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The infamous video tape.

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Time for my dumb question of the week. I have seen many requests for the infamous video tape. Most often the request is for the American fiance(e) speaking Chinese. Many have indicated that the purpose of the tape is to show that the two individuals can communicate. If that in fact is the true purpose of the video tape then my question is this; why can't the Chinese SO submit a five minute tape of the SO speaking English? I think its reasonable to assume most of the Americans can speak and understand English. Since the couple most likely will be living where English is the primary means of communication having the Chinese SO speaking English seems logical to me. Is it possible that the video tape request has little to do with demonstrating the ability to communicate???

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I think the primary purpose of requesting the video tape is to see if the USC will jump through the consulates hoops by flying to China to make the tape, particulary if the USC is not present in GZ at interview time. Perhaps this is the consulates reaction to having doubts of a valid relationship.


For this reason many CFL members have made tapes with their SO on one of their visits prior to the interview date.


Out of curiosity has anyone received the request for a tape who was present in GZ at time of interview?

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The tape is to show that a couple can communicate. Asking that it is the American speaking chinese is generic. The logic is that if the chinese at the interview doesn't speak english then the America should speak Chinese. However, there is NO regualtion that states you must speak a common language. You only need to show you can communicate in order to prove a valid relationship. All they really want is proof you and your SO can comminucate--pocket translators etc.. are all proof of this and a tape prooving communication is what really want and what they will accept.

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When I visited my SO in Sept we did a 8 minute tape of us just talking. I did the tape as a preventive measure, in case they ask for it. I think GZ just asks for the tape at times because they want proof that the couple can communicate. I think it is like having your copies of your passport notarized, they want to see if you can provide the information.


I know if they were in the US and asked for a communication tape and notarized copy of a document(passport), that is not supposed to be copied, all kinds of groups would be shouting about rights violations.


Just my 2 cents.



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If my wife's coming to the US was dependant on my abilty to speak chinese (or spelling in english), I have got some big time problems, cause I'm not fooling anybody with my mandarin skills. They are improving slowly however. The reason for the video is a no brainer. Basic foundation of a good marriage, work enviroment or anything else that requires more than one person is good communication. I think it's safe to say that with good communication skills, things can only get better. As far as the gov is concerned, "Seeing is believeing." Your right! That was a stupid question. I don't think that providing a video is an outrageous request, I just think that it should be documented as a requirement and be made a standard for everyone if that's the way the want it. I don't like hearing about the Onezy, Twozeezz cases where they make it a suprise.


Kidding about the stupid question remark by the way... No I'm not... Yes I am... dough!!! :blink: I call shotgun! I get the next stupid question. Why the heck would anyone want to moon a werewolf?

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Kidding about the stupid question remark by the way... No I'm not... Yes I am... dough!!! :blink: I call shotgun! I get the next stupid question. Why the heck would anyone want to moon a werewolf?

They wouldn't-if they were smart. You show a werewolf a full moon and you have a real problem--kinda like letting the sleeping dog ly. Put another way it's like saying DON'T F#!@$ with me and I won't F#!@$ with you, or If you don't start it it won't get started-if you do i'll finish it!


Sooooooo, NEVER EVER moon a werewolf-you may get bit.


to answer your next question---NO

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Out of curiosity has anyone received the request for a tape who was present in GZ at time of interview?

Yes, Moon Carol Cafe. He was forced to jump through every hoop ever heard of then jump through a few more no one else ever had to. He was severely screwed but finally won in the end.

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There is another aspect to the tape (two of us in my case) that I like.


Another person unfamiliar with the relationship can see how you behave together; body language, facial expressions, etc.


My niece looked at our tape and said "She really does love you." I trust that any others looking at our interaction would draw the same conclusion.

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I tend to agree with you Leejcandle. I also think the VOs are using intarigation tactics that might not seem obvious, such as during the interview asking some common questions than asking something very obvious like her fiance's name.


The VOs are looking for reactions and differences of tone in speech. Considering how many people they have to process, I don't think the video is unreasonable when they can't determine from the interview if the relationship is valid. I am surprised they don't require the current newspaper in the video to show the date was recent. If I were the VO, I know that I would certain request it. :huh:


Just my two cents... Take one if you like, leave the change. :blink:



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I'll take one of those pennies. I also think it is a test to see a reaction. Yes communication is important but speaking a common language is not. I am sure many will agree that pure American couples who both speak English still have trouble communicatins. Jerry Springer and Maury Povich prove that almost every day on tv. It also seems to me that recently cases are having less trouble with this from last summer when it seemed almost every other person was having problems. Maybe someone at DOS gained a little wisdom on the subject or cflers have adapted to other parts of the visa equation. It is probable the later. I was wondering, Some have written letters to the VO and gave it to their SO for the interview. Anyone who has done so still had problems? In my case, Yunhe's English is not very good and my Mandarin is much worse. Needless to say this has made for some sleepless nights. Besides, having to wait 15 #@%#& months from filing to interview and not being able to see her should count for something. The stress they put us all through should show our commitment to this. Well I guess tis is another 2 cents so the pot is growing. :P

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Mike (c4racer) and I were talking last night about the topic of communication and I brought up my theory that in some ways I think we communicate better than american/american couples. Because there is a language barrier we have to pay close attention to what it is our spouse is trying to tell us. We don't have the luxury of mumbling yes dear while pretending to listen.

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Kidding about the stupid question remark by the way... No I'm not... Yes I am... dough!!! :o I call shotgun! I get the next stupid question. Why the heck would anyone want to moon a werewolf?

They wouldn't-if they were smart. You show a werewolf a full moon and you have a real problem--kinda like letting the sleeping dog ly. Put another way it's like saying DON'T F#!@$ with me and I won't F#!@$ with you, or If you don't start it it won't get started-if you do i'll finish it!


Sooooooo, NEVER EVER moon a werewolf-you may get bit.


to answer your next question---NO

I can't think of my next question yet. What is it?

If I moon anyone including a werewolf, they should use caushion, especially after 1/2 jar of kim chee and a six pack.

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