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add another white slip

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I see it has been a good day for white slips. This makes it 3 out of 4 reporting. One hurdle left before she arrives in CT. on Jan 15. Pick up her visa on Monday at 4; 00 PM.


I was going to post this last night, but my cable connection was down. I have a list of the questions my SO was asked. She was directed to window 12, the VO was an attractive 25-year-old Caucasian American woman. She was very friendly, I told my SO just to keep talking as she answered the questions. Here is the e-mail she sent me with the following events and questions she was asked.


Some basic information about myself and my SO. Just as a reference point for those with similar circumstances. I am 45 married twice with no children; I'm doing ok financially. She is 27, never married no children [that will change soon enough] received an MBA, her family is financially secure.


This is her letter of the events that transpired at the US consulate in Guangzhou on Jan 7, 2005. Take it away my SO.


"I arrived at the consulate at 7:30 Am, outside about 10

People were waiting in line. I show the security guide my appointment letter immediately he let me in, then I was waiting

In another line at the first window door. I am sixth in line.

After I pass the security door I arrive into the big room

For immigration visa. When I go in, there are about 30

chairs they are all full with people, and there are also 30 more people

standing, so I know I am not the first one in line,

Probably I am almost the last one to be called. I wonder when

Those people arrived here, maybe at 5;00 am.


At 9 o-clock they call my name and I give them the

Envelope (including all of the documents) to the

Chinese lady. (She asks me hurry up) she gave me Number

65. I wait until 10:30 before they call people waiting in the

two lines in front of the window. 4 and 5 people are waiting to be fingerprinted.

At 11; 00AM everybody stands up making a wish for success today. We swear everything we are about to say is true and all the documents are also true. I wait until 11:45AM when I am told to report to window 12. (At that time most of the chairs are empty)


She is a very sweet and beautiful lady. She smiles to

Me and speaks very friendly.

VO: Hello!

Me: hi

VO: Your passport please! Thank you

Me: Here it is! Thank you

VO: Have u ever been to American before?

Me: Never.

VO: Who is your applicant?

Me: John So and So{somebody or other I think] ok just kidding

VO: Your photos please?

Me: These we take in Sanya.

VO: Wuao! Beautiful picture!! Smile!

Me: when we were there, the Miss would competition was being

held in Sanya and we join the party, Miss Greece

Boyfriend was sitting beside John my fiancé.

VO: Oh, Smile! (Still very interesting to see the


Me: And this is the second time and third time

John visited me in China.

VO: How did u met?

Me: We met on Asian friend finder in March 2003

She: She is looking at john with my family picture,

VO: Was he married before? When was he divorced?

Me: yes 2 times. His divorce was in Dec 2003, they

were seperated before we met online. He has 2 stepchildren

VO; Did u met Johns' parents?

Me: No, but I talk to them on the phone.

VO: OK, can I see his financial support please!

Me: This is I-134 and Tax 2003. (I also have house

Assessment, his retirement account, his bank account and

Credit card account report)(maybe she didn’t hear


She: Are u working now?

VO: I am not presently working now because of the K1 visa.

I received my MBA from Malaysia and we

Are going to open our own business in American. I have a

Company letter if u want to see.

VO: OK. (She read very seriously, but with friendly

Face) what business is u goings to do in American?

VO: We will join the exhibition in New York City. I have to

Study the American Market first. We will make

Plan when I arrive there.

VO: Where will you marry?

Me: America!

VO: where?

Me: Connecticut

VO: Well, it's good, he is living there! Where is

His parents live?

Me: In Connecticut too, but there are on vacation

Now in Florida.

VO: OK, (she is smile to me with the very satisfy

Face) thank you, (She give me the white slip with

Both hands) you take this paper come by Monday to

Pick up your visa. Thank you, good bye.

Me: Thank you, have a nice day.


Takes me about 10 minutes with 11 questions.


And I was worried? Now if it were only Monday and her visa is in her hand.



:D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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