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Everything posted by hunter

  1. well, after going through all the stuff i had to go through, now i'm waiting for my wife to finish visiting her family, which i endorced and encouraged her to do. once she is done she will fly to the usa, i expect her june 23. thats only 2 weeks, compared to waiting nearly 9 months for our visa. ok i know there are a lot of you still in process, and i encourage you to just, as my wife says, wait the time. but i am full of the same feelings as waiting for noa-s or p3 or whatever. i'm not getting much sympathy here am i? lol. good luck everyone.
  2. This may sound somewhat insensitive. But here it goes. When I realized I started having feelings for my now, wife. I asked her point blank, are you in the CCP? She said adamantly NO. And I must have asked her a few more times just trying to be absolutly certain. When we entered the I love you stage, I asked her again, and when we wanted to marry, I again asked her making sure she understood, it is hard to enter US with CCP. Fortunatly, my wife has never joined CCP. Any person new to this site, ask your SO about CCP and if there is any issue, make sure you guys can overcome. Get a waiver whatever. I can well understand the heartache one would have if it were to get to interview and have that issue. I am happy, that you were honest with the VO, and i'm hoping and praying you will overcome this. Good luck.
  3. I just had to comment on the fact, we all survived 6/6/06. I hope it was a good day for interviews. My wife said her 2 room mates both got blue slips. I hope it wasnt somebody I know from here.
  4. David, you rock man, that was hilarious =)
  5. Pshbark, you heard correctly, she was not asked to provide even an iota of proof or tax stuff nor i-134, nothing. big fat 0. hehe, only some pictures and stuff about her child. she said it was 2 minutes. she tried to give the vo some proof but he wouldnt accept it, aparantly i provided sufficient info and they were happy with it. if you dot your i's cross your t's and pay attention to what cfl says. its easy! Furthermore, I want to express my heart felt thank you's and you know who you are. Thank you for the support, prayers, and good advice, even if the answers were not what I wanted, I always paid strict attention to everything.
  6. Ok, after chatting with my wife, I got the details. She got to the Embassy at 7:00 am. She waited in line until 8:00 then went up to the 6th floor where she gave them the medical stuff. She then went to the 5th floor for the interview. She had to swear that she was honest on rovocation of ever coming to the USA. An hour later she was called to window 19, where she had to explaine that her ex husband had guardianship of her son and she had to fill out a form and sign it and date it. Then she was called up to have her right index finger printed. Later she was called to window 29 where an unidentifiable asian man conducted the interview. She said it was around 10:00 when that occured. The vo asked her again about her son, asked if she spoke english and she told him yes. After a bit they reverted to chinese, I guess she was having a hard time hearing him through the window microphone. He then asked to see some pictures and 2 minutes later stamped her passport and said she had a visa. My wife said all the vo's that she had contact with were very kind and smiled. Thats about it.
  7. Well, thank you all for the wonderful replies. I didnt get all that much detail other than, she went up to the VO, with all the stuff she brought, it took 2 minutes. He only wanted to see a few pictures but he had made up his mind before she even got there. When my wife asked if he wanted to see anything else he replied, I sent in enough evidence and that he didnt need to see anything else.
  8. I dont have any details, but she passed. Thank you for the prayers. While I was sleeping, I was dreaming of trying to find a PC to check my messenger, and I could not!!! I found one but it had a money slot but I had not money, I just had to wake up and see. HEHE. boy, back to bed , but how can I sleep now?
  9. Thanks everybody. It means a lot to have your prayers and support. She is staying in the hotel at the embassy so as soon as she gets out of the interview she will log on MSN and let me know. X-ing fingers. toes, arms legs lol
  10. My wifes interview will be in about 3 hours. She is out of bed, taking a shower and having some breakfast. This is the say we have waited for, for so long. Pray for us please.
  11. My wife already got the med stuff done, She got that done about as soon as she got the P-4. And of course i'm going to give you guys every detail.
