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refrigerators... why have one?

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i got into a discussion with my wife recently, about food and the refrigerator. I told her that i was boiling some eggs to take with me for work in a few days. She said why do that job now? Told her that i would put them in the fridge. She said "oh no honey they will have much sperms" HUH?? Oh you mean germs? Yes she said. I t will be no good if you put them in the refrigerator over night. The we talked about American food, canned, microwave, packaged and frozen. Honey don't eat that it is no good, bad for you. LOL so i guess it is okay to store beer in there. Absolutely no frozen meat. My wife will eat only fresh...it should be alive first, chicken, duck or fish. I guess i better start raising the fresh stuff now. Any other stories you can share about this?

I would eat some cheetos now but they have to much sugar!!!!

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i got into a discussion with my wife recently, about food and the refrigerator.  I told her that i was boiling some eggs to take with me for work in a few days.  She said why do that job now?  Told her that i would put them in the fridge.  She said "oh no honey they will have much sperms"  HUH?? Oh you mean germs?  Yes she said.  I t will be no good if you put them in the refrigerator over night. The we talked about American food, canned, microwave, packaged and frozen. Honey don't eat that it is no good, bad for you.  LOL so i guess it is okay to store beer in there.  Absolutely no frozen meat.  My wife will eat only fresh...it should be alive first, chicken, duck or fish.  I guess i better start raising the fresh stuff now. Any other stories you can share about this? 

I would eat some cheetos now but they have to much sugar!!!!

Last night I talked to Ying and I mentioned some of the things you guys have said about after your wives have arrived in the states. She could not help but to laugh. She has promised me that she for one loves modern convience and will use all the machines we have available. She is especially looking forward to having an oven and learning how to bake, so I think I am going to become her guinea pig when she begins to experiement. I remember the advice my dad gave me years ago, eat it even if it is bad and tell her it was the best you ever ate :rolleyes:.

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I told my S.O. today, I had to buy a new refrigerator. Her responce. WHY? We no need. I guess it's kind of like the OVEN,, She has never used one and wants me to teach her. And why does the stove have more than one burner? She said all she need is one burner and a pressure cooker.

Forget the vacum, and the washer. Washer no clean clothes, No, No. Wash with hand. No carpet, No, No, carpet dirty.


Ok :huh: Dear.

Rick :D

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I told my S.O. today, I had to buy a new refrigerator. Her responce. WHY? We no need.  I guess it's kind of like the OVEN,, She has never used one and wants me to teach her.  And why does the stove have more than one burner? She said all she need is one burner and a pressure cooker.

Forget the vacum, and the washer. Washer no clean clothes, No, No. Wash with hand.  No carpet, No, No, carpet dirty.


Ok :huh:  Dear.

Rick :D

hahaha! Yes most of Chinese women did think so . I would like to wash my clothes with my hands , and I would like to eat fresh food ( I hate frozen food ) . Here we can buy all kinds of fresh stuf like chicken , duck .... and I do think there is much germs in the refrigerator . not sperms _ I made a mistake when I talked to my husband Mark . hahaha !!!


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I told my S.O. today, I had to buy a new refrigerator. Her responce. WHY? We no need.  I guess it's kind of like the OVEN,, She has never used one and wants me to teach her.  And why does the stove have more than one burner? She said all she need is one burner and a pressure cooker.

Forget the vacum, and the washer. Washer no clean clothes, No, No. Wash with hand.  No carpet, No, No, carpet dirty.


Ok :huh:  Dear.

Rick :D

hahaha! Yes most of Chinese women did think so . I would like to wash my clothes with my hands , and I would like to eat fresh food ( I hate frozen food ) . Here we can buy all kinds of fresh stuf like chicken , duck .... and I do think there is much germs in the refrigerator . not sperms _ I made a mistake when I talked to my husband Mark . hahaha !!!


I for one am relieved to hear that my frig isn't full of sperms. That is the only place i forgot to clean before ashe got here. Hmmmm, impregnated by a piece of cold chicken. SSURRRRRrrrrrrre

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Lately the OUTSIDES of our refrig. was colder than the insides in Shanghai.

Gives us a lot more room for food storage over the confines of 5-6 cubic feet. :o


Ex was from Thailand and we never used a frig there. Food was stored in an open air screened cabinet. I never got food poisioning there but DID on the US air bases in Viet Nam and Thailand. :D


Our apartment is only 3 years old but has the combination heat/AC in the bedroom and dining room only. The Chinese have come a long ways in many ways but not w/ central heat, windows that keep out drafts & dirt or insulation. :huh:

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Just get used to leftovers being kept on the table or the counter or the stove - anywhere but the refrigerator. :D

Our leftovers are always out on the counter top as well....

She loves the fridg has it stuffed full of food, Freezer as well. She will not use the dishwasher though--I haven't asked why---I let her do her own thing in the kitchen---but I never can find anything in there anymore. She threw out the pizza cutter the other day--I had to replace that right away...She don't like Pizza--so there A L L M I N E......


Im about to show her son what a peanut/butter and jelly sandwich is.. Im curious to his reaction....

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All, YOURS! :P

Your so lucky,,, My S.O. likes pizza.

But I was thinking :rolleyes: Hmmmm I can hide it in the frig. :D I don't think she'll ever look in there. I'll move the frig out to the garage with the bikes. Beer, Pizza and cans of wax to polish the bikes.

Now I ask you,, Can life be any better B)

Huh :o , Yes Dear :huh: , I'll be right there, YES, I'll bring in the Pizza ;)


Rick :D

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We bought dongdong's parents a new full size refrigerator which had to be hauled by hand 3 hours directly up a steep mountain by two men to get to their house (paid double($4.00) the usual rate for the moving as I felt bad ). After a few days my laopo noticed the fridge was unplugged. It has now become the most expensive, insect proof storage cabinet in the whole region. Meat still hangs from the rafters in the kitchen.....

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She will not use the dishwasher though--I haven't asked why---

That's because there's no such thing as a dishwasher. From now on, be prepared to refer to it as a clean dish storage device.


Actually, Jingwen uses the dishwasher to wash the dishes a second time after they have been washed by hand, but I can guarantee you that the dishes will stay in the washer until needed. I see some method in this madness. Dishes are washed repeatedly this way. I've probably got a dish or two that has been in the dishwasher since Jingwen arrived last year. My gut tells me that dish has probably been clean 300 times by now. :rolleyes:

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Hmmmmmm..Refrigerator yes mother and father had one and they used it. But still had Meat and Poultry Hanging from the Balcony. Wife uses a washer but not a dryer clothes hanging on the Balcony. Iron Clothes No Do. Use the Same wash rag and towels for about a week. Yes Food on the Counters until the next Meal.(Not much left with me around.) Could not help clear the table had to go sit with the men ( no wonder why I got dirty looks like what the Heck you trying to start here mister thats womens work) Don't touch the railings they are dirty,(so what if you fall down 30 steps and get hurt) don't touch the railing. Never look at other women Look up or down never side ways because She'll be watching you. Isnt Love Great? Right Jiejun :rolleyes:

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