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Bringing OTC Chinese Medicines to USA

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My wife has purchased about $100 of Chinese medicines to bring to the USA with her. I'm afraid this could pose a problem going through customs.


I would think many SO's would want to bring products with them that have relieved their ailments all their lives.


I know that any medications which are prescription medications in the USA and manufactured in the USA cannot be brought into the USA, even if you have a prescription for it. I think it has to do with the Pharmaceutical lobby and whose pocket the money is going into.


Has anyones SO brought OTC medications to the USA and encountered any problems?

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I brought some myself before and didn't have a problem. Customs is more concerned about fruits and meat. I don't think they care as much for medication. See if she can get a doctor's note, maybe that will help resolve any issues if they bring it up at Customs.

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My fiancé and I have discussed this with the same concerns including spices used for cooking. I asked her for a list, went to my local Chinese herbalist/acupuncturist and found everything on the list is available, or they can get for her their next trip to the nearby Chinatown when they go get their supplies. They had a large amount of cross reference books to check Pinyin , Chinese characters and English names.

I did not want her to have a problem when she flies through customs. So now she will not worry about this. (Actually it is me who was worried).

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I brought back several on my first trip to China. My wife's cousin has a freind in New York who couldn't get some OTC stuff. I merely wrote down herbal medicing on my customs declaration and no questions were asked.

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I think the real problem is if the medicines you attempted to bring in were not herbs. I am not sure if China sells controlled substances such as opiates over the counter. If any of the over-the-counter drugs are opiates they could not be imported and you probably would be arrested. I would think if they are just herbs that should be ok. I would contact Customs or the FDA and ask them in writing.

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I agree with all of the previous posts. I have been to China four times last year. Each time I brought Chinese medicine and supplements back.


Never had a problem at US Customs. However, I made sure that I declared it on the form. I stated Chinese traditional medicine




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Song has me bring back all sorts of medicines to the USA ( for when she arrives). I can never get a clear answer from Song as to what the medicine are, or what they do. It is probably best I don't know.


Song can be quite secretive! These items appear in my suitcase at the last moment!


Anyway, if Customs ever asks me about these medicines I plan to call them "tea". That is what I write on the Customs Slip.


One of the advantages of looking stupid and confused, as well as tired and unshaven, is that the Customs officials ignore me!



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