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Everything posted by bubbafred10

  1. That's become nursery rhyme now, about CCP. Only old foggies still associate it in the old terms. Besides, it has dropped way down in the list. Terrorism is top of the list. Those Chinese, they could be CCP member for the practical business associations, i.e. entrepreneur capitalists. One may as well substiture the C's with "Chinese Capitalist".
  2. I called DOS yesterday and asked for update of my case in GUZ. DOS told me that name check has been completed. However DOS has no record that GUZ has received the package, but GUZ has the electronic documents. I assume NVC sent electronic data as well as the hard copy. Package was sent on May 27. I emailed GUZ and asked for update. GUZ replied as follows: "We have received neither the CR1 nor the K3 petition. Once we receive the CR1 petition, we cannot process the K3 anymore. Therefore, if your wife's CR1 petition comes first, we will not be able to process the K3." I almost fell off my chair when I read the email. Which information is correct? DOS (name check completed) or GUZ (not received nothing)? Is it also correct that GUZ can refuse to process K3/K4 visa because CR1 is already there? Do I need to write a letter requesting K4 is processed for my son and the CR1 for my laopo? Thanks, Fred
  3. I had considered priceline before, but decided against it. I would have to take whatever priceline come up, and that could mean many transfers and how long at each transfer point, and then get to the destination 12 hours later, all supremely pooped out. I much rather pay extra 200 bucks to know exactly what I am getting into. One time I did try to get one from priceline at $500 for roundtrip ticket and of course I could not get anything at such firesale price. Getting a RT ticket from priceline may only save $100 and that's not worth the additional fatigue of getting there.
  4. Dean - Thank you for posting your experience. I memorized your suggestions.
  5. In my three UAL roundtrips to China, there were always one or two Chinese speaking attendants, and plenty of Chinese American passengers who would be glad to help.
  6. My son is 13 yrs old and he already told everybody he meets that I am his daddy, his only daddy, an American, and his new name is Aaron (I chose the name for him, which will be official when he arrives here and gets his social security card). He has already forgotten his dead-beat bio father who never even call him once last spring festival nor since November. But I have to do some GUZ persuasion to get K4 visa for him, while getting CR1 for my laopo. CSC is just durned too slow these days.
  7. Goodness gracious! It's Walmart in action, spreading goodwill to those illegals so they will appreciate Walmart here or back at their home countries.
  8. If I were in your shoes, I would also check with NVC. Let us know what you find out. NVC and DOS can be very callous, despite our good intentions for our families.
  9. I have also read of someone getting rejection despite a baby already born. USCIS, NVC, and GUZ can be very callous.
  10. Worse than US companies. We are talking about bureaucrats, US gummint workers.
  11. The schools in China begin summer vacation this week. It lasts 2 months till September. I expect many GUZ staffers will be on vacation too. So processing at GUZ can be very slow in the next couple of months. Likewise with processings at CSC and NVC. Your thoughts and comments?
  12. Ohioboy - How does one find out when the "name check and security passed"? Is that information from DOS or GUZ? By email or phone call? Thanks, Fred
  13. The long wait continues, and CSC is slowing down. NVC and GUZ will do the same. What to do? I have a stepson and I was very emotioned this morning when my laopo told me that my son will not go on a special trip to Qingdao. He prefers to stay home because he is afraid of flying. He had a friend who died from plane accident. My laopo told him that he needs getting used to airline flights and how to overcome air sickness. My boy replied he will take only one risk and one chance wth airplane fight and that is to go to the States to be with his daddy (me). Other than that, he takes no chance. Son told his Mom that he will stay home and use the money for baseball clinic. My son will spend July and part of August learning to play baseball. He better learn English too, and ok, he can continue to read Chinese literatures. Anyone with stepchildren and is awaiting visa, please share the acitivities your son or daughter will spend his/her summer vacation. Fred
  14. The same problem with me, trying to establish a joint account in my bank account. There is no problem with mutual funds and stock market accounts, or with credit card account. I did so with one mutual fund and one credit card.
  15. Not much from DOS today. It's been almost a month since my SO's CR-1 case was sent to GUZ, and the gist of the reply was to expect 3 to 9 months for processing. The fellow would not elaborate on anything, and kept repeating the "expect 3 to 9 months" phrase between a blow by blow account on how the electronic case has been forwarded but GUZ will have to wait for the hard copy, and package can be held at China Customs for several months, and how the name check is done. I told him that it's easy to name check my SO because her name is in two websites. I still got the "expect 3 to 9 months" reply. He wouldn't even guess when P4 will be sent, let alone the expected interview date. Weird, real weirdo answers - as in clueless! But I think it's intentional. I think there is a concerted effort to reduce the immigrants this year. Economy is not as flowery as the government stats. See http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....cb6f00bb1735047 I was tempted to say there is no smoke and mirror wmd here, just wanting to get an SO who loves freedom and in pursuit of wealth creation and spend money here in US so it will be good for US economy.