  12. My wife flew to GUZ today and will be staying in the hotel over the embassy. anybody SO there now or soon?
  13. It is true that the USA only accepts so many visa's in a given year. Is there any way to find out how many have been issued so far, and how many are alloted for? I have never seen a post about this so perhaps i'm breaking new ground. Maybe some of the really bad hold up's were from visa allotments maxed out at the time?
  14. I am honored that I have reached the venerable and prostigous rank of senior member, YEAH ME!!! hehe. All kidding aside, I faxed my wife her last tid bit of info she wanted. I'll lay it out, when I got the Noa1 for I-130, I then filed the I-129F, but what I did, instead of telling them I was in china Sept. 05, I mistakenly put in Oct. 05, It didnt seem to bother anybody at DOS or DOH because the petition was approved. But just in case the VO is fastidious, as I expect him/her to be, I sent a letter explaining the typographical error and told them the correct dates, which of course will be on my visa papers in the copies of my passports, the marriage book also will have the correct date. Now, this may seem really over and above, but I had a notarized paper about the fact that on record I have never engaged in marriage with anybody. I had it notarized by the city county clerk, the Secretary of state of Kentucky, and then DOS in washington DC, so there will be absolutly no question as to my single status. Being that we only have 5 days to wait now, and in regard the vo hasnt given the yes/no. I just wish to thank you all for the great advice and guidance in this arduous and heart rending process. With love and humble respect.
  15. I'd just like to know, if GUZ is so short handed, they would do very well not to take any excuse to have a holiday, I mean its bull they get US holidays and Chinese holidays off. Just my 2 cents, and my P-4 took 58 days, so define normal again? =)~
  16. I will be sure to post the results. Were staying strong, she has everything detailed and catagorized , big piles of evidence.
  17. Newday, we are persueing the K-3 visa. Even though the I-130 was approved after the K-3. Just a shade from 9 months from start to interview.
  18. I realize that the post I made about mailing a package was in the wrong forum, and it was moved. Sorry I did not pay attention to all that. I did want to post to say my wife did indeed receive her package yesterday. All that stress is just melted away. =) 8 days to go!
  19. With all due respect Pushbrk, i'm not trying to barely squeek by, i'm only trying to be certain that I have what I need and by knowing if what I have is over the minimum then thats helpful because I at least know where the bottom is. Now as far as my wife being on top of her game, i'm not going to knock that down. =)
  20. Yes, of course, I took that with me on my 2nd visit to see her. Notarized by my bank. I also sent her every scrap of bank records the bank worker could compile, it took 20 minutes. Just courious, I think the poverty line is 16,500 for 2 people, and whatever 125% of that is, I made over 26k last year, is that sufficient?
  21. Hey Mike, i appreciate the offer, I will try to list all the stuff we have aquired for our interview to use as proof. We of course have 5 books of pictures, each containing around 25 pics each, airline ticket stubs, my itinerary given me by my travel agent. Copies of receipts for everything I did in China on my 2 visits to China. Even the money change receipts were kept. 3 years of prepared back taxes with w-2s. The receipt for the wedding rings. A letter from my company, the email from her father welcoming me to the family after I asked her dads permission to marry her. Pictures of the nice man from china who is my dads friend and my dad working in my dads workshop on their R/C airplanes, also pics of the same man with her dad. A letter from this Chinese man and a note from his employer. Copies of my passport with visa's. A letter hand written by me expressing my intent and feelings for her. A letter from my dad saying she is welcome to live in his home with me. Bills of the house that I mailed to my wife. If i think of anything else i'll be sure to post, I'm sure I didnt forget the kitchen sink hehe. Oh, yahoo, MSN, email logs, and phone printouts from my echina phone card.
  22. At this point, if my wife has peace of mind, i'm happy and joy. God knows, were both out of our minds with worry and hoping for the best.
  23. What can I say, my wife is a machine. I swear. I have no doubt she is the smarter of the 2 of us, so I dont mind saying yes dear when she says something. I wonder, do you think I should have the copies of my passport visa notarized, and is that important? I can easily have my bank do it. Hey, thanks for the wise words Pushbrk, you rock bro. =) Oh, I only have 2 pages of my passport stamped from my 2 trips there and back. Should I also have the blank pages copied and notarized too?
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