. Thank you Leefisher, I sent the fax this morning, I had no problem sending it. It was nearly a full page just sticking to the facts of the issue. Boy I hope this doesnt slow us down too much. 205412[/snapback] You need to begin checking with DOS to discover if the fax has been logged on the case and the status has changed concerning her child in the case. I worry about your full page of "facts", but hopefully they will understand that they need to change this one specific item in the computer so it can move forward. It took me 2 different faxed letters to get this done. 205415[/snapback] Ok, just so you know. On the fax, i put down my wifes name, her GUZ case number, her birthdate, my name and my relation to her. I told them about calling DOS and what they relayed to me. then I explained her son is in custody by her ex husband and we do not need a visa for him. i told them i just want the visa for my wife so she can come and we can start a family and a life together, then i pasted the part about 21A question 14 and 15, and NONE. thats about it. nothing else. was that too much or not enough? It was 1 pages cause i double spaced everything to make it easier to read. =)
  8. Thank you Leefisher, I sent the fax this morning, I had no problem sending it. It was nearly a full page just sticking to the facts of the issue. Boy I hope this doesnt slow us down too much.
  9. The PIN number does not allow you to call GUZ, you speak with a support contractor. I think it is our collective experience that they do not provide anything more than you get for free at the DoS number. 205230[/snapback] I haven't even tried that number after reading some of the negative reports about the information others have said they provide, like incorrect, or outdated. Seems that most members agree that DOS has the information first, and everyone else second.... 205233[/snapback] ok, Our fax number is (8620) 3884-4412. Faxes are answered in the order received. They are treated with the same priority as mail. Do I need to do 011 86 before the number like when i'm calling my wife in china? they dont exactly make it easy to contact them.
  10. The lady at DOS , her name is B.J. told me, because of the issue with her son not having an app, the they are holding off on scheduling an interview. Whatever that means.
  11. No , I called DOS and they gave me that information. I just paid for a pin number to call GUZ, so they open from 8 to 5, china time Saturday so I'll give them a call tonight. 205210[/snapback] Remember that you're hearing from DOS, not GUZ (so far). The GUZ is more than happy (at least in my experience) to leave that matter open until the interview. 205211[/snapback] Having read that, I can only bang my head into my desk. I was told no interview was scheduled because of the issue of her son being on the application but there being no app for him. If it was that simple there would have been an interview scheduled. This is a typical bunch of bull crap that always has to happen in just about anything I try to do in my life. There is no easy road, just have to get with GUZ figure it out and hope for the best.
  12. No , I called DOS and they gave me that information. I just paid for a pin number to call GUZ, so they open from 8 to 5, china time Saturday so I'll give them a call tonight.
  13. Ok, here is a good question then. If I send a fax to GUZ from the usa, will there be a huge charge? I dont have a fax machine but there is on at my office. Will I need to call long distance to do it?
  14. My wife has a son, who is in full custody by her ex husband. My wife sent in the information on P-3, including her son. Guz is not at this point going to give the interview date because there is no application for her son. Her son is not applying for a visa, because the father has custody of him. OMG , i'm gonna email Guz and see if I can get them straight.
  15. Do you think you would have had any less of a chance getting your SO visa if you were not there sipping coffee? Gratz on getting your honey one step closer to home. 204073[/snapback] hunter........yes I do believe me being there "iced the cake".Upon handing the VO her passport,she included mine.I think this is probably the very strongest evidence you can provide for your SO;proving your love to the VO as well as to her.The more you can prove bona fide,the better. 204133[/snapback] So, by that logic. My wife probably will not get a visa then. I used 7 days to visit her in Feb 06, and I only have 10 days allowed for vacation. So if I choose to lose my job I can go to china when my wife has her interview. How could anyone put a human in that position? Its a shame that in our day and age, a man working hard at home so he can provide for his wife cannot be enough to "prove his love"
  16. What exactly is your question? I know you are in a tough spot, but take a deep breath and try to relay just the facts.
  17. I agree Red, if you felt that by me saying mexican people that i was being prejudiced, that is not so. It is fact that it is the usa/mexico border we are talking about after all. So one could only assume the bulk of the problem is coming from there. black , brown, yellow , if you break the law you are the same, a Lawbreaker. You need to be thrown out of the country and not allowed to apply for 5 or whatever years they say. Another thing one should consider. The elite rich of the country that are wanting so badly the cheap labor that is streaming across the usa/mexico border would call prejudice as a way of using the Race Card to impeade rule of law. All things being the same, if someone is illegally and feloniously in the country, securing a fake SSN is a FELONY, look it up, why cant I have immunity from one FELONY myself? Nobody in the USA who is a felon is ever excused from prosecution.
  18. Do you think you would have had any less of a chance getting your SO visa if you were not there sipping coffee? Gratz on getting your honey one step closer to home.
  19. It is very important to note, there are already tough immigration laws at present. The enforcment is underfunded, overworked and way way under man powered. It is important to note, the rich elite class of america will continue to try to allow mexican people into the country so they can pay them way way less than they would pay a law abiding and proud american. There is no job that is too beneath any person, provided it pays decently. Only someone who is legally in america who is lazy or just unmotivated would get welfare just because they wont scrub toilets if it pays the bills. My mom raised me and my sister busting her arse in 2 jobs and always fed us and sheltered us. Of course, my dad helped by paying child support, he was a man of honor. Not like many dead beat dads out there, who also wont take a job if its beneath them to do it. As far as the laws around immigration issues. I am only interested in a lessening of bureaucracy in the entire process, and a speeding up. A government job shouldnt be some cushy cozy lets not bust a sweat job.
  20. Just as long as we dont go into other peoples countries and blow them up in our quest to bring them freedom. I hope the bad guys go away. Why dont the world powers just try to lift themselves up? If countries could support their burgening populations the populace would be more encouraged to just stay put in the first place.
  21. I told my wife, we can hook her laptop upstairs, and I can sit downstairs on my PC and let the video chat begin. I wonder if when she is finally here, if my monitor will be calling to me.
  22. I deal. Work is picking up now. I work in the field of pest control. I am a pest control ninja, I absolutly get it done, and its done right normally the first time. I cover all of Southern Indiana, louisville and up to 60 miles north and 30 miles west of town. Spring is the busy time of the year so I got real fast moving days ahead. By looking at your records, I show I need to display much more patience.
  23. YO, congratulations ... great news, makes us all very happy people - you understand my meaning? Wheel Man 202970[/snapback] congratulation brother, and 18 months is a hell of a long wait for your loved one to come to you. hope it was worth all that =)
  24. My wife and I have been waiting for P4 for K-3 visa petition for 33 days now. I called today and when they gave the standard speil, I asked if the namecheck was in progress and if we were in the interview que. The name check/security check has not even begun to be done yet. What does that mean? Is that normal? thanks everyone. i'm mostly ranting, and I know that.
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