  16. It seems a QUOTA system is being implemented. It could be due to poor economy. US is fighting back by keeping those freedom loving, wealth and prosperity creating folks out of the country? CSC processing has gone to a screeching halt. Look at the timeline and see the date has not changed in more than 6 weeks. It's a concerted effort. Starting at CSC, now NVC, and now GUZ certainly. I read in other posts that it's queuing up at GUZ, and even Senator Feinstein follows the administration line and is no longer helpful. My I-130 petition for my stepson is nearing the 90th day, for no rhyme nor reason. I tried to reason with CSC, but to no avail. We are just peons (pawns) to be sacrificed for the common good of the politicians so they can look good. Interest rates and mortgage rates, they all will go down and make new lows. Expect 4.5% 30-yr mortgage in the next 12 months. That's how bad things are. Factory production figures have been including hamburger flippers (producing food), and the numbers continue to be lackluster. Notice the layoffs by big corporations like General Motors? More to come. I figured the high gasoline cost has kept people from buying new cars. People are finding that keeping the old car allows money for gasoline to run the car and go places. Either that, or park the new car in the garage.
  17. If the QUOTA system is being implemented, there is nothing one can do. That's my guess, and it definitely seems that way. CSC has slooooowed to a screeching halt, under the disguise "more detailed investigation" phrase. US economic system cannot handle the additional influx of hard working, freedom loving, and wealth creating people from China.
  18. I discussed this issue at an IRS office before, and (undoubtedly) the clerk acted and talked like a tax attorney or a CPA. And, of course, gave me the wrong information, what else? That's typical idjut bureaucrat, they think they know everything.
  19. Glad everything turned out well for you. Save receipts of all those costs, and deduct them off your taxes. It's money paid for preparing documents to meet government requirements.
  20. I only read the information from US Embassy and Consulate websites, and I never investigared the difference in timelines among the K1, K3, CR1 visas. I only knew that K3 is supposed to be the fastest to get laopo here. If I had to do it over, it probably will be the same route. Most likely no K1 as a choice. I would not let visa processing get in the way of marriage. In my case, mutual feelings and human relationship supercedes and conquers all visa obstacles. It's just too bad the US government is so contradictory on family values despite all the ballyhoos about it.
  21. I like how the chinese style chicken and duck feet but I wouldn't go out of my way to get one. Too much cartilage and skin, and it's an exercise of spitting out small bones. Then again I wouldn't eat some of these American delicacies - rattlesnake (probably good) or rabbit (too dry) or alligator (Canjun or not, cannot get used to the fishy chicken taste). One time I was in Pennsylvania and went to a wildgame feast sponsored by a local fire dept and I tried bear, squirrel, and a few other wild animal meat. Some are quite good. "hang ducks with their laundry from thei balconies" or other meat. In the US, it's done at the meat packer and it's called "aging" or "curing" to allow it to rot a little bit and is natural tenderizing. With beef, it gives it a special flavor. One pays a bit more for that kind of beef.
  22. They (Homeland Security and INS) are processing petitions for fiances and spouses from Middle East and Pakistan faster than those from China. If you ask me, they don't want the freedom loving and wealth pursuing Chinese who will be good for American society and economy. HS and INS want terrorists and are giving them more opportunity to enter and then catch them - GREAT FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS and PROPAGANDA. The reason for being (HS and INS) is not only to keep out terrorists but also catch them. If they don't catch a few, then the public would think the terrorists have outsmarted them and they have been stealth with entering US, or that HS has served its purpose and no longer needed, or just a farce gummint org.
  23. That could be the best investment you ever made in your life.
  24. I did not read the full story, but the gist is this. All your fiancee's sister needs to do is to give some "gifts" to the notarial officer. Getting the documents could be harder if they have to be obtained from the Province Court because the Court would require your fiance to appear in person. However this is not the case. With "gifts", it's no problem to get English translation and notarize (that it's an official document and has been translated correctly) the documents. Another way is to ask the fiance's sister to send the documents to your fiance and get it translated + notarized in Australia, then send to you. "Gifts" is the key in China. If the sister doesn't know how to present the "gifts", then do it the long way.
  25. The new bureaucratic line, from CSC: "We selected this case for detailed review and inquiry, and this will take longer than the normal processing time. Should we discover information requiring further verification, we will contact you, either in person or in writing, to provide additional information. We will make every effort to complete this petition or application as soon as possible. We appreciate your assistance and cooperation in helping us ensure the integrity of our immigration system." Has anyone received this type of reply?
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