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POE With Fiancee

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Went through POE in Portland, OR.


We both were in the US line. No problems. We started through seperate lines, then once a nice lady homeland security officer knew we were together, she had my SO come up with me. They were very nice. This is one thing my fiancee noticed. All officers had a smile on their faces. Something you do not see in China.

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Our experience was similar to Michael's in Portland... actually it really doesn't matter what line you get in here, its so layed back.... And the reason for that is that they only have one flight from Asia arriving daily, so its no big deal....


.... you ain't getting arround them in the crowd, because there ain't no crowd....


American citizens pass quickly, and everyone else just sort of hangs around... I went through the citizen's line so I could go round up the copious amouts of Fei's belongings past customs check-in, but then came back in the opposite direction ---- no problem when I explained the situation.... It took slightly longer for Fei, because the Customs officer involved hadn't actually processed a K-1 before, so he had to follow procedure from a book...


... But as Michael says, everyone has smiles, as Portland is ---- as a matter of policy ---- trying to erase an earlier reputation as "DePortland" .... documented in a news series in The Oregonian several years ago which blew open the INS, and lead to a Pulitzer for the reporters involved...

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She did the foreign line I did the resident line.  No problems at JFK

Hi Johs

How's it feel to be back in jersey!!?? I'm still here after 2 1/2 years.. but did get a nice vacation back that way in feb. WOW loved every minute of it.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth


P.S. ohh I think we went thru the "Line O, Sh*t" line

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Its sucks.. The civil surgeons are driving me up the wall with their cluelessness.


Overall its wonderful to be back in a properly heated house while watching English TV... ahhhh!!


The bagels and pizza rocks but the chinese food needs work.

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We came through Minneapolis, and I was directed to the USC line. The lady told me my wife could go through with me. That saved us quite a bit of time.


We visited the Civil Surgeon a couple of weeks ago. I have never been treated so poorly in a doctor's office before. :( They were taking people who came in after us, and we waited an hour and a half before being called in. When I asked what the deal was the receptionist said "It takes time to prepare the shots." We had an appointment and you don't know what shots she needs until you call us into the examination room!!!!! That's the lamest excuse I ever heard. When I made the appointment I was told the fee would be 185 dollars, no checks, no American Express. OK, I'll bring cash. After the shots were given the lady at the window says "That will be 235 dollars please." What???!!!! :o


OK, I feel better now. :D

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We visited the Civil Surgeon a couple of weeks ago. I have never been treated so poorly in a doctor's office before.


Mark and Mary, We just went through the same thing in Melbourne. They charged us $100 each for basically reviewing our vaccinations and completing the vaccination supplement sheet which they didn't know how to do. They even argued with us that a full physical was required of Ning and Sean even though I told them I called USCIS twice and verified that only the Vaccination Supplement sheet was required. So, not knowing how much to charge us, they made an impromptu decision to charge $100 per person: visa credit card or cash only


-jim and Ning

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We visited the Civil Surgeon a couple of weeks ago. I have never been treated so poorly in a doctor's office before.


Mark and Mary, We just went through the same thing in Melbourne. They charged us $100 each for basically reviewing our vaccinations and completing the vaccination supplement sheet which they didn't know how to do. They even argued with us that a full physical was required of Ning and Sean even though I told them I called USCIS twice and verified that only the Vaccination Supplement sheet was required. So, not knowing how much to charge us, they made an impromptu decision to charge $100 per person: visa credit card or cash only


-jim and Ning

Hey Jim,


You musta went to the same place we did :(

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Its sucks.. The civil surgeons are driving me up the wall with their cluelessness. 


Overall its wonderful to be back in a properly heated house while watching English TV... ahhhh!!


The bagels and pizza rocks but the chinese food needs work.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww bagels, pizza (Italian food?) and english TV..!!!!! there is a god! he just doesn't know about china sigh. :(


Enjoy! they still have great chinese over here and it will be waiting on your return..:(


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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