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Everything posted by usaRichard

  1. Are you saying that the travel insurance will help with a quarantine? I considered it on my first trip, but didn't buy
  2. Can't vote on the last two since she is not here yet...
  3. Nothing has changed, subway was 30 -40 minutes, not a terrible ride, but if crowded then not so pleasant, bus would be longer than subway
  4. If by FC, you mean the Forbidden City, you're right. It's not like they are right next to each other. However, the Olympic Village the the Forbidden City are all in the same general area, and easy to get to. "same general area" well our hotel was very near the old Beijing Railway Station, when we got on the subway to TM Square it took about 10-15 minutes going west, as you know FC is across the street from TM Square. When we went to Birds Nest the subway ride was 30 -40 minutes, to the north, TM Square is to the west, so I only write this to discern the definition of "near" they are not near to me but to someone else maybe could be...
  5. Well Jimi, consider what month you flew before, it is summer now and more expensive. Did you fly in the fall or winter before? I have flown in May and November, and always cheaper than my next flight in July...
  6. i don't know how this is possible, maybe a spacetime warp has occured but the FC is not near the OV, well depending on your definition of near...
  7. I use Startec.com and you can download in .pdf format
  8. Going over on July 4th, excerpts from the DOS doesn't sound like fun. We have reports of passengers arriving from areas where outbreaks have occurred (including the U.S. and Mexico) being placed in precautionary quarantine simply because they registered slightly elevated temperatures. In some instances, children have been separated from their parents because either the parent or the child tested positive for 2009-H1N1 and was placed in quarantine for treatment. This situation presents the possibility of Chinese medical personnel administering medications to minors without first having consulted their parents. The Department of State has received reports about unsuitable quarantine conditions, including the unavailability of suitable drinking water and food, unsanitary conditions, and the inability to communicate with others The Chinese government will not compensate people for lost travel expenses. Travelers to China are urged to consider purchasing travel insurance to protect against losses in the event they are quarantined.
  9. Congrats Jimi you've been thru a lot, Amanda and I are happy for you both
  10. No I meant, I don't know how to play
  11. Great news, can't imagine what you've both been thru
  12. How do you play? I saw George's mom playing on Seinfeld once
  13. Congrats, now give us more information when you get a chance, thanks.
  14. Thanks PK, I know wife and son would like this too
  15. Bring a deck of cards to play solitaire
  16. Thank you, we will know very soon, there are quite a few of us in Florida, it would be fun to get together sometime.
  17. I think there is more between those lines, err.. after that line
  18. Good write up, but what are "AP" & "ABC" please?
  19. We did the same thing only at the embassy in Beijing, it was accepted
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