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OK.... Here it is....


The first visit at 8:00 was just for turning in documents from the Med Envelope which the official asked her to open, and then the fingerprinting. After security, a man collected the interview letter and then allowed them into the lobby. This is a VERY small room. Then they called her name and directed her to window 11. At the window, the clerk took her passport and had her open the sealed envelope. Then she signed three documents, the ones that the P4 included that needed notarization. Next she was assigned number 27 and instructed to wait in the lobby. Later they called her name again for fingerprinting. After that was completed she was given the interview letter back and instructions to return at 1:00 PM.

We returned to the line at 12:00. It seems that arriving one hour early is about right. There was already a crowd forming. At 1:00 the guard allowed everybody inside the fence for a security screen again before entering the lobby and again producing the interview letter. When everyone was in the lobby, an official performed the swearing in of the group. Then, the interviews begin. When her name was called, she went to the window. These are the questions: (mostly in Chinese)


VO: Nihao

J: Nihao

VO: Your passport please?

J: (Hands over her passport and mine) OK Here You are

VO: (seeing the US passport thought it belonged to J) Have you ever been to America?

J: No, this is my friend's passport (Nice to know I rate)

VO: Your friend?!

J: Sorry, this is my fiance's passport. (Began speaking English at this point)

VO: OH! Your special friend.. I see. (English)

J: Ahh Yes

VO: Who are you going to marry? (English)

J: Can you repeat that question?

VO: Who are you going to marry? (Chinese)

J: Robert Philip Sxxxxxxxxx

VO: When did you know him? (Chinese)

J: I met him online on AsianEuro September 2003. (English)

VO: How many times has he been to China?

J: Three times and he is standing outside right now.

VO: When did he come?

J: The first time was September 2004

VO: 2004?

J: I'm so sorry, it's 2003 (actually it was November 2003)

VO: The second time?

J: 2004 April and the third time is Janu--

VO: What does he do for a living?

J: Instrument technician

VO: What kind?

J: Airplane Instruments

VO: Can you give me the I-134?

J: (Looking for it, offers the notarized passport copy)

VO: I don't need that... Is that the tax return? Let me see that.

J: (Still looking for the I-134) OK (Begins looking for the tax return)

VO: Here it is......

J: (Produces tax return)

VO: what is your job?

J: Mostly I work as a designer but my last job was as a real estate seller.

VO: What kind of designer?

J: Interior

J: (Finds the I-134) Here you are.

VO: Could you show me some email?

J: OK (Produces about 100 emails)

VO: That's enough

VO: Do you write email in English?

J: Yes

VO: Who found who first?

J: Could you repeat that again?

VO: Who found who first?

J: He found me first!

VO: What did he say in the first email?

J: He said he liked my profile and personality and character

VO: Could you let me see your pictures?

J: Ok here you are

VO: (Looks at a few pictures) OK.... You passed. Come back tomorrow at 4 o'clock for your visa. (Hands over white slip)

J: (Unbelievebly big smile!) Thank You!!!!!!

VO: ²»ÓÃл£¬ÂýÂý×ߣ¡


This shows that even with less than perfect English and even some incorrect answers, the interview is not a problem for those truly in love. The woman was very nice and polite and always said лл whenever recieving documents from my sweetie. I was a bit nervous when she had to go back at 1:00 but it was not a problem at all. Maybe they were just very busy yesterday.

Thank God that is behind us. Time to go to Nanning.

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