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Or you can get her chocolate? Or better yet, cook something very special! If you want, I can give you my recipe for double chocolate surprise cake. The people in my old University Coop loved the stuff (and it has enough alcohol in it that even if it were NOT REALLY GOOD, you would still be having a great time anyway)!

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How can she hold it against me when there are so many darlin' days? Feb 14th=American Valentines day. Feb 23rd=Chinese Valentines day. Aug 22cnd =woman's day. July 7th = lovers day and now my lovely understanding forgiving wife tells me that March 8th is some kind of sweetheart day and the 20th is her one year coming to America anniversary and the 24th is the wedding anniversary and I'm sure she has a birthday sometime and and and and and and and.............


When do they find time to make babies if they spend all, their time making money for gifts??? No wonder Al Capone got a little upset on Valentines day back in the 20's.


Gheeeez guys, we don't stand a Chinaman's chance in hell-do we??

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Ya, I' sure a shiny new bass boat would be the way to her heart.  :lol:  :blink:  :huh:  :(

It is settled then. Even Don thinks it's a good idea----and he is neber wrong-A bass boat it is. But I already have two-no problem ya can't have too many.

Trigg: When you're really good, you will be able to convince her of what an HONOR it is to clean and cook the sacrificial Bass.:D

Then, sir, you will have it made! B)

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Way ahead of you. After an adequet time for the honeymoon-three days after she arrived. I hit the lake and came home with several croppie and bass and a few catfish. I put the cooler full on the patio and headed to the store for smokes. When I got home 15 minutes later she had almost finished cleaning them. She looked at me and said "Husband!!! These very good. You can get more??"


Since then she has cleaned hundreds of fish-Actually when bluegill season came around she caught and cleaned hundreds. Ask Frank-he is still eating the little devils.


Now guys, you just gotta love a woman who cleans the fish ya catch--and then begs for more. Even if she does mop the boat.

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How can she hold it against me when there are so many darlin' days? Feb 14th=American Valentines day. Feb 23rd=Chinese Valentines day. Aug 22cnd =woman's day. July 7th = lovers day and now my lovely understanding forgiving wife tells me that March 8th is some kind of sweetheart day and the 20th is her one year coming to America anniversary and the 24th is the wedding anniversary and I'm sure she has a birthday sometime and and and and and and and.............


When do they find time to make babies if they spend all, their time making money for gifts??? No wonder Al Capone got a little upset on Valentines day back in the 20's.


Gheeeez guys, we don't stand a Chinaman's chance in hell-do we??

Oh no! It appears that March will be a bad month for me too. Not only all these sweetheart days but her birthday on the 17th too. Hmmmm I must consult The Rule Book for Sino-America Cohabitation...................... Dang! It states right here..... The consolidation of holidays for the convenience of husband is strictly forbidden.

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Hmmmm I must consult The Rule Book for Sino-America  Cohabitation...................... Dang! It states right here..... The consolidation of holidays for the convenience of husband is strictly forbidden.

Me thinks you need to burn that book. That's un-American. Holiday consolidation is a way of life in the trigg Household-er, um, at least it used to be.

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I thought Nicola and I were beyond material things. We just woke up and got ready to go to work. Well the day started off with "Remember last year you sent me flowers" to "Its fun to Celebrate things" to "What do you want for your birthday" Which basically means I want something for Valentines day now! HAHAHA She finally said "My grandmother asked me what you got me" HAHAHA

I did what any intelligent man would do...........Take her out to eat! That way I get to enjoy half the present myself! HAHAHA Its a day to share the love not give it all to our SO :P :P :D In the end she was happy and so was I!!

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I just looked on line and Jennifer's gift still didn't make it there. UPS site said it had been delayed to be X-rayed. :P Real good for a little candy a card and a stuffed animal. All originally from China. At least like gifts I got for her for Christmas, I'm keeping those wrapped and here for her arival. :P She isn't aware so it will be a suprise. :D

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Its funny Jim because you remind me of when I bought Nicola a stuffed animal that was also made in China.  I felt weird sending it back to China and having the shipping cost more than the gift!

When I went over there, I thought I was so clever to take her something as American as a stuffed Snoopy. Imagine my suprise not only to see Snoopy on pillows in her sister's car, but to see stores dedicated to the guy. :unsure: It's hard enought to accept $15 worth of stuff could cost so much to send, but be delayed for x-rays. <_< I kept trying to find things that didn't originate there but finally gave up. :) I just can't wait for next year when I can spend the money on her and not UPS.

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