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As always Owen, thanks for your tireless efforts. They are greatly appreciated. I think it is time to stand firm and, with unwavering resolve, bring this sordid mess into the light of day and to a positive conclusion. No more waiting periods while they tease us with the tickle of a feather (a few clearances). It is long past time for the floodgates to open. :D

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Noah's Ark! Now that's a great analogy! At least he let couples immigrate together. Wise man that Noah. Maybe he could accompany me and Moses to GZ in February. Any takers for the role of Noah? :o  :o

Great analogy. The Ark has a quota, one couple per species. Since there are so many Chinese couples, the quota is full. :blink:

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Aloha from Hawaii,

The critters in Washington are Crisis Managers. If it is not a crisis they do not

want to manage it. So we must create a crisis. Like Owen all of us must write

not call our elected people in Washington D.C. with our problems. Something

written goes into a file. Telephone calls go into one ear and out of the other.

Granted that each individual letter is of little significance but somebody in

the office makes tic marks for each message. Each email has to be recorded

and filed. Make them busy so we have a crisis. All of us must write to all

of the people in the chain of command and that includes the President. Let

us not waste time on the poeple who are paid to do as little as possible.

Got to the top.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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All my faxes and e-mails of yesterday went without any reply. Not even an automated, "Your message was received." Personally, I consider my points important enough to warrant a reply or some sort. But then I am not among the rich and powerful, so I am not important.


Are the American people now among those who are ruled by their government rather than served by their government?

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