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A new thought for when travelling

Guest blsqueaky

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Hi All


I am once again, planning on going to Nanning in the next couple of months. This time, instead of satying just a coup;e of weeks, my plans are to stay there With Liqiu until either one of 2 things happen.


1: They grant her Visa.

2: They Toss me out.


Even though we are just recieving our Approval notice (We at the beginning of our process) we just can no longer deal witht the fact that we are so far apart. It's just driving us totally insane.


Anyway, I read here about how it my help to check in with the consulet once arriving there. What I would like to know is:


Where are they Located there in Guanzhou,

What is their web address or email address.


Also, since I do not have a business or work over there, and I can only get a tourist visa (a 3 monther) how & where would I need to go to try & get my visa extended until the time we can come to the usa together.





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If you are really going over there long term you may have difficulties with the Chinese visa. I am MARRIED and I can go to the Entry/Exit bureau at 333 Wusong Lu in Shanghai and extend my visa. I am always asked for the temporary registration slip from PSB, my passport of course and a COPY of my  "redbook". I don't *THINK* you will be given many long term extensions through the E/E bureau. I believe NYViking was K-1 and I am hopefully he can add some insights. He has also had visa extensions done in Shanghai. I don't know where the closest E/E for you is. Beijing has one also but other wise I don't know. I did find the Shanghai E/E has a pretty decent English version web site on line (sorry the link info is on the computer over there).


Beyond that there is the old leave the Mainland go to Hong Kong or Thailand and spend a few days getting a new tourist visa and return. Also look into teaching English there for an employment visa. Some schools will accept a native speaker w/o a degree (preferably w/ a TESL or TEFL cert). There are schools on line to get this (Buyer Beware though). Likewise before signing a contract w/ the Chinese employer check them out throughly.


Any of the US consulates can be found online by putting "us consulate Guangzhou" for example in your search engine. GZ is at #1 Shamain Island I believe in GZ.

Most cities which have boarder crossings will have an E/E department.


I do not know if nanning does, but they most certainly will in dongxing (on the boarder with Vietnam) which is not too far from you.


If you need to do the exit/entrance thing, I would recommend getting a Vietnam visa before you go. It makes a great holiday, and people with Chinese passports who travel overland can get into Vietnam w/o a visa (so it can be a nice place to see when you are in Hanoi waiting for a new Chinese Visa).


I would look into the employment route first however...

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  • 2 months later...
Guest blsqueaky
I thought that it is about time to bring this up front again, since I am seeing that many of us are planning on travel soon to china. Again, I can not stress how important it is to check in, whether GZ, Shanghai, Beijiing or HK, or anywhere else that there is a consulate. Please, check in, ot just to show that you are there to see you SO, put to also let them know where you are in case something does happen, and they can get to you.


Thanks, and to those making a trip soon, have a safe one

Again, since I am seeing some questions here.

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You may also log your trip on line with DOS. You tell them the details of your trip. They will inform the consulate of your trip. This is just a thought for those who are planning trips that do not allow you to be around the consulate during hours they are working.


My trips to China always seemed to bring me through Guangzhou late at night or on Sunday. I always informed DOS I was traveling to be with my fiancee. I am positive this helped during her interview.


In person is best, but use this alternate method if needed. The bottom line is always let the embassy know when you go to China to be with your SO.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest blsqueaky
You may also log your trip on line with DOS. You tell them the details of your trip. They will inform the consulate of your trip. This is just a thought for those who are planning trips that do not allow you to be around the consulate during hours they are working.


My trips to China always seemed to bring me through Guangzhou late at night or on Sunday. I always informed DOS I was traveling to be with my fiancee. I am positive this helped during her interview.


In person is best, but use this alternate method if needed. The bottom line is always let the embassy know when you go to China to be with your SO.


members are starting to travel again. so back to the front again. I can not stress ENOUGH ow important this is, especially now with all that is going on. If you can not get to a consulate in person, which I would recommend if you can, then on line.


Please, stay safe

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In June I was in China to visit my wife in FuShun and flew in to ShenYang. I stayed overnight in ShenYang so that I could go to the Consulate to register my presence in China and to leave a copy of my passport in the event it was stolen. I was not allowed in the Consulate. I explained what I wanted to do and showed them my passport and they still would not let me enter the Consulate. I asked them if they were really refusing entry in to an American Consulate to an American citizen. Their reply was "no they are not refusing me entry, just that I couldn't enter". A too subtle difference for me. Other than emailing them to complain about this treatment I didn't know what else to do. I thought that it was very good advice to register also.

Edited by Linbar (see edit history)
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Squeaky, thanks for the tip, you have given all of us the "heads up" that can not hurt to try... maybe, just maybe........

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When registering online you are able to give specific instructions as to notification of family and employeer in the event of a mishap.


You can also specify others and give specific written instructions. I listed my SO and her phone number asking them to provide any and all information to my fiancee.


This may be an easier way to get in the system as it goes directly into DOS's computer system and avoids the difficulty of locating the consulate.


While I will register on DOS for the interview in GZ, I also intend to go to the consulate and register again in person.

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Guest blsqueaky

Thanks everyone for reading this. My own personal experience, if there is a consulate where you are, then yes, a face to face meeting is great, since while you are there, they are putting it in the puter. If you are visiting GZ, then this is even better because they have seen you, they know that you are committed, and the lady in GZ, Elizabeth Mader is a great person to meet with. Beiiging is not that hard to get to. I know that those that are traveling to places that do not have a consulate, yes, on line is great, but all that I can stress, let them know. I know that when I am in GZ, I fill out a nice form, where I am at, phone numbers, her families number, etc, etc.


Again, when traveling, please have a great time, and stay safe

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Thanks again Squeaky, this is great advice!!


Maybe you should start a new thread.... called Squeaky's Travel Tips !


any word from your Congressman?

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  • 2 weeks later...
My SO was a bit surprised, to receive an "American Citizen Services Annoucement" emails from the Consulate in Shenyang. I would have loved to have seen the look on her face when she first saw this. :ph34r:


Registering my trip online had a new and interesting affect this time.


Lee, please explain how that happened.

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I never have registered at the US consulate although it is a great idea. I did register with the local cops when I was in Nanjing for 3 months. I feel better wandering around on my own knowing that when a car hits me, they will know who to contact. It may even be the law abet not enforced.

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