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Any response to our letter Trigg?

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Maybe she is a little too busy today talking to the press.


I heard her on National Public Radio about an hour ago. She was being interviewed about the upcoming changes in travel between the US and Canada and the US and Mexico. US citizens traveling to these countries will need a passport when they reenter the US. Also citizens from these countries will need passports when traveling to the US. The changes will be phased in over several years.

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Or maybe they have the same work ethics that GZ has.......NONE. They probably have no sense of job insecurity so they probably figure who cares .......Besides I bet the get to see their SO everyday so it is not imergent to them




I'm not so sure. I would have been worried if we had gotten a response in less than a week-it would have been canned from one of her subordinates. I'm a little more optomistic now that a week has gone by. One thing I'm sure of--the letter did no harm and has potetnial, along with all the other things happening, to do those who are, and those who will be waiting, tremendous good.


John, me thinks my participle in dangling agin--I hate when that happens!!!

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I agree with Trigg that it is probably good there was no quick responce to the letter. Something this important needs to be looked at carefully before responding. I also agree that there is the potential for the letter to do some good. Based on how much help Maura Harty was to me I feel she will give the letter consideration and that she will respond positively.


Hey Trigg a dangling participle can be serious. Have you been getting enough sleep? ;)


Boba and Meixiang

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