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P3 Received. NOW WHAT?

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Ok all,


I know that this has been asked a million times, and after looking through several posts on here in regards to this, it has gotten my brain fried :rolleyes:


I am getting ready to leave for nanning & I'm not planning on returning untill sometime in December.


So instead of trying to cram for an exam, I'll just go ahead and ask the questions I have & then use everyones answers as a stepping stone & guide.


1) it is asking for us to have police records. Is this just for her, or do I need to obtain a set as well?


2) It askes for Divorce papers: Do I need to take a copy of mine?


3) It is saying that there is a cost of 2985 RMB for the immigrant Visa: I thought I had paid all of that when I sent in the payment when I filed the K1-I129 for her?


4) it is asking for her Chinese Standard Telegraphic Code: How or where can I find this?


5) She recieved in that packet a form that she says it says: Part 1 - Biographic Data, Is this just for her information about her, or does there need to be my Info on there too? If So, Where?


6) The Sheet that says : Consulate general of the United States: Notice To All Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants: It says on there that we need to pay 830 RMB prior to the Interview, & is payable to any of the CITIC Industrial bank Branches: Again, I thought I had paid those fees. Are these fees in addition, and if so, where, when & how do we pay all of them?


7) It is asking for yet another form I-134. I thought I sent that in as well


8) it is asking for Noterized copies of past tax documents: The IRS Sent me the copies of the past 3 years, but none of them are noterized. How & where can I get this done?


9) When I go to my Bank & ask them for copies of my past 12 months bank report; What do I ask them to put on it, and does this too have to be noterized?


10) I barely make over the 125% deal of requirements, some years I make well over 30 grand, others I am lucky to clear 18 grand. Being in the Telecommunication Cabling & networking fields, it all depends upon the ecconomy: No on in my family makes over 50% of the poverty level, so how or where could I find someone to assist me in that, even though I know with out no doubt in my mind that if I ended up having to draw unemployment, in no way would anyone in my family even think of me or her to go & try welfare or even food stamps for that matter. (This italian family has way too much pride, and when things get tough, we all come togehter to help the one in need. So, none of us in all of our lives, ever had to rely on the Gov to assist us in anything)


11) The check list says that we will need to have the form I-864: What is this & what all do we need to have on it? Is this even a requirment for us to have since she is comming to the USA to marry. (I guess this is the K-I129)


12) The Check list is also asking for Optional form 167: What is this, & where do I find it?


Ok, I guess that is everything that I need to be concerned about. If I am missing something, Please by all means, Let us know.



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Most of this is straight forward,


1. Police Certificate - only hers, get translated by Notary

2. Divorce Papers - Only hers, get translated by Notary

3. Fee with I-129F was only for petition, this cost is for visa, interview and medical exam, about $100 each.

4. Telegraphic code available at post office, not required but recommended.

5. Majority about her, your contact info and address. Need 10 years history of employment, residence and all schools. Parents Info, Ex's info, children info.

6. Interview fee is part of #3 they give list of banks to get payment voucher.

7. I-134 can be sent with her or direct to consulate, must be current tax year.

8. Take copies of I-134, Tax forms, W-2's etc, have US Notary notarize the tax form near signature and also on I-134. They are trying to avoid fraudulent documents. Only in China ;)

9. Not sure about notarizing Bank documents, it only specifies tax returns.

10. Tax forms, savings, show equity in home. Do the best you can. Possibly they would use an Income averaging, hard to tell.

11. K1 uses I-134, the I-864 is for AOS after wedding.

12. OF-167 was included in the packet and asks for Telegraphic code, mailing address and name. Not much to it.


Make sure you get photocopies made of all the Notarized documents, they will want to see originals at the interview to verify the copies. You will want a set of originals in the US, the pages have serial numbers so do not mix copies. We had an extra set of documents prepared that I brought back the the US in case the consulate decided they wanted the originals.


Also not a bad idea to have a copy of every paper sent to them that you can give them in the event they lost something. :blink:


Good Luck

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Wow Leefisher,

Nuff said. Aparently newbee doesn't apply to your knowledge of this part of the process. :blink:

The other parts would be not to forget to jump up and down and celebrate each step along the way.

Since you will be there for so long, you might want to make arangments with some one here to help gather and send you things that might get overlooked in the last minute.

Best wishes.

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Cool Thanks !!!


But I see a possible Problem. The copies of my Taxes that I recieved back from the IRS are all in some kind of weird codes. I can barely make out my name & address on the first pages of each of the 3 years, but everything after that is all codes of numbers.


What can I do, or what should I do? I know I had explied to them when I requested them that they needed to be photo copies of my orriginals, but this is what they sent me. Am I screwed? What? :blink:

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If you just recieved P3 you don't need all that stuff now. fill out the I-230 and I-169 and send it to GZ-that will put you in line for P4-then you will need all the otheer stuff.


The checklist (I-169) reads like you should ahve this stuff before you send the P3 back--Wrong-send it ASAP and it could save you a month.


The fee is 830rmb-you pay this before the inteerview and give the recipt to the med exam-i think!!. The 2885 is for immigrant visa's.

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jtaylor: 3 years of taxes are only required if you are self employed. If you have enough assets to take off and live in China for 6 months or more, you will probably be OK. Look at the instructions for the I134 form. You can use assets like a house, stocks, savings acount, or just a letter from your "boss" saying you make ore than the 125% of poverty.

Good luck!

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Thats just it. Although I am hired by a company, they use me just like a contractor. I only have work, as the contracts come in. So baicly, I do exclusive work just for them.


I do however, do other work "Under the Table" when it comes avail :(


So, what I am thinking is that I will still need the tax papers, but if the IRS is only sending me these coded copies, (No place on them for signitures) will GUZ still accept these? For some reason I am thinking that they won't, Knoing my luck ;)

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As Trigg stated.. get those forms sent back ASAP !



If you have "Transcripts" from the IRS, they are supposed to be sufficient based on the below message I'll show:


If you think they are not "Transcripts", then you can go ahead and get them.. She will not need them until the interview..





INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICEPhiladelphia PA 19255-0215


Customer Service Phone: 1-215-516-2000

Customer Service Fax: 1-215-516-2555/3256

Fax for Transcripts of Returns: 1-215-516-2931/1311/1322

Hours: Mon - Fri 6am-2am (EST)

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If you just recieved P3 you don't need all that stuff now. fill out the I-230 and I-169 and send it to GZ-that will put you in line for P4-then you will need all the otheer stuff.


The checklist (I-169) reads like you should ahve this stuff before you send the P3 back--Wrong-send it ASAP and it could save you a month.


The fee is 830rmb-you pay this before the inteerview and give the recipt to the med exam-i think!!. The 2885 is for immigrant visa's.



Are you saying that we should submit to GUZ anything & everything that we already have compiled for the P4 or items that they will want to see at her Interview?


Because if So, God, that will be yet another Huge ass shipment. About the size of a Xerox ream of paper box, Slammed Full :D already.


If so, would you mind making me a list here telling me just exactly what I need to prepare to send to them (before she gets her P4) ?


That way I can go ahead & add it all to my Luggage & then once I am there, just ship it to them from there using their EML or what ever it is that they use for fast delivery :D



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