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Stepped In It Big Time

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Hey Everyone,


Well I made it to GZ via CTS bus - 3 hours from the HK airport to GZ. Only $35 and not a bad ride.


Sitting in San Francisco's airport, I decided to pull out my I-134 form and read the contents thereof - for the first time. Needless to say I was shocked to find that I need more than copies of the last 3 years of tax returns that I thought I needed.


Oh Sh**! I need a letter from my employer?!!!! I need a letter from my bank?!!!!! WTF!!!! I am now in it knee deep and rising.


Here's my current plan, call my employer and my bank and hope they can fax these things to me before Thursday.


I'm also lost about what to do otherwise. I thought everything would fall into place, and maybe it is, but I'm pretty worried at the moment.


I'm very open to suggestions, if anyone has any. Also, can someone tell me what I should be getting done before Friday morning's interview?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Take a deep breath, and relax! :lol: Just came from the interview last week! They seem to only be interested in pictures, and the last two years of your tax returns! They did not even want to see my I-134, letter from employer, or letter from the bank! Your already married so they just want to know if you can support your spouse now! If your W-2's or tax returns you have shows you above the poverty level, you should be safe! But get everything faxed to you that you can just to be on the safe side!

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If your income is over the 125% limit you do not need to provide bank statements, But you may need the income verification. It should be on letter head. Maybe you could get a friend, co-worker or relative to get the form and overnight it if they will not fax it. They may not even ask for it but get if you can just in case.



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Since you have your tax records I would concentrate on the letter from employer on company letterhead and have them fax it to you. They probably won't even look at it anyway but you never know. The rest isn't essential as long as you make 125% of the poverty guidelines.

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I would be surprised if this became a big problem. This is really about financial worth, and it can be documented in maany ways --- assets or income...... doubt you have a problem... Good luck, and enjoy Guangzhou ~!


.... Don't let this small issue shadow your time in GZ ~!



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Needless to say I was shocked to find that I need more than copies of the last 3 years of tax returns that I thought I needed.


Oh Sh**!  I need a letter from my employer?!!!!  I need a letter from my bank?!!!!!  WTF!!!!  I am now in it knee deep and rising.

Hey Mr. LuvsShuPing,


How long have you had to prepare for this day??????? How much effort have you put into this???


With nearly 2000 CFL posts under your belt, what have been doing all this time? Ah yes, I foRRgot.


Anyway, odds are, you won't have any problems because it seems nowadays they rarely look at I-134s anymore. So relax, you'll probably be fine. If not then it won't be very hard to get those documents. Good luck!

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Who ever said you had to have 3 years of tax returns with the I-134. You only need 1 tax return and don't really need that. The 3 years is for the I-864, a form that is taken more seriously.

Also, it is written somewhere that a K-3 doesn't need an I-134 at the interview but it is recommended to have one, just in case. How many times have I posted that? And chances are that the VO won't even look at it.

If your salary is above the 125%, I wouldn't worry about it too much but if you can get a letter of employment faxed to you, then you can rest.

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I'm not one to worry much, kinda like Alfred E. Newman. But this did get me there.


Yeah, I know, I had plenty of time to know what I needed, and plenty of time to get it together. All I can say is I'm lucky to have gotten this far with all the friggin' paperwork. I stand as a testament to the procrastinating individual and his innate ability to stumble through the most difficult situations. In other words, if I can do it, you can too. It' s the power of love and the blessings from above.


Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and mild reprimand (Jim). It does give me hope.


My bank said they do this all the time and would fax it to me, that was yesterday morning (US), I haven't gotten it yet. I called my boss and couldn't reach her in person, but left a voice mail about what I needed. I'm sure she can come through, but I am a little more concerned about this one. Hopefully, she will be able to fax it by tomorrow.


I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks again.

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