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Everything posted by izus

  1. my girl did the red hair thing for a while. before she dyed it back to black it was practically orange. until my sweet girls was practically a carrot great pics by the way
  2. you would think they could go online and with a flick of a mouse finger have the background check done. but its probably gonna sit on someones desk for a while before someone gets around to raising a mouse finger. not just yours but background checks in general... they SUCK!!
  3. some amazing stats here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS7VOsgRODw
  4. does your husband cook at all? alot chinese men cook.
  5. http://www.kensavage.com/archives/maze-game-challenge/ heres one for you Dennis... even if your ready for it. it still gets you
  6. i really have not kept up with the dolphins religiously since marino days. but it always brings a smile to my face when we get a win over any NY team.... specially the stinkin' jets
  7. if your gonna fly over more than once, i'd try to fly the same way each time to stock up on the frequent flier mileage. i fly continental each time back in 05 and fly the wife back for free. 3 times and the 4th one is free. plus they have rights over russia so you fly over the north pole. straight shot from NJ to Beijing its about 12 hours flight
  8. Bring it on, Then we all can watch a bunch of fish panic and drown.
  9. man thats one thing i really love to do is go down early in the morning when in beijing and wander the streets by myself around tai tais apartment. find some delicious fresh dou jiang and you tiao.... nothing better. it officially has welcomed me to china the past couple of times ive been there. seems clean enough for the folks there im game to eat it. besides fei chang hao chi
  10. that does sound good... isnt that south american style too?
  11. perfect for who the zhong guo ren taste bud or the mei guo ren taste bud? why is it that fruit just tastes better in China?
  12. man so what are you going to do Jesse?
  13. i cant convince my chick to do anything scary.... she says every time someone scares someone they lose a few minutes from their life. B)
  14. it would be interesting if Siddhartha Gautama had a brother named Ishmael, how would the religion turn out then.
  15. That is Genesis 1:26. The "us" is referring to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The Holy Trinity. I know that is the conventional interpretation you should google everything is spiritual rob bell on youtube David. its quite interesting
  16. from my understanding unless they recently just changed it all visa's purchased now for China are multiple entry visa's. they did this for the olympics i dont know if its still this way or not. they gave me 1 year multiple entrys. they didnt have the single entry available.
  17. I'm probably thinking of driving back from Tijuana... mexico? Have you ever BEEN to TJ, China? do you mean Ti¨¡n Ji¨¡n
  18. exactly, a lot of folks think that just because i am christian i think this is the only way. the buddhist way of thinking is very close to my own views. most of bibles book of proverbs is word for word of a Buddhist beliefs. thank God its not up to me to decide who is what or what is who. only God knows our hearts and one day we will all be accounted for.
  19. wow!! fantastic video thanks for sharing i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them. the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open. There are restrictions in China on ANY gathering above a certain number of people...It was in the orginal article...I think it was 25... That is the way that I understand it. Groups of 25 or less can worship in their homes or place of worship without any restrictions. Any gathering of more than 25 has to get approval from the government to do so. the way i understood it was you were only able to worship within the public held church that the government resides over. the communist party trains the ministers and clergy. if you wanna worship outside of the public monitored church, these are called home churches and they are illegal. there is not certified trained clergy in these house churches and the party does not recognize them as legitimate. it said specifically that home owners of house churches can be arrested.
  20. wow!! fantastic video thanks for sharing i dont understand why these guys dont wanna worship in the regular churches i think that one reason why the party is after these guys is because they are trying to hide from them. the one guy seems to have the right idea just do it out in the open. There are restrictions in China on ANY gathering above a certain number of people...It was in the orginal article...I think it was 25... obviously you didnt listen to the video, the protastant church in beijing under communist house rule holds 4000 members a week. 6 services.... or possibly they (the communist) want to be sure there is not any radicals. http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/watch/pl...seg=1&mod=0
  21. GŌNG XǏ !!! GŌNG XǏ !!!
  22. I'm probably thinking of driving back from Tijuana... mexico?
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