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Everything posted by NY-Viking

  1. Well, I certainly know a little bit about the K1 process now ... lol
  2. Hopefully, eventually, ofcourse when I say NY, I mean the City. But we're in the Midwest for another year while I finish my JD.
  3. Yep, hope it doesn't take a year. Yeah ... there's no reason why it should take that long ...
  4. It should have been "NOW" Sorry for the TYPO. NOW FOR TODAY'S UPDATE Just trying to give you a hard time ... It did take me a couple reads when I first saw this thread though ... Anyway, great work!
  5. No. Although I think I did have to list my occupation on some form, none of the documents submitted for the K1 in the U.S. provide disclosure of income or financial assets like the I-134 does. My gut feeling (and please no one come down on me too hard on this) is that the interviewing officer may make some sort of judgment on how likely the applicant is to get a job eventually, and possibly just general information on the petitioner. My meaning is that if the applicant is somewhat older and/or does not have good English skills, the financial status of the petitioner is probably viewed as a bit more important. The existence of children (of either the applicant or the petitioner) probably weighs into this as well (obviously it does for the minimum income requirement).
  6. She has to return tomorrow to pick up the visa, but looks like it's all set. She told me they asked very few questions - I'll see if I can get them all later, but they were something like: 1. Who are you going to marry? 2. How old is he? 3. What does he do now? 4. You have been to the States before, what did you do? She showed some pictures of her trips to the States and visiting my family, but that was about it. They didn't ask to see my I-134 or any other supporting documents. She had to do the interview in the afternoon after submitting her documents in the morning. She hung out at some 5 star hotel nearby while she waited. She conducted the interview in English. (We're both fluent in English and Mandarin, and if I get around to it someday I'll see if I can learn some more Shanghainese so she can keep less secrets from me when talking to her mother or friends. ) Now, I'm trying to convince her to not throw anything away for the time being. She's trying to lighten her load and wants to toss some of the supporting documents. I guess our old e-mails are not really necessary, but I hope I can convince her to hold on to things that we might not have multiple copies of until I can make sure that we don't throw away something which we need for the AOS application. Also, she said that lots of people seemed to have their K1 approved, so good luck to everyone else this week!
  7. I always use onesuite and love it too ... 3 hours should have cost you less than $2 though ....
  8. BeijingJenny and John & Haiyan - Thanks and good luck to you guys too ...
  9. I'm sure it will go fine, but best of luck anyway.
  10. Hai Yan will be going to GZ on tuesday or wednesday. They will both be at the Consulate on thursday so maybe they'll have an oppurtunity to connect. It only takes a minute to paste the visa in the passport, but I'm not sure if they speed things up in special situations. No harm in trying! Good luck to both of you, and all of us that have interviews this week MY fiancée is headed down Monday morning, and hopefully back to Shanghai sometime on Wednesday. Maybe she'll pass your SOs on the street ....
  11. Yeah ... I did this and they never sent them. So, I've just sent copies of my returns for the past 6 years. Hopefully that will be enough.
  12. Yup, but then again I'm San Ba whipped. I'm guessing that's all of us.
  13. Yeah, it's one of those "international holidays" we don't have in the U.S. It's funny though, in China "San-Ba" (3-8) has taken on a new connotation. Telling someone he/she or something is "san-ba" is saying that it's too feminine, and it may mean they like to shop too much, etc. (think of offensive stereotypes about women). I have an Australian friend in China whose Birthday is March 8. He had no idea when he first got there what they were talking about, and he never hears the end of it from women. ("Ha ha ... you are san-ba.")
  14. Hey Jenny - I've been pretty busy lately, and not posting as much. Just wanted to echo everyone elses thoughts and say thanks.
  15. Congratulations! This is probably interesting news for a lot of people. Can you provide some additional information? For example, do they own their own home, jobs, etc.
  16. Oh geez .. I'd better start cleaning .... I agree with Amber - some docs have very short shelf lives and there will be time enough to prepare and send the I-134 and what not once you get an interview date. Do start familiarizing yourself with what is required, however, as it is confusing. This is a good place to ask questions!
  17. I agree here, been using them for almost 2 years now, and never once a problem I'd like to add my 2 cents ... 2.2 cents I guess for Onesuite as well. A couple of times I had a small delay in the connection, which was odd (I'd say something and she'd hear it 2 seconds later ... I could hear my echo), but that's happened with other services I've used as well. Most of the time, however, crystal clear connection. It's pretty amazing to think about - I'll be outside some place walking around and will just call my fiancee from my cell phone. Anyway, I used to use a MCI calling card I bought at COSCO and kept recharging, but that was something like 17 cents a minute. I saw the recommendations of several CFLers for Onesuite, so I thought I'd check it out. I've been really happy with it. I was using the Onesuite 800 number at first, which is 3.7 cents a minute, until I learned they had local access numbers, which brings it down to 2.2 cents a minute; no connection charges with either. Since I'm calling from my cell phone, calling an 800 number is the same as dialing any other U.S. number, so I use the local access. I was pretty psyched to be paying 2.2 cents after paying 17 cents a minute (which I had thought wasn't too bad), but I'd love to hear if there's something even cheaper. Hey Don - I think these companies should starting paying for advertizing on CFL - we give them a lot of business!
  18. I understand your anger, but hang in there ... I had a late September P-3 date and was told the interview would likely be March or April when I called in November. When I saw all the other CFL September P-3s getting interview dates, I called and e-mailed in late January and was told it was "in processing". Just got a date last week. It will come. As someone advised me, get some cheetos.
  19. Congrats .. hopefully the rest of the process will speed up for you now ...
  20. From what I understand from Larry's post, his fiancee will enter the USA on a K-1 visa, and then they will get married. Then Larry is planning on going to China to work. In that case, they could file for AOS in the U.S. after marrying, or they could return to China and then apply for a direct consular filing (aka DCF). The DCF may very well be faster than applying for AOS in the U.S., depending on where in the U.S. you will do it. This wouldn't be a violation of the K-1, since it is coming with the intent to marry, which usually leads to filing for a green card. But, there's no requirement that you stay in the country. In fact, if you're applying for AOS, there may be a problem with her leaving the country before you get advanced parol or the conditional green card.
  21. Lee - glad to hear she landed safe and sound ... did she use the cell phone?
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