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In GZ to pick up Visa

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Thanks DaveR it certainly has been a long time in coming.


Hi Maui & China.. yup right on schedule give or take a year! :lol:


Thanks Martytb and for all your kind and supportative words!