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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. By the way remember you guys chose to have your thread outside the LL so behave accordingly and stay on target. Tony nearly moved us last night lock, stock and thread to the LL from another thread. So if you don't want to end up in the same forum as us Californians be careful. Now I return control of your thread to you Oregonians.
  2. I sure hope were taking about a plane cause Lavitra ads say, if it's up more than four hours ya gots to cya doc. If it was up for more than four hours I'd see a hollywood producer-not a doctor. A good chance for early retirement.
  3. That is an option if he is open to it and one that is easier to try out than you quickly coming here. There are many of us that hope to move later to China.
  4. The only gift she really waits for from me is a bottle of her favorite perfume. It costs only a little more in China but it is hard to find it not watered down. She now lets me know she has run out. Clothes were appreciated mostly because it taught her what I like on her. But because of fit problems and the "everything is cheaper in China" thing that stopped.
  5. I always wondered if there is a "proper" way - proper as in etiquette - to hold chopsticks. I've noticed that most Americans use the index finger as the primary mover of the top stick while most Chinese use the middle finger. It's like holding and using a fork. It can be done in a variety of ways, but etiquette favors one method. Each country in Asia holds the chopsticks differently. You are speaking of the Japanese and Chinese difference. The Japanese chopsticks are much shorter. The cheap pull apart chopsticks are Japanese style. Sometimes you can find them made in bamboo and the longer Chinese style. The Japanese were able to come up with this because of the shorter one that didn't break (often) when seperated. I also noticed that both countries are now using a mixed style for lower production costs and ease of use. The Japanese Chopstick has a pointed end and the Chinese one a blunt end. This is always true in preWWII sets but mixed today. Anotther thing which changed after going to Japan was the fan. It was always rigid in China. Then in Japan the folding model was developed and quickly adapted in China during the early period of introduction of Buddhism from China. I was surprised and did not expect the great interest Chinese have in things that leave China to be altered abroad and return to China as something new, including people. This was responsible for their interest in learning my style of massage.
  6. To prove you can travel in a higher cost economy without need to supplement your resources by earning money while in the country, of course money counts.
  7. Psst oregonknl ssshhhhh we've been caught keep to topic.
  8. The most difficult ones I have to use are Korean. They are made of stainless steel and polished so everything slips easily and they are flat so hard to keep lined up.
  9. No need to swear we can take a hint. Sorry but chopsticks led to food, food to crabs, crab cakes, maryland high schools. Yeh I guess we stretched it. I warned you guys.
  10. Sorry to say it is not likely you would get a tourist visa to visit him here. You can do what those here have done and file a K visa. eitther marry there and do it as spouse or do the usually faster route and file as a fiance. It is taking about a year.
  11. Shoot, I was born back then. I also graduated high school in honor of Jim's birth.
  12. Jim do you mean you haven't found the edit feature yet or you don't know it is consider?
  13. Not unless you meant a blend of corn mash and apple cider.
  14. Jim when we cecede I think that should be part of the citizenship test. Concider it there, along with spelling. OUCH!!
  15. OMG !!!! I was born in Bethesda !!! Class of '81. It is so much different than when I grew up there.. Makes me really sad to see all the influence of Washington D.C. spread into these quiet towns turned metro.. Did you eat at the Crab House in bethesda? Oh, crabs.. to die for !! Either of you know whetther or not there is still a little stand making crab cakes at the Lafayette Market in "Balmer, Marilan" ?
  16. The purpose of that question is to know if you are commiting to support anyone else besides those you list as currently supporting. You would list anyone you currently have petitions pending for. #11 is specifically referring to the person named in 3 and any children or spouse. I checked I intend. After all if you don't then someone else must sponsor.. THere was another document I don't find right now that asked if you are presently married. It also stated if you answer yes you are disqualified for the fiance visa. This got be a 20 minute discussion about what do they mean on the phone with my SO. After all they couldn't possibly be asking anything so ridiculous, could they?
  17. Say it ain't so Kim, say it ain't so! Don't forget the neck and shoulder are the best parts.
  18. answer to the above asked question = toothpick
  19. Jim when we cecede I think that should be part of the citizenship test.
  20. Diner beware! Boneless fish and chicken by law may contain soft bone. This is because it is not reasonable to expect complete removal.
  21. I must disagree. The tool used after using chopsticks is more effective and simpler. It also kills fewer trees to produce the same quantity. Care to hazard a guess?
  22. I don't know, I think it makes as much sense or more than putting miniature pitch forks in your mouth.
  23. We can get it back on topic if we can poll some sheep on their use of chopsticks... Poll = To cut off the horns of (bovine[includes sheep]). THey might not be happy with your choice of words.
  24. Yes and after I resisted it so well...... I don't think we've giotten this kicked to the other room yet. Please all who post after, the LL is getting so full. Please refrain from degenerating this lofty discussion of to chopstick or not to chopstick.
  25. I was told that.. I saw Zixuan with practically no pile of bones and I was sifting through my mouth like the goldrush in California... careful about that gold rush thing. It seems to cause Trigg to disappear to water his flock. Ooops ..... hope that doesn't cause this thread to degenerate towards the LL. I just meant that it reminds him they need care. Yuh that's it.
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