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Oregon driver alert!!!

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Bing passed the written test today for her drivers license with 90%. She studied intensely the last few nights so she was pretty well prepared. She was convinced she wouldn't pass the first time but I kept telling her no problem she would pass. She could have taken the driving test right away but opted for a learners permit instead to get used to driving our car. Afterward I let her take the wheel. We started off in residential areas with few cars then as she became more confident took to some of the busier streets. Coming home she navigated 82nd Ave just fine. Our little ford ranger pickup is bigger than what she is used to driving in China. She tends to drive a little too far to the right but I am confident she will get the hang of it quickly.

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Great news and way to go Bing!!!


hmmm I am some what concerned Carl about your wife's sudden leaning to the right has she been listening to too much talk radio?


Let us know what we can do to move her back to the left!! hehehe :)

Weather calls for cool this weekend .. finally some pics of the new out fit.. we promise!!




Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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Great news and way to go Bing!!!


hmmm I am some what concerned Carl about your wife's sudden leaning to the right has she been listening to too much talk radio?


Let us know what we can do to move her back to the left!! hehehe :)

Weather calls for cool this weekend .. finally some pics of the new out fit.. we promise!!




Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

She probably likes to listen to Lars Larson.(Local talk show host in Portland)

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Great news and way to go Bing!!!


hmmm I am some what concerned Carl about your wife's sudden leaning to the right has she been listening to too much talk radio?


Let us know what we can do to move her back to the left!! hehehe :)

Weather calls for cool this weekend .. finally some pics of the new out fit.. we promise!!




Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

She probably likes to listen to Lars Larson.(Loca talk show host in Portland)

ACK ACK!!! NOT LARS LARSEN!!!!! He is the Rush Limbaugh wannabe here in Portland. Im gonna tune in the radio to air america and take off the knob.

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Great news and way to go Bing!!!


hmmm I am some what concerned Carl about your wife's sudden leaning to the right has she been listening to too much talk radio?


Let us know what we can do to move her back to the left!! hehehe :)

Weather calls for cool this weekend .. finally some pics of the new out fit.. we promise!!




Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

She probably likes to listen to Lars Larson.(Loca talk show host in Portland)

ACK ACK!!! NOT LARS LARSEN!!!!! He is the Rush Limbaugh wannabe here in Portland. Im gonna tune in the radio to air america and take off the knob.

Hey I liked Lars.....He still on KXL?

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Soon she can drop you off at the bar and pick you up at closing time.

So, a cop is staking out the parking lot of local pub. Out comes a guy, weaving his way first to one car then another then another. The cop begins to salivate. Other patrons are leaving the pub, but the cop has his sights set on this guy. After trying his key in several cars, the guy finally finds his car. After repeated attempts at inserting the key, he eventually gets the car started. The cop can't wait, even as the parking lot empties. After several attempts, the guy gets the car into gear, goes foward, goes backward, turns left, truns right, stops, starts, and at last pulls out of the now empty parking lot onto the street, weaving this way and that.


The cop stops him and says time for a breathalyzer test. The guy tests 0.00. The cop is dumbfounded and re-tests the guy. Again 0.00. The copy says the breathalyzer must be faulty. No says the guy. "I'm the designated drunk."

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Thanks for the warning Carl!  So the next time we see a red Ford Ranger weaving in and out of traffic, swerving side to side, cutting in front of the line at the red light, honking incessantly, failing to yield to pedestrians, and using the emergency lane as an express lane, we'll be sure to wave hello  :blink:

Yea carl, we will wave hello to you but you really should let her do some of the driving.

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Congrats.  Did she take it in Chinese? Some state (like MA), you can take the test in Chinese.  My wife did.

Oregon doesn't offer it in Chinese. Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Russian yes but not Chinese. They did however provide a translator to help her with the written test. The woman only spoke Cantonese though. Ok for Bing since she speaks a few different dialects but there was another Chinese man there waiting after Bing that spoke only Putonghua. He was somewhat dismayed. One would think that the DMV would realize that not all Chinese people speak Guandonhua.

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