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Last minutes questions

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Our interview is coming up on the 31rst.... we are leaving on Monday for GZ and I just have a few last minute questions I hope you can help me with.


First, my bank account is at the Bank of China- no US bank account. We have tried to get them to write us a short letter stating what's required for the I-134 evidence, but they won't. Why they can't write a 3 sentence letter is beyond me, but the only thing they will do is freeze our bank account and then give us a paper saying how much money is in it. Our other option is just to take our bank book which actually has all the info the I-134 requests- when we opened our account, how many deposits and how much money at present. We are thinking we should just take this book instead. My dad is co-sponsoring anyways so I don't know if they will even look at it. Any advice?


Another question- I need to have my I-134 notorized still and since there isn't a consulate where we live, I'm gonna do it when we get to GZ before his interview. Anyone have any info on notorization services there, such as price and if they only do it on certain days or at certain times? I checked the website (no info) and emailed them (no reply) so any help is greatly appreciated.


One last thing- for the P-4 where it asks questions like intended address in the US, intended job, intended place of study, we just put "Not sure yet". Is this sufficient?


We'll be in GZ from March 28 to April 4 if anyone wants to meet with us, please PM me.


Ok, I think that's all for now...

And good luck to beijingjenny today!



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I think the bankbook sounds like a good idea since it has all the information. The truth is alot of banks won't write a letter. If you do alot of banking you might tell the bank you will take your funds somewhere else and see what they say.


The notary idea sounds ok too. I would use the search engine on this site as I think someone recently had the notary fees at the consulate on a posting. Good luck!!!!

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I'm pretty sure they don't care much about Chinese bank account anyway unless you were really rich. The only thing I think the US account is good for is showing "domicile".


I don't remember all those questions on our P-4. Yours must be more detailed or I forgot already. It might be good for "domicile" to put some kind of address, such as that of your sponsor or where you intend to go at first. If it changes later, shouldn't matter.


And thanks for the good wishes. Still waiting anxiously... and will post here, Small World and everywhere as soon as I get some!

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I had my I-864 notarized at the ASC in Peking for free. I would imagine it would be the same in GZ.


Sounds like some great customer service. You would have been better off talking to the ATM machine than the teller. How much did they charge you to have your account frozen? Sorry I'm not much help, but goodluck to both of you and Jennyx3.

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Thanks for the replies. It looks like the bank book is the way to go. The bank wasn't trying to be rude, my fiance's friend works there as a manager- it's just that it seems it's the Chinese way to do everything the hard way and not to break out of tradition. If they've never written a letter like this before, why start now?


They wanted to charge us 20 RMB to freeze the account- not that much- but we can't unfreeze it till we bring the paper back from GZ to them. That's not gonna work for us since we need access to our money during the trip.


Jenny- for the question on where to live, we put my dad's address. For the other stuff about work and school we just put not sure yet.


I saw the post about notorization but it was conflicting- some people said they paid and some people said it was free- also wondering if there are certain times of the day they do this- like only in the afternoons. That's how it is at the Shenyang consulate, so I'd like to know.


Thanks again.

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I just got off the phone with the NVC. They said that if you are over 125% of the poverty level then there is no requirement for any letters from the bank. They also told me that a recent pay stub will suffice as proof of employment instead of a letter from your employer.


Just wanted to pass this along.

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Thanks for the information Carl- that's really helpful. BUT I am definatly not over the 125% line- that's why my dad is co-sponsoring. I do have a letter from his bank though, fortunatly.


Another question I just remembered-


On the DS-156 form #26, the question is "how long do you intend to stay in the US?". Is this a trick question? Because we're K-1 are we supposed to put 90 days cuz that's how long the visa is good for? We just put "At this time unsure".


??? Help???

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How about answering with a word they seem to understand well, "indefinitely".


Amber I saw you are in Dalian. I haven't been there but I have been to several places in Liaoning Sheng. I had hoped to see Dalian but never seem to have the time. I heard the sea park is nice and they have a great aquarium. I hope it is warmer there than Shenyang, not a place in winter for a California Boy.

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Thanks for the information Carl- that's really helpful. BUT I am definatly not over the 125% line- that's why my dad is co-sponsoring. I do have a letter from his bank though, fortunatly.


Another question I just remembered-


On the DS-156 form #26, the question is "how long do you intend to stay in the US?". Is this a trick question? Because we're K-1 are we supposed to put 90 days cuz that's how long the visa is good for? We just put "At this time unsure".


??? Help???

this is a sample file from visajourney:




you can get more filling sample forms from




Hope this helps

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Another question I just remembered-


On the DS-156 form #26, the question is "how long do you intend to stay in the US?". Is this a trick question? Because we're K-1 are we supposed to put 90 days cuz that's how long the visa is good for? We just put "At this time unsure".


??? Help???

I agree with "indefinitely" for #26. That's what Hai Yan put down.


This works in combination with #27 "What is the purpose of your trip." She answered, "To get married to my fiance."

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