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after 3 weeks of The great Guz talk on here. I finally sat down and started stetching out a wizard of Guz to paint just for fun.  have to say I have a pile of paper on the floor.and larger pile in waste can,


any ideas?






still working on a immigration cartoon

How about a dragon that blows smoke up your a$$.

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How about a mop slappin', cheetos dispensin' sheep dragon that blows smoke up your a$$.


(Okay, now I am being silly ...  B))

Born and bred in Tennessee

How about a wizard wearing a leather thong riding a sheepish dragon blowing up your ass and then smoking it???


sorry, that was Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!

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Has there been some cross breeding in your family we should (or should not) know about?


You have sunk to new lows :D

Nope-no cross breeding-hell, i'm the first one to marry outside the family. We like to keep a pure bloodline-------



Now my friend, you jsut hide and watch-i haven't begun to sink to new lows---YET!

I used to write a humor column for a TN newspaper before i got censored out of the game--If i run out of material, I'll start posting some of my columns--

it aint pretty "The world according to..." And I live in a very very sick world



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I used to write a humor column for a TN newspaper before i got censored out of the game--If i run out of material, I'll start posting some of my columns--

it aint pretty  "The world according to..." And I live in a very very sick world



Trigg I bet your column brought relief from the daily grind to many people. No way could your sick humor be sicker than the reality the news shows us. Of course continual mop slapping may be taking its toll.

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I used to write a humor column for a TN newspaper before i got censored out of the game--If i run out of material, I'll start posting some of my columns--

it aint pretty  "The world according to..." And I live in a very very sick world



Trigg I bet your column brought relief from the daily grind to many people. No way could your sick humor be sicker than the reality the news shows us. Of course continual mop slapping may be taking its toll.

They have news shows?? Dan, what you don't seem to get is that my 'humor' is really just a reporting of my daily life. And you laugh at me????????

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