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Everything posted by chef4u

  1. Thanks Ski!!! Anybody in the Tampa, Florida area that has Bright House cable, this show is on HSTIN Channel 101 at 8:00pm tonight.
  2. Joanne....had to laugh when I read your facial comment. I am wondering how to tell Yan that a weekly facial and hair washing with head/shoulder massage is uncommon here in the US. Unless of course, you want to spend big bucks at a day spa twice a week.....
  3. Congratulations!! You are half way there!!! As posted above, NVC can be a quick process. One week to get there and about three to four days to leave to proceed in crossing the pond. Then you start the DHL tracking. Should you call NVC and should you track your DHL package?? You will get various answers to this. Some guys do and some do not. What did I do?? I called NVC to get the new GUZ case number and tracked DHL. But, whatever you decide...congrats again!!
  4. Thanks guys!! As usual, I appreciate the advice.
  5. As many of you know I own a personal chef business that is a corporation. I have been reading that it is a good idea to provide a letter from your company stating the date of hire, current position, current salary, whether the position is permanent or not and signed by someone a human resorce person. My question is, what would I provide or do I even need too?
  6. Hi New Guy....Question #3 would be your wife's info....hope this helps
  7. Paul...Congratulations...so start singing, "....right around the corner..right around the corner the corner It'll be...." Paul,wishing ya both the best!!!
  9. cocolei....Congratulations!!! I know you have been anxiously awaiting this good news!! Good luck!! If ya need a good bbq recipe in KC...let me know...haha
  10. Juette.....not to step on my good friend Mike's prediction. But, I will be more specific in a prediction. I am betting it will be 09/21/2006!!!. Why you ask?? All good things will happen on the 21st of September. After all it was and is my lucky day too....lol. Wish you all the best to a fast and successful interview!!!!
  11. I'll be on the phone watch here in Tampa for the big day!! We discussed in great detail should I go....should I stay. We both agreed that it would be more advantageous to spend the time with her adjusting to our new life and for me to begin mop slapping lessons!!... B)
  12. Dan...great idea with the sugar on the onion!! these burgers sound delicious. Maybe, at $3.00 to $5.00 a pop you should consider opening a hamburger joint....maybe call it, "Papa Burgers". Of course you need to have a Papa Burger and a Mama Burger as two signature burgers on your menu!!
  13. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!!!! This is exciting to know that you two have started the good luck for all of us to follow this month!! note: I agree you should change your name......
  14. I was looking at th current time lines as pinned in Links & Resources. WOW, WOW, WOW there are 15 members who are scheduled for interviews this month. Chris + Xio Xia and Longstrangetrip should of completed their interviews today, (08/01/2006). I sincerely hope they are celebrating good news!! My SO's interview will be bringing up the rear, (08/30/2006). I wish for all VERY GODD LUCK!!
  15. Pete too funny...lol Here is a recipe I did when I was living in a college dorm, many, many years ago. 1 Mr. Coffee Maker 1 can of your favorite can food, (Campbell's soup, Franco American Chef Boy Ardee) Tap water Place can in the Mr Coffee Canistar. Fill Mr. Coffee Machine with water. Turn coffee maker on Let can simmer in the hot water for approx 15 to 20 minutes Carefully remove can from canistar and open, (hopefully you have a can opener) Serve hot Buon Apetito
  16. Can I ask a favor of the more experienced members. When you put a quote in your post that is a Chinese phrase would you be so kind as to include the translation. I see these phrased in posts from time to time and it gives the newbies like myself a feeling of being out of the loop, or missing a joke in the ol' boys network. The quote above may be very funny, but it means nothing to me because I have no idea what it means. Thanks in advance. 234794[/snapback] sorry....ming bai laogong ming bai...means..."understand - husband -understand" Wo shi huangd?....not to clear about this one....Wo shi...means "I am"...but.... "huangd"...I am not sure if this is spelled correctly...
  17. So Bill....I guess one answer is ......no matter what....keep a sense of humor and try to relax. Maybe, burn some incense and learn chanting..... Lee.....I have been using the "Trigg Spell Check Her" , that he recently sold me. Randy....I did have HER expalin to ME the concept of, "ME BOSS" SHE just laughs and says, "SHA QUA LAOGONG"........um....hey guys, what does that mean in English?
  18. Lee..... When I write the simple words, "I am da boss", she still does not understand. Any suggestion??....
  19. Seriously...I too have been worried about her arrival. She tells me the same thing, "you are thinking to much", "We will be fine", and "Stop your worry". Sooo, as hard as it is....I'll behave and will not worry...
  20. Excellent suggestions Lee. However, if you do not have a great exhaust system over the stove, I suggest an alternative approach. Open all your windows and blow like hell!!....... .....
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