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Signatures Safety in Numbers

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Hi Everyone,

It has been expressed that some may be hesitant at signing the letter because of reprecussions. I would counter that the more we have the less likely that anyone would want to show a pattern of reprisal for making our statement.


We need numbers. So if you have been thinking about it please mail them to Trigg. We probably have over 30 now so it is unlikely they would want to pick on many of the group. It would be suspicious.


The interviews discussed already this week seem to indicate a change. Maybe someone has already caught on. They seem to be shorter and less beligerant.



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Dan your thinking makes perfect sense.


In fact I would think that once someone has signed this letter and if for any reason or just a hint of a reason that they had trouble with a visa.. a lawyer would have a field day with it!


Seems you might be safer after signing it and it may actually make the process more reasonable.


Take it from this ole timer who spent 19 months waiting, doesn't seem many since than have had to wait as long.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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I just wanted to add some information to this string and hopefully show that signing a letter does not necessarily invite retaliation. I have recently learned that GZ had no knowledge of my SO’s daughter being included on my I-129 application. Needless to say I was very angry and upset by all this and I informed GZ by email that I have a copy of my application and my SO’s daughter was clearly on in. I asked them to send the necessary documents at once. I then call the DOS the next morning to see what I could find out they told me that the documents had been sent that morning but they attached a security check on my SO’s daughter because she was not on the original application. I then wrote an email to Maura Harty complaining about this and I received the following reply.


Dear xxxxxx:

This is in response to your email of March 24 to Assistant Secretary Maura Harty of the Bureau of Consular Affairs. Assistant Secretary Harty has forwarded your email to the Public Inquiries Division for a response. The Public Inquiries Division is currently looking into your case and will respond in the next day or so.

We thank you for your patience.


Public Inquiries Division

Visa Services

Bureau of Consular Affairs

U.S. Department of State


I believe the group letter we have worked on for sometime now will make a big impact on what is happening at GZ. I also agree with Dan R that there seems to be a different attitude with the last postings concerning recent interviews.


Common folks join in send a signature page. Lets join together in this effort to send a message that will be heard.


Boba and Meixiang.

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I agree with all of the previous posts. There are many members here some with their SO's here and many waiting. The letter is only stating the facts, and unless the people in charge become aware of the problems nothing will change. In many cases the top supervisors are not aware of the problem and until they are informed nothing will get done, ie the government way..do your job, don't make waves and you can retire in time. Numbers speak loudly and will shake the tree. I am only half way there (I hope) but iI see that this process is really broken. I recently wrote a letter to the DOS Immigration omnisbud about the visa process through the NVC. If more of us would write letters that are factual and non flaming, along with suggestions for improvements then maybe the system will get fixed. Lets get some more letters going to the DOS and to the press. Ask your relatives to help in this campaign. It will help. Yes it takes an effort, but I for one do not think that this will cause any special treatment or problems for any of the signers. Spending a year or more is wrong and most of the public is unaware of how long this process takes. So get on your puter and send the signature page. Ask your family to sign the letter also. I am emailing my friends and family this weekend to ask them to participate.

Please lets get together and make a difference


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Come on everyone and pony up.

I am one of those concerned about causing a further delay now that I am so close. My solution was to send the signature letter but not give great details about my case nor did I demand personal attention. Dan is correct. With a large response, you can think of your signature as a little fish in a big pond.

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I think now that the group letter has been sent a copy of that and your sig page should now be sent to your congressman and your senators..


Kind of a 3 for one and a nice set up of cross checking.


Also a better chance of hitting that person or persons who will take this issue under their wing and run with it.


Don't stop when it is only half way done!!


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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