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Hi, Everyone...

I'm so Happy right now B) :P :greenblob: :greenblob:


I just got off the phone with My S.O. Guohua,,,, Yes, Yesterday she was sent away for not having the Bank Receipt to show payment for the Visa's.


She came back this morning and showed the receipt, Got her interview and she say's it lasted all of 2 minutes.

He was a young American Male,,, He could not talk to her in Chinese, He told her his Chinese was very bad. So,,, She said no problem I will talk to you in English, My English is not good, Please talk slowly to me.

He asked her 3 questions: Question: When did I come to China?

Why did I only come to China once? Answer: I told My Ricka, To save money for our family and Ricka work very hard for his family. Ok,,,,


Question: Do you have pictures of your time together in China? Answer: Yes, I show you.

She showed him the pictures and he thought I looked funny dressed up like a Chinese Emporer.


Question: Do you know who Rick works for? Answer: Yes, I do, My Ricka works for the United States of America Government, My Ricka keeps bad men away for good people.


OK, Come back tomorrow at 3:00pm for your Visa.


She said thank you very much and shook his hand.

She tells me, He never asked her daughter any questions at all.

She said the man was very nice to her. She also told me, She seen many women leave crying. She seen 2 Pink slips and 2 yellow slips. I don't know if the color is correct or not.

She also said that 4 people were giving interviews, A Black Lady, and the Americna man and 2 Chinese men. She said the Chinese men are very mean to the other women there for interviews.


Any way,,, I'm So Damn Happy,,,,, I just can't sleep, I wish every one the best of luck... Just two more weeks and she'll be HOME! Our life can start and we can put all this behinde us and laugh and smile at each other as we live our life.

Thank You Every One for all the help,,, Your like family,, I don't have any family just me and now Guohua and Ping,,,, But All Of You Here Have Been Great and I hope to stay on this site. Your all great friends and I thank You for your support and help.


Rick :D :greenblob: :greenblob:

P.S. It was 85 degrees here today and my front door is still open, I had to turn on my ceiling fans today.

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I'm happy for you that's man


...but at the same time a little miffed. What about the receipt? Was he messing around with her to flex his authority? or did they let her into the party without paying the cover charge? I know it was ladies night or womans day or something like that.


He wanted to see the reciept for the visa? Can you explain?

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Great news Rick. Now did you get your hair cut yet? Hmmmm? Put the Bikes away? House clean? Better clean it again. Your life as you knew it is over. The upside is it's all good man. Congratulations.

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I hope all the jokes are real,,,, :P It's sounds like fun to me.


Guohua just called me,, She wanted to tell me: My Ricka,,, I LOVE YOU and I want you to go to sleep now, You no worry about me. I will write you e-mail soon and I will come to our home soon and take care of you.

Sleep My Ricka,,, I will come home.


Isn't life GREAT! Guohua called her sister and father and mother. They are Very Happy. I can tell you this for sure! Not Nearly as Happy as ME!


Rick :greenblob:


Thank You All.. :greenblob:

I think I'll start up the Old Harley, The pipes need Blowing Out! B)

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She had the interview for the 9th of March. They called her to the window and as they looked through all the papers and Documents, The lady asked her for the Bank Receipt for the Visa's. Guohua had payed for both Visa's for her and our daughter but didn't have the receipt with her. They told her she had to have this and she needed to get it, Get the receipt for the Visa's and come back tomorrow and she can have the interview.


She went to the Bank and payed again for the Visa's got the receipt and returned this morning, Show the person at the window. They told her to wait and she would be interviewed, Guohua tells me she was the laast person they talk to.

I hope this explains it better for you. I guess she just forgot to bring the receipt with all the other things she had to take, It is a 3 day train ride from Harbin to GuangZhou and she had a lot of stuff to bring. Nearly 2 years of e-mails from me and all the other things I sent to her.

I don't really understand why you need to show you have already payed for the visa,,,, What if you pay and get a blue slip? I just don't know.

But I think they have a way to flix their little bit of power and they do.


Rick soon to be Rick and Guohua and Ping, The Massey Family, Here in Beautiful Phoenix Arizona.

B) :P :greenblob: :greenblob: :greenblob: YES!

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