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Jun leaving for GZ today

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Well, Jun's interview isn't until the 21st but she left for GZ today. Her old boss is arranging a hotel for her, and tomorrow will be the medical exam. I'm amazed how calm she is about it. She's been telling people she doesn't have to worry, because I do all the worrying for both of us :P


It's all coming down to the wire now, keep your fingers crossed for me. :)

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We are right behind her and will leave tommorrow evening on the dreaded night bus. We will keep an eye out for her and others on the 21st.


If anyone knows what chilblains is I got it this week on 3 toes during my computer time. Yangshuo absolutley sucks in the wintertime. Heat is not a priority here.


good luck to all.


I am estatic about going to warmer guangzhou for a week!!!!

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JP, congrats and wishing you the best. I for one, not worried. I know in my heart that Jun will do just great. How soon after interview is she travelling here??

She'll be staying for Chinese New Year, then visiting her brother in Shanghai, so she'll leave for here from Shanghai on Feb 28th.

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Guest blsqueaky
JP, congrats and wishing you the best. I for one, not worried. I know in my heart that Jun will do just great. How soon after interview is she travelling here??

She'll be staying for Chinese New Year, then visiting her brother in Shanghai, so she'll leave for here from Shanghai on Feb 28th.

That is good to hear. Maybe I better talk to ty and re-schedule are little get together for March instead of Feb

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