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American women 2

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A nice defense of political correctness. To hell with the truth, let's all be PC. don't say what you believe-unless it is PC. C'mon JP-tell it like it is, not like the world wants you to say it~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes I think what I write and what you read are 2 different things... like a little gnome lives in your computer and translates my paragraphs to you.


There is a HUGE difference between being PC and just knowing when not to be a biggoted asshole, trigg.


It's like you said about being "too patriotic" or "too ethnocentric" there is also "too PC" but it existed for a reason.


If I say all American women are self-serving bitches.... If I say all southerners are toothless cousin-fuckers... if I say all blacks are only good for manual labor... I'm not "telling it like it is" I'm being a bigoted, closed-minded fuckhead.


There's a line, Trigg... it can be crossed. Every time I disagree with you I get the feeling it's always all or nothing... black-white, on-off, forward-reverse (left-right).


I would think with your age, wisdom, and experience you would have a broader view.


Or maybe there's a little gnome living in my computer too??


and my name is JASON

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Jason congrat on wedding, sorry about the the ruffle feather on a happy day for you. I think I started the ball rolling again on this subject after having a bad day and the thought of dealing with my ex, wish my excuse was drinking to much but I promise Thoa no beer or wine (not a problem for me only a very light drinker anyway) mine was just fustration of a possiblity of dealing with my ex.


So go ahead enjoy your wedding and let what said blow off


and Trigg sssssh it his his wedding day please



sorry for opening this can of worms



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LOL no offence taken. Not even at Trigg's post which got me ranting. Trigg has done nothing to piss me off (except maybe the JP thing). I just get a bit frustrated from time to time... I don't take it to a personal level though, no need to go through life being pissy.


(If anyone saw my little tiff with enight... now THAT was me taking it personally... it was ugly and I hope not to make a fool of myself like that again)


Now... yep it's my wedding day coming up! I cooked a big meal today, Jun ate too much and passed out cold on top of the covers. I'm letting her sleep... for now. Gives me a few precious moments with CFL :lol: After tomorrow, I'll be incommunicado for about a week though. I'll have updates to my site, etc when I return.

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(If anyone saw my little tiff with enight... now THAT was me taking it personally... it was ugly and I hope not to make a fool of myself like that again)


Just mentioning enitwit makes me laugh "come to cut me with your knife" Even my Chinese wife makes fun of her. You and the rest involved in that moment of enlightenment could not hold a candle to her brightness.


My wife tells me that she constantly gives out bad advice on 001.

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guess that was a little before my time. guess I will have to do a search and read that.


I get more vocal and opinioned as I get older. when I was in high school I was very quiet and shy. as a friend told me he look forward to being a grumpy old man.


example: August 2004 I ask my school by email why we do not have a school wide online forums, the answer I got back was it was regulation against it in missouri, I responsed back asking about the regulation and blown off. soooo I email the Sec of State office in Missouri asking if there was a law or regulation, I got a response back next day stating they did a search and found no laws but I need to contact the education dept about any regulation. So i sent email to the office asking about any regulation on forum online for univeristy in Missouri


3 days later I get a email from Dean office asking is I could come by next morning and discuss about a forum.

a hour later I get a response from Dept of education saying I need to talk to my univerisity and that there is no regulation.


so this is how things went: Sec of State contact dept of education, the Dept of education contact the president of my university, he contact the dean of my campus that is 90 mile away who contact me.


to make things short, all my email are answer promply and detail.


When ask why I decide to contact the Sec of State I said at my age I no longer take " because" as a answer. and if you want to find out information start asking as far up the ladder as you can, because you can get faster results.


considering it only took 3 days to get a detail response from 2 offices.


have to say my univeristy know who I am.



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A nice defense of political correctness. To hell with the truth, let's all be PC. don't say what you believe-unless it is PC. C'mon JP-tell it like it is, not like the world wants you to say it~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes I think what I write and what you read are 2 different things... like a little gnome lives in your computer and translates my paragraphs to you.


There is a HUGE difference between being PC and just knowing when not to be a biggoted asshole, trigg.


It's like you said about being "too patriotic" or "too ethnocentric" there is also "too PC" but it existed for a reason.


If I say all American women are self-serving bitches.... If I say all southerners are toothless cousin-fuckers... if I say all blacks are only good for manual labor... I'm not "telling it like it is" I'm being a bigoted, closed-minded fuckhead.


There's a line, Trigg... it can be crossed. Every time I disagree with you I get the feeling it's always all or nothing... black-white, on-off, forward-reverse (left-right).


I would think with your age, wisdom, and experience you would have a broader view.


Or maybe there's a little gnome living in my computer too??


and my name is JASON

"When I was a child, I spake a s a child...."


As you are doing now. WTF is your problem????

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at the moment I feel responsable for bumping this up and feeling very low at the moment.



:D  :D  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(




Naw Robert.. hang in there and forget about that.. think of this little blow up as cheap entertainment.. ;)


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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Just "tellin' it like it is", not "what the world wants me to say"... LOL :P


Guess it's not always acceptable?


You're right, I'm just a wee little babe. In 25 years, experience will teach me to agree with you - that or I'll just be an idiot who can no longer claim youth as an excuse, right?


LOL - or maybe I'm right.


Or maybe I'm insane.


Who cares really.... sorry for pushing too hard.


I apologize for the profanity. It wasn't directed AT anyone, just used to color the examples I was giving. I guess some subjects I should just avoid. Wasn't trying to piss you off Trigg. Well, maybe on some level I was, so I apologize for that too. Either way... sometimes it's better to just shut up and walk away, and I should have. Friendship (even of the online message-board variety) is more important that attempting to "get an upper hand" in some retarded argument.


See you guys this weekend. Sorry.

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