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Everything posted by ameriken

  1. Jie just called me, and she got P3 today ! We are going to try send it today too (China's today), so they have it Friday. She has form 230 ready to go. But I have a question.... ...they sent it to the wrong address (her parents). On the I129F, when she lived with her parents, we used their address. After Jie moved, I asked GUZ how to change it, and they said fax it in Chinese characters. I did...twice, in Oct and Nov. I emailed to followup and GUZ said they got it. More recently, I called DOS about P3...she said the address was changed Oct 22, and read me her parents address. She said P3 was sent there on Nov 14. Cheez! So, I emailed GUZ again to verify, and again GUZ said it was changed Oct 22. Here is their exact reply: Thanks for your email. We received your wife's updated mailing address in Oct22, and the packet 3 was sent to you on Nov14, we assumed that it shouldn't be any misdelivery so far. However, you are welcome to contact us if your wife still can't receive it within next week. Sincerely, Immigrant Visa Unite U.S. Consulate Guangzhou Today it was delivered to her parents! So, what can we do to make sure this will be corrected? We are going to try to send P3 before the end of the day (Thanksgiving) in China. We are grateful it is her parents house, but for other reasons, it needs to be changed. Any suggestions? Here new address is on form 230. Is this enough? Any other general suggestions on the P3 itself before we send it? Thanks everyone for your help thus far ! I know there are a few others with address changes while P3 is pending...we hope your suggestions will help us, and help anyone else in a similar situation.
  2. We only guesstimated. NVC says they sent it the Sept 23, we estimated that it was picked up by DHL the next business day. That package was delivered and the case entered before the following days packages were delivered. Follow 2 or 3 business days after the day NVC says they sent it. Go to the DHL site to the tracking page. Enter I-730 and the date. and it will give you the info you need on where it is. By the way, Jie just called me............we just got P3 today !
  3. No, I sure dont, I dont know exactly what her process was, I just know she began with a phone call to the notary, and about 2 visits there. If you still need more info, let me know and I will ask more details from her.
  4. We (susieq and me and our SO's) are on the same timeline from NVC... NVC send date is 9/23, DHL pickup is 9/26. This package arrived at the consulate on 11/14. I think susieq would agree that we are beyond worry and have moved into the zone. By the way, rosyanne, great website & thanks for posting it. (http://www.visausakit.com/) I just passed your link and the CFL link on to a friend of mine who is just starting the ordeal. Oops, I mean process.
  5. A couple of us had 9 months from NOA1 to visa, so it can be done quicker (I think someone was only 7 months). Check the Timeline information pinned at the top of the General Visa forum, for recent projections. 170756[/snapback] Didnt someone just recently do 160 days from Noa1 to Visa?
  6. In Shanghai, my SO went to the govt notary office. Start there and they will give her some instructions about everything. She can call the police dept to find which dept to get the police record, and can get her birth cert from the notary. I had her get 5 copies of her birth because she will likely need it again in the US. For the single cert there is another govt office where she can get a certified copy saying she has not had a marriage since 2002 (computer records). Again, I think she can ask the notary office. She did this in addition to the notarized statement. Then the notary will translate everything. For all this we paid about 15 or 1600 rmb. But have her start with the govt notary office and they will direct her where to get the single cert. She will need her family id for everything. Again, this is Shanghai, other cities of course may be different.
  7. I have talked to my SO about this, we agreed to include the time I am there for the interview. We also agreed that whenever the VO asks a question and my SO answers, she will follow the answer with the question "Would you like to see the (passport) (photos) (taxes) etc"
  8. Do the # of pieces also figure into the equation.... a maximum # of pieces? I was thinking just 2 each...........
  9. Congratulations on the good outcome, and thanks for sharing everything. Its amazing to hear stories of how those who try to be so complete with the evidence, that it actually works against them
  10. FAQS would be great, thanks for all the answers, and I will pass on anything I find out too.
  11. 169281[/snapback] 169454[/snapback] 170016[/snapback] ken, i havent heard from P3 yet. what about your guys? I assumed that they send out p3 off to another place first instead of directly to us;-/ I hope that we can get them by monday. Geez,from 11/14 to 11/20..it's still not in its destination yet,that's a long-haul trip for p3 man!!! 170129[/snapback] susieq-I think it will be any day now.........I believe delivery can be about a week or so. We were sent on the 14th too. Will let you know! Anyone have any comment on the timeframe for GZ to point of delivery?
  12. dont worry,they told everybody of that "90-120 days" thing before they have done your namecheck and send your case off to GUZ ,it's probably going through the name check and if your name is as rare as my fiance's,yours would get roll on its way to GUZ within 12 days!!!! Gook luck and keep us dated about your case process!!!! 169281[/snapback] oh my...after over 1.5 months waiting,DOS finally said that the P3 was sent out to me on 11/14,same day as ken's! We're really in the same boat aha! i hope our good news will bright up the hope for those who are in the same timeline with us and are still waiting for p3! I strong recommend calling DOS at 202-663-1225,and hit 1-0-0 to get an human operator.Pls do that and let the great news bring up your day!! 169454[/snapback] Glad to hear the news, let us know when you get P3, we'll do the same. Maybe we'll see you guys in Guangzhou ! Ken & Jie
  13. What a way to end your ordeal, and thanks for such a great forum to help us all understand the process better ! Congratulations !
  14. What a great day for everyone.........congratulations !
  15. After my SO comes to America, sometime in the future we intend to go back to China permanently. Will her emigration to the US affect her Chinese ID, govt benefits, etc in China? What will happen to her Chinese Citizenship status if she comes to the US and are there any other consequences from her emigration? Also, my own emigration from the US to China.........I also assume it will affect things like Social Security retirement, etc? Thanks for all of your input, Ken
  16. yes, both tracking #'s say exactly that... Signed for by STAMP I just mailed some documents to my wife in china, and what's interesting is that my local post office said that I didn't need a customs form for it, since it was only documents... interesting eh? 169362[/snapback] This is correct........"Stamp" is just a rubber stamp wtih the consulate info on it, and when it appears as 'signed for', it means it is in consulate. As far as the customs forms, I am not sure but I think weight has a lot to do with needing the forms.
  17. shentaro....it seems like you used the same 'science' that I used. It is not foolproof, but looks like it worked somewhat for both of us ! Ken
  18. I could not get NVC to give me a number, they said the computer did not have it. So, I just guessed DHL got our package the day after the NVC date in the computer. Our date was Fri 9/23, so we tracked the Mon 9/26 package. It arrived 11/7, and yesterday DOS told us our p3 was sent. Since almost all the packages after ours are still in gateway, I believe the speculations were accurate. But again, they are just speculations. Who knows what is real and what is not with this process? Good luck to you and your SO, keep us up to date !
  19. Thanks Todd. And our P3 was around 9/7, and it was sent off to GZ on 9/23. I really think you will hear somethign soon ! NVC will let you know by mail. Keep me up to date, you have my email address.
  20. Wow, I am really in the same bind. I have tickets to go Dec 25 to Jan 16. 3 weeks. That is a lot of time from work.........and I am trying to figure out the same problem. If interview is last week of Jan, what do I do with trip? If Feb, what do I do? I think the 'not knowing' is sometimes worse than the wait. I scheduled it that way because I beleived the interview would be end of march, or april. But now, with times getting faster, it could be in Jan or Feb. My main concern is to be there for the interview. About P3, call the DOS # I have posted on this thread. They are the only ones who gave me any info at all about our P3.
  21. Congratulations, welcome home and thanks for taking the time to give us some good insights, it is all very helpful ! Good Luck !
  22. Remember that it is Christmas. I have had connections in Embassies before. Prior to the holidays, they begin to really buckle down and "clear their desks!" They are doing this due the fact that they will take their break, and a huge amount of paper hits them immediately after New Years Day holiday. 169211[/snapback] Great post and thanks for some encouraging words. I have thought about what you say........we are in the same timeline as Susieq, and just found out our P3 is on the way. I am seeing many people go from p3 to interview in 2 to 3 months now. I hope this affects us and susieq. If we have P3 now, it is possible to have P4 before Christmas, and interview in January. Of course it is speculation, but gotta have hope ! Does the same reasoning apply to when consulate is closed on Chinese Holidays? Like the Chinese New Year?
  23. Thanks to everyone here for the help and encouragement. I would like to post an update here about the Visa Call Center vs DOS, and I have placed this post in one or two other threads. I hope it helps save someone some time and money. For about a month we have been calling the pay service Visa Call center (which is connected to GZ) about our P3. Everytime we call, they have no information, and every single time they give us the canned response "wait 60 to 120 days". We would call twice each week. Yesterday, my SO called them again. My SO asked....."is the information on your computer as up-to-date as the GZ computer?" The response..."Yes, as soon as GZ puts it in their computer, we have the information in our computer". Ok. That's that. The Visa call center has the current information that GZ has. (so we think!) Today, after reading some advice here on CFL, I called DOS at 202 663 1225 Options 1-1-0. He tells us the package (p3) was sent yesterday (Tuesday in GZ). He was very friendly, professional, and helpful and I can tell by what he was saying that he had the most current information. So......we are getting P3 soon ! But, here is the kicker: just a little while ago.......(Weds in China), my SO calls the Visa Call center (curious to see if they have the same info) and speaks to another operator. She tells my SO: "still no information in computer." My SO says "DOS has GZ info that say we are getting P3". This time, the operator says "GZ updates our computer EVERY MONDAY". My SO says, "We were told by one of your co-workers that your computer is current current with the GZ computer. If it is every monday, why doesnt anyone tell us this, so we can avoid calling on Tuesday and Friday?" The operator said "Call us in 60 to 120 days about your P3". Cheez. Can you believe this? My suggestion? Until this visa call center can figure out what is what, call DOS.
  24. No, I think it is 830 to 5 Eastern. I just posted the # and the options on this thread. Good luck !
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