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just wondering

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well 1st most of the couples i see on here are of fairly young asain women with signifently older men ( more than 10 or 15 years older )!


My man is 13 years older than me and we found that out way later than it should be. :D He thought I was 5 years older than my real age and I "made" him 3-5 years younger as well. So, we thought we were in the same box at the beginning. :o Age differences never appears to be as bad as I thought it would be when I was a little girl.


to be honest i'm not the most handsome guy but a lot of the guys i see here and other sites aer older men balding grey haired and overweight!


There is nothing I will be ashamed about my "old man"s appearance.


they could probably get any man they wanted in china or anyway for that matter. i was just wondering if the men really beleive that the woman they are trying to get here really love them or are just trying to get to the USA?


Yes, we could get any men in China esp. there is a big shortage of women for men in China. Maybe some women are but there is not only one reason for marrying an American or western guy. To me, they have better manner and I refuse to be treated as slave or any kind. I've asked myself a question: will I still marry him if he moves over here? The answer is: hell yeah, even better! Another words, I am not going to marry with U.S.A. even alot of people believe it is a heaven. ;)


me and my wife have known each other over 2 years now and we have been married now for 6 months?

how long as most of the men on here known the person they are with now? and how many of you met though a site or place specializing in finding a potential mate that are lookng for marriage?


Longer than you and your wife. Much longer.

We met in a place where you can call "a place specializing in finding a potential mate that are looking for marriage" if you want. :P The thing is, I wasn't all perpared to find my Mr.right. If I did, there wasn't a turn for him. :P


most of those cases are why the immigration is so leary on granting visa's and it actualy makes its alot harder for the rest of us that actualy have a real type of relationship ( known each other for awhile and are not just jumping into a relationship with someone they have never met and get married after only knowing each other for less the 1 week or 1 month)!


I agree with you! 100%

Esp. for cases that people regreted for their dicisions. Now, they are not only wasting their time but wasting hundreds and millions other people's time.


i quess i'm kinda getting frustrated for all the crap we have to go through just to get our wifes here it should be easy but many of the cases i mentioned above have messed it up for everyone else!


You know what, there are worst cases if you want to hear any, read my sig. blink:




Don't understand about this.

But hey, good luck man. :D



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well 1st most of the couples i see on here are of fairly young asain women with signifently older men ( more than 10 or 15 years older )!

to be honest i'm not the most handsome guy but a lot of the guys i see here and other sites aer older men balding grey haired and overweight!

and the ladies are extremely attractive.

82yo-28yo marraige


if a 82yo grandfather can marry a 28yo young chinese lady. why can't those 50 something guys marry a 30 something ladies?! :o :D :P


OMG! look those age pigments on his face! :D :P ;)

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Something that has occurred to me about age difference is this-It seems like in China not only are men much more promiscuous than women, but men seem to value boy children and not value girl children. It seems like every woman I know in China-friends of my wife, and my wife either do not love their father, hate their father, or their father does not care about them. I think this may be why women in China love/marry an older man.

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It seems like in China not only are men much more promiscuous than women, but men seem to value boy children and not value girl children.

This isn't just China. Rural Indians practice sex-selective abortions. Both India and China have a problem; tens of millions of men who won't be able to find a wife when they come of age because the women they would normally pair up with never survived much past birth.


Millions of young villiage men with no hope of being able to marry = BIG problem for everyone. Remember what started the slaughter on Pitcairn Island? Historically there has been only one way for a government to shrink an excess population of young males... :blink:


Abduction of women to become wives for single men already occurs. :( :( :( (Yes, I do worry about my wife going back to her village)

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:( One of the things I remember my S.O. told me,,,, Was at 38 years old,,, She is concider to old for most Chinese men and she as her daughter. Now I don't know,,, But I have to believe her, From what I seen when I was there. This is Harbin,, It did seem a little Old Fashion there, I mean,,,, Here we are in her apartment,,, I have a picture of her holding her fingers to her lips and begging me to be QUIET,,,,,, ( I'm kinda loud at times) I ask said ok, I'm sorry, But why do we have to be so quiet?

She typed into her little pocket computer and said to me with a worried look on her face,,, Rick lao gong,,, The Morality Police, Hear You!!!! This is bad,,, You can't be here... We are not married and people know, I no have man. People here know, I no like Chinese man.


:blink: REALLY, What The HELL,, Is a Morality Police? She said,, Remember the people you see with Red Arm Bands, Remember they look at you when we hold hands and kiss on bus? YES!! I remember,,, So! I thought they didn't like my leather jacket and hair. :(


She laughed and kissed me,,, I was happy and in Heaven.


P.S. She likes the Harley and the GoldWing,, I get to keep both and she wants to RIDE!!!! YES! YES! I'm in HEAVEN and I haven't even DIED!!!

I don't think I'll go to heaven when I do die... But it nice to have HEAVEN right here on good old mother EARTH!

Ride On,, Into the Sun,, all Old Bikers... But it's best with the one you love and loves you.....

Rick :( At home layed up and bored...

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Hard for me to add because I guess I am a lucky one with only 3 years age difference between us. But as a lot of guys are saying, my Lao Po is giving up an excellent job, her own paid apartment, leaving her family, all to move here. To add along with that, is totally accepting of my two daughters who currently live here with me. ( I am a rare man who got to keep the kids in a divorce in the northeast liberal part of america.) But each time I talk to her, I can feel her cares, her love, her interest in me only. It absolutely knocks me back to think of how she cares for me now... I dont even need an alarm clock, because she calls each morning to wake me up... almost always on the dot... amazing.

I guess you should not be so cynical.. after all, age is only in the mind. :blink:

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:D it is funny that american guys are wonderfing why young chinese beautiful women married old american guys, because at the same time we chinese young women are also worrying if old american husbands married us just because we are much younger and pretty (At least for me I was worried about it before) I still discussed the age difference with my husband on the phone this morning. My husband is 22 years older than me. I am 34, his exwife is 36. My husband is a luck guy, and young women always love him LOL.


When I first chated with him on the net( we knew each other on the group chat room). He told me he wanted to find a chinese wife and liked me very much. He asked me if I cared his age. At that time I didnt know he will be my husband in the futuer and just thought he was a friend and good listener. I told him the true love should be no age difference.When I asked him what his idea about the age difference, I was surprised to know his exwife is 20 years younger than him. Apart from the age difference we have the smiliar life experice. We both got married with our exhusband or wife at the same year. Our kids are almost same ages, we both had problems with our exhusband or wife at that the same year. Eevn we both lived in different rooms alone for long time when we were in first marriage life. ;) Honestly I think peopel are getting better when they are getting older. Older people learned a lot from life.


I think maybe I could find a chinese guy if I want to have one after divorce, but it is fate when I was in my first hard marrige life, I knew an american and then his honesty, caring, loving, and humour made me gave him the chance to marry me :D


I think for woman no matter where you are from, you definitely marry a man who love you, care you, cherish you, and spoil you. My husband did all for me. He even tattooed my name on his chest. That is why when my american colleague harassed me one time, I told him I never thought I am far from my husband because we both are in each other's hearts.


Before we married, I once asked myself "regardless his age, do you think he is a really good husband? do you feel happy when you stay with him" the answer is " Yes". I knew I should marry him , then I did it even though my mother still against us :P


I think for sucess marriage life, two person's attitude to life and personalities, communicate and compromise are the most important, not age difference.

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For us age was never an issue, nor should it have been. Each of us priorly had dated people our age, older, and younger. It turns out we are only 6 months apart in age! It works out quite well, except for calling each other meimei, jiejie, diedie, gege, since we are so close in age, none seem very appropriate.


I think however, that people need to consider their life's experience to the date and use that as a point of comparison. I never understood people my own age as well as those 10 years older than me. However, when looking at the ages of my parents, it makes perfect sense since most people who have parents *their* age are 8-12 years older than me (and I am the elder of two siblings).


Yes, she is quite for real, and I am so lucky! We met in person though, and so from the start, we knew that we were for real.


It was signed and sealed at our first departure:

I say: "do you want to be my girlfriend"

She says: "your chinese girlfriend"

I say: "no, my girlfriend"

She says: "are you sure, your only girlfriend ... ok!"


everything else since then has only reconfirmed and made this more obvious! She is so real, and that is why I miss her so much and feel so angry with why our system tolerates such a long wait and some painful rejections...

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