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How many is enough?

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I am just starting to collect all of our paperwork for March interview. Have one very stupid, but necessary question.


If I print out all of the emails, I would need 742 pages. We email at least once every day as it helps with her English. Should I print out everything or do we just need enough to show Guangzhou the types of emails we send back and forth?




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Several is good. Pick out the ones that you think show a valid relationship. Pull the header page and a few lines from as many as you can. I think they will get the hint. It is rare that they look at emails but I sometimes think they weight them. My SO took only about 30 emails with her to the interview. That is probably not enough but they never looked at them anyway.

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We have over 230 emails back and forth and I've just printed out a few plus the header pages like Trigg suggested. However, I've also printed out a whole bunch more which I'm keeping in reserve in case we need to overcome a denial the first time around.


I'd really like to hear other people's experience with and/or advice about stategies for dealing with a denial.



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Thanks for the info guys...


I thought 742 was a little much, but I did not want to send her with too few either.


Phone Logs? No problem every day for a year only needs about 40 pages.


Paperwork, Printouts.. Trees, Trees and more Trees. Maybe I should have considered stock in Weyerhauser before undertaking this adventure.

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Guest DragonFlower

Today,we're sitting at about 1500 emails.

By the the time GZ gets around to an interveiw,should be well over 2000.

I'm thinking 1 in 10 is still too much to cart around.

Guess we just pick the high points.

Actually thinking of stapling it together and heading off to AMAZON.

Just got to figure a way to get it BANNED in 14 countries,so it will be a bestseller.




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I contacted GZ consulate and it is up to the visa officer to determine if the relationship with your significant other is real. I would start by making trips to China and taking lots of pictures. Pictures with both of you on different occassions and preferrably with lots of family members are the best proof.

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My beautiful and thoughtful fiancee counted up how many e-mails and chats we had send each other. I think it is over 1100 e-mails and about 300 chat records on Yahoo Messenger.


She printed up a sample of each month's e-mails I sent to her, and I printed up about 10 or 12 e-mails from her each month. The reason for this is her e-mails to me show the header lines and mine to her show the header lines from both of us. I found if I print my e-mails to her it does not show it is from me.


I also put all our e-mails and chat records on CDs. I know GZ cannot read them, but if they need more information, then my fiancee has all of them.


With all the photos and documents that are really needed, and the sample of the e-mails and chats, my fiancee will have a package of over 5 pounds with her. So I wonder how much more evidence they will need.



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