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Of all the delays thrown at us in this process, I would say this is perhaps the most frustrating. So close and yet still so much uncertainty. Especially if you are trying to plan her move and accompany her home. At least we can anticipate much of the NOA2 and P4 delays.


I wish you a speedy call from the consulate and all the best! Keep us updated on your progress!

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This is one disturbing post. I can't believe they did all that! Moon did everything right. Yet even that wasn't good enough for them. Hopefully these multi-colored sheets will just be little speed bumps on the path to happiness.





Can you please explain a little more about the blue sheet and passport thing?


The blue sheet was for language/tape thing. Do you think that was warranted? I mean, how well would you rate your wife's ability to speak English? Is she fluent in English but the GZ Gods wanted a tape anyway? Thus wasting everybody's time?


The passport ... you mean you gave your actual original passport to your wife, but she was not allowed to bring it in with her to the interview? So they said "no" to your passport but were okay with notarized color copies of it?! That makes absolutely zero sense.


I'm shocked you had so much hassle. Hopefully by the time you read this her visa will be in hand.

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It's so sad to know that GZ has been doing this kinda rediculous things to people,to the people who're suffering from being apart from their lovers...That's horrible that GZ's gone so far playing their power. I'm so pissed!!!

Well, what you can do right now is probably just to play along with them in this waiting game. Everything will be coming into place sooner or later as long as you and your MM are hands in hands together.

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Good morning all.


Here is the skinny:


Monday: We take our 3-inch thick package of bona-fides (in a conservative green expandable folder trimmed with black cloth and brass corner protectors) to the local agent who was handling the paperwork for my wife. Among other things the folder includes photocopies of my passport, a notarized letter in describing how I met my wife. Agent tells us that our papers appear to be in order, but that we had better make a video, which we proceed to do that night.


Tuesday: We run hither and yon in an attempt to locate a place to make a VHS tape... finally locate a place in the TianHe electonics bazaar that converted the miniDV tape to VCD.


Wednesday: Interview. Blue slipped, requesting notarized copies of my passport (she had my passport in the folder) notarized letter from me describing how we met (in the folder, clipped to the passport), and a videotape in VHS format, because VCD never really took off in Asia you know. :blink:


Gentlemen, THIS is why you want to be here when your loved one goes into the interview.


Moments later I am inside the consulate at the Citizen Services section, asking in effect, “What gives?” I get to speak with the manager(?) in the CSS who used to work down in the visa department. He is kind enough to make notarized color copies of my passport, and informs me that the consulate only takes NTSC VHS tapes because the only equipment they have is a NTSC VCR. I bet they wish they could get away with demanding Betamax tapes.


Darrel(I know you are reading this, sorry I have forgotten you name!) happens to be in the room with me, he is a lifesaver, directs me to the second floor of the Shamain Hotel where we can get the VHS tape made. They review the VCD and suggest a reshoot (my wife is not a talkative person). That night we remake the video, 25 minutes long.


Thursday: miniDV to GZPerfect for conversion to VHS. We then RUN to the consulate to drop the requested material off. They take my wife’s passport and give her a white slip telling her to return at 14:00 on Friday.


Friday: 14:00 she gets another blue paper, with a yellow paper stapled to it. The yellow paper tells her that they need more time to decide… don’t call us we will call you. On the blue paper it says the visa type is for K3… except this was our interview for the K1…???


And there was much rending of hair and gnashing of teeth.


So here we are, in the stadium, two doors before us. Will it be the lady, or the tiger?

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Unbelieveable story... Let's face it, we're completely helpless. I can't see any option but to sit and wait. Like many have said, it could take a few days, or who knows-- your file could fall behind some desk and you'll be waiting weeks or longer. The only things I would say are to keep going back and pestering them as much as possible. If I remember, some of the people here on Candle used to have connections, or at least email/phone to some of the "higher ups" at the consulate. Maybe someone can PM Moon Carol with this info? Also there's the option of hiring a lawyer. I remember someone who got blue slipped talked about hiring someone locally in gz-- don't remember what ever happened in that case. You did mention using a local agent-- any help from that corner?

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I completely understand your anger moon having been there myself. Like Don once said though use a lot of mouthwash to get the taste out of your mouth while kissing their a$$. These people are beyond belief what they expect us to do. I believe it is a deliberate attempt to set us up to fail. Since there is no annual limit to K-visas perhaps it is their way to set one.

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And I am really, really considering quitting my job and staying in GZ.  I have an L-visa that allows unlimited entries for a year, I just have to pop over to HK every 30 days.

Well Moon if you do Shenzhen is a nice area close to HK, heck you could be going there everyday and teaching english.


Pay wise is not too bad for a life style here in China.


Is a temp leave possible? or is your field such that walking away and than returning soon not be a major hardship?


I just went down to the public place here in SZ to renew my visa.. it will be an L type this time but for 3 months and NO entries. 160RMB willget it back next week.


So anyways a short train ride from here to HK monthly is alot more doable than that 1 hour trip and expense from GZ and frankly.. as much as I enjoyed visiting GZ.. it isn't as comfortable and clean as SZ.


Mark and Bea

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I really hope and pray that you're able to get a speedy and happy resolution soon.


That just completely blows my mind. Isn't the point of the interview to determine a bona fide relationship, not to make the petition and beneficiary jump through hoops? I'd assume that if you're down there, running around, making tapes, notarizing your passport it's because you genuinely care about your future wife, and you're not doing it for fun. That is just simply too much.



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