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Chinese yearn to marry foreigners-Survey

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Believe or not, most gals marry foreigners for a better living standard, or under pressures of family and friends. :lol:


There are amazing Chinese guys out there and there are shitty west guys as well. What matters is if she can be treated good while having a lower position in the family. If she is strong enough, she really doesn't care. (And she has some serious hard time to find any guy for herself. :lol: )


Well, more and more Chinese guys will marry west gals when they are strong enough or all west guys are taken by Chinese gals. :D :lol:

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any real proof to your claims ?


I know there are "amazing Chinese guys and there are shitty west guys"


This is not the question - YOU raised !!!


Despite your claims, our SO's are not after a better standard of living or under pressure from family. They love us and we love them.


Go away thank you !!!

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Thoa keep telling me it normal for a husband to have more than one girlfriend in Viet nam, some even have two wives, more often the wife is stuck at home with the children and the husband having a affair with a young girl.


and say when she older she understand if I get a girlfriend, took me 4 hours to convince her that I'm strickly a one woman man, never cheated on my ex (god knows I had offers) and alway been faithful to women I dated. very old fashion man here.


The only thing that will convince her will be my action, I'm very romantic, and just sent flowers to her again, her single friends are getting very jealous of her, she even told me that I'm not to talk to any of them unless she with me.




and Cody your right, many american women do not appreciate romantic men, and many of us grew up when we are told to respect women, and to open doors and stand up when a woman come into the room. Today younger adults look at us like we fools. Took me finding someone on the otherside of the world to appreciate and respect me.


not going to be PC tire of having to defend what I feel strongly about.

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I can entirely believe that, for a Chinese person, marrying a foreigner is seen as a good option if possible. My understanding is that Chinese women rate the ability of a spouse to make plenty of money very highly. The possibility of being awarded a passport from a western country is also rated highly. The relative attractiveness of the possible spouse can be very dependent on these things.


Western society is a different story. Money is not necessarily attractive unless it's supported by something else...


Gotta say that Cody is largely right. When it comes to attraction, loyalty, honesty, manners, all rate well down the list, in fact I think they count as being unattractive... God knows, I've heard the words "You're very nice, but ....." rather often. I blame my mother.

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Western society is a different story.  Money is not necessarily attractive unless it's supported by something else... 


huh? With the exception of some fine women on this site, I think your statement there is a bit off...


every watch sex in the city? American woman mostly seek money and looks.


PS. All the fine ladies here, Jenny, Amber, Lou.. etc.. please forgive the stereotype... not meant about you



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Interesting web site.. When I wrote the money needs to be supported by something else, physical attraction was pretty much what I had in mind. Fame would be another..


"Sex and the city"? Watched it once so I don't really feel qualified to comment, but I would caution against thinking that TV and movies made essentially for entertainment have a close relationship to mainstream life. They usually only reflect a very small sliver of it. Well, until they become popular and the sheep begin mimicing it.

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you mean they have sex in the city?  where they keep all the sheep at?



Every big city has a really good brothel--They code name them to keep out the riff raff!!


(Code name=ZOO)

Trigg, your such a smart man. I have been distraught ever since leaving West by god Virgeenia about the lack of sheep in this big city. They're having a financial crisis here and threatening to close the zoo. Bet they'd be real happy to have someone take care of the sheep

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you mean they have sex in the city?  where they keep all the sheep at?



Every big city has a really good brothel--They code name them to keep out the riff raff!!


(Code name=ZOO)



I wonder if your favorite song is "It Had to Be Ewe?"

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you mean they have sex in the city?  where they keep all the sheep at?



Every big city has a really good brothel--They code name them to keep out the riff raff!!


(Code name=ZOO)

Trigg, your such a smart man. I have been distraught ever since leaving West by god Virgeenia about the lack of sheep in this big city. They're having a financial crisis here and threatening to close the zoo. Bet they'd be real happy to have someone take care of the sheep

My dream job-where do I sign up??? how much do I have to pay??


Carl, "Ewe send me, honest ewe do honest ewe do"


well not you but the song.


Favorite rock group "Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabath"


favorite movie "silence of the laaaaaaaaambs"


Favorite old timey kid show Sherry and "laaaaaaaaaaaaamb chop"


Favorte footbal team "Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaams"


Ewe get my drift??

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I agree plenty of them men in China are not fit to be husbands, nor to be dads. What a bunch of dead beats too. Not all, but plenty of them are that way. And if them men become successful with their jobs, then they chase after younger women. Oh, well, I have to thank them, or otherwise I wouldn't find my wife.

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