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Where to visit

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Maybe I'm planning a little ahead here, but if all goes well at the interview in a couple of weeks, planning a 3 week "home leave" to US in May, centered around China's May 1st holiday week.


Since this is her first trip to US, and so far her exposure to US has been through news media, moveis, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, I'm trying to have her get a feel what things are really like.


So far, shaping up like this... Have to spend some time in Los Angeles visiting my storage unit to get some stuff out, and I can just hear her now when she sees that one. "why so much junks you will never use" and will be visiting with some friends, - all Taiwanese or Chinese, somehow when I lived in LA my friends were all Asian- probably will do Universal and the usual trip around town and the beach. May stuff her in a Cessna whilst I get some refresher flying done.


Then off to visit my mom in Arizona, a really small town in the dessert. She's met my mom before, so that 's not a problem. The party my mom will throw to "welcome" us to USA might be a little interesting. Folks there don't get out much and have a pretty uneducated idea about China. Then maybe a couple of day's in Vegas she's seen it on TV (C.S.I is one of our favorite programs) and is curious also to see some shows.


After that, things pretty much open. Thought about taking her to where grew up in Missouri to see where I grew up and side trip to Branson, especially if Willie Nelson is still playing there, but then again, that's a real culture shocker there. She wants to go to Yellowstone, may do that instead. Anyplace out in the countryside, one thing we can't get here anymore, too many factories in this part of the world, too much pollution. Bass fishing on Table Rock anyone? She loves to fish. And finally a wife that doesn't mind cleaning and cooking them!!


Any tips from those of you that have your SO's in US?? After this trip probably won't get back until Christmas.



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I'm not to sure the flyiong thing is a good idea. I tried to get my SO to go up with me-much like most people who have seen me fly-she refused.


Ahhhhh, the fishing thing. I have taken my darlin', what a rush. She loved it and YES!!!!! She cleans everything we catch---that has gotta be love!!!!

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Guest Long_strider

All my chinese friends say they like to visit the Grand Canyon. They say there is nothing like it in China. It's not too far a drive from Las Vegas.




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All my chinese friends say they like to visit the Grand Canyon.  They say there is nothing like it in China.  It's not too far a drive from Las Vegas.






There *is* something like it in China! I have some photos if you want to see. However, it is in an area in which the non-Chinese tourists have not yet found!


It is in an area of Gansu and XingHai which has not had many people since the end of the Qin Dynasty!




Many of the Chinese that I know really enjoy New York City, SF, and Puerto Rico!

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I personally can't wait for this. When I was there, Jennifer kept asking me where I wanted to go even though I had no idea what was around. :P I think I will turn the tables on her and ask the same thing. :rolleyes: Probably won't work though because she will just ask her cousin for advise and I will be fooled into submitting to her wishes right from the start. :P Besides visiting her cousin, who she hasn't seen in 5 years, I'm sure SF or Monterey will be high on the list. And of course LV and Disney for the nups. :)

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Shortly after Juxin got here, I took her to LA. We enjoyed driving along Mullholland Drive, seeing the famous "Hollywood" sign, Hollywood Boulevard with the Walk of Fame (and of course had to take a photo of her kneeling over the Jackie Chan star). Also enjoyed walking along Manhatten Beach to see all the beach mansions.


I second the motion to see the Grand Canyon - a feast for the eyes.


Juxin also really enjoyed seeing New York city - the city of all cities.

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I'm not to sure the flyiong thing is a good idea. I tried to get my SO to go up with me-much like most people who have seen me fly-she refused.

My SO is ready to go sky diving ;) She's already jumped out of the tallest building in Singapore.

Wow!!! What a rush...

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The flying thing is still up in the air - I can't believe I just wrote that! Zhi Xian is a bit afraid of heights, although the fact we life on 14th floor apartment does't seem to be a problem. Grand Canyon is maybe a day trip from my mom's with an overnight, so maybe that might be an option.


A lot of stuff to see, but lets first see how the interview goes. She's a little gun shy about planning because she was turned down for tourist visa twice, she figures they'll just say no again, and that's the end of it.


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