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Stepped In It Big Time

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Great news Mark! Now get her home so that future democrat child of yours can be born in america and run for president on an anti war, pro choice, pro social programs platform.   After all it is a time honored american tradition to rebel against your parents.


EXTRA SWEET !!!! I may just have to remain friends with this ol republican long enough to see this come true!!! :P B) B)


We will try to meet you guys at Lucy's bar tomorrow - can't say for sure but probable . . .

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Thanks everybody, even you , ahem, Liberal leaning individuals. Good wishes are good no matter which side of the aisle they come from.


I screwed up! I left the hotel this morning without my camera, so I hope everyone coming to the get together will bring one. Actually, ShuPing didn't tell me her plans today, so I didn't make proper plans myself. Now, we're half way across town and I have an on-line test to do and we're not going back to the hotel before she goes to get her visa, so I may have to buy a disposable camera.


In either case, I'll update the visa report later.

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I mean think about it he, forgot papers, lost a airline ticket through some techicnality, and now camera, the only thing that was not jinx was her visa seem everything bad is center on him. he like a vacuum cleaner for bad luck watch by morning he lose his wallet, misplace the plane tickets or get on wrong plane. or even break his leg as he step foot on US soil


geeez hope it not contagtis




I bet he even step on a crack

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Well nothing as bad as all that, but I do have some fun stuff to tell you about my "not-so-good" luck. It'll have to wait though. Suffice it to say that we arrived in Denver today, tired but in one piece.


I feel really bad for ShuPing, she developed a cough and sniffles and it only got worse as we travelled. Now, on top of being pregnant, she's suffering with a chest cold and jet-lag. I could tell she was happy to be here, but she looked like she'd been run through the ringer. She's now laying in her new bed, sleeping soundly.


I'm going to type one more message, set up a download and hit the hay myself. Though I don't think she'll even know I'm not there, I'll know.


Thanks to all my CFL friends and family, again, we couldn't have done it without you.

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Guest blsqueaky

Mark, glad that you are home safe and sound. As far as pics, Ling told me that she had her camera, so as soon as she gets home, well at least within a day or 2, I will download and send you what she took

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Hey Mark:

Jiejun and I are Nanning now so is C4racer. Glad to hear your on US Soil. Jiejun, Son and I will arrive the 18th in Newark, NJ. I think we all had a great time at Luci's. The food wasnt that bad and the beer was pretty good. To bad the check got messed up but thats ok. Hope you both have a good life in the USA.


Wayne & Jiejun


PS: one of the 4 of us got bad news at the interview..

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