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For anyone who remembers I have been hassling with the VA about insurance for my SO. I had been told by the VA that to get CHAMPVA insurance that I must first obtain an SSN for my SO as issued by the SSA. The SSA lost my file but said "it isn't lost, they just don't know where it is". So I called my congressman who said he would contact the VA . He then said the VA needed the SSN so he contacted the SSA who said they needed an EAD from INS but they really meant from UCIS. So we filled the I-765 along with the I-485 to get an EAD so I could file for an SSN from the SSA in order to get the VA to give CHAMPVA to my SO.


After several months I obtained the EAD and went to the SSA to get the SSN for the VA in order to get CHAMPVA for my SO. Now the SSN said the EAD was not valid because the DHS didn't have a record form the BCIS. So the SSA refused to give me an SSN for the VA so the VA could give my SO.........


Well, keeping along story short. I just opened yesterdays mail and I now have insurance for my SO.


Finnaly the DHS and the BCIS along with the UCIS in conjuction with the SSA and the UCIS have somehow awarded an SSN to my SO so the VA could award her CHAMPVA insurance. .


WTF was all the BS all about. I'm PO'ed but grinnin'.

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Finnaly the DHS and the BCIS along with the UCIS in conjuction with the SSA and the UCIS have somehow awarded an SSN to my SO so the VA  could award her CHAMPVA insurance. .


WTF was all the BS all about. I'm PO'ed but grinnin'.

Congats Trigg!


But I got a little dizzy reading this last sentence! <_<

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feel lucky that the FAA isn't involved...they are known as alaphbet soup in some quarters!

All's well, that ends well.  Now hope that you don't need to use it.


The FAA and I aren't on speaking terms. Something about them telling me I need to have a license to fly my plane. I explained to them that I would gladly get a license to fly their plane but mine is mine and i'm still gonna fly it even if they do try to pull me over to the nearest cloud. Besides, it is only a glorified ultralite anyway. Two people and 65mph top speed. Open air all the way. It goes to slow for them to catch me-they would stall flying at my VNE.

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CHAMPVA insurance. .




This a state thing-ah-ma-bobber or a federal do-da-day.????


Iv been thinking about signing up for VA medical---but don't know Poo about it...

It's a federal thing through the VA. CHAMPVA is insurance that is free to the dependents of a 100% disabled combat veteran. They go to regular doctors, not the VA. Now all you gotta do is restart VN and get shot to pieces a few times and you will have all the free insurance your heart desires. Word of caution, do not overdo the previous step.

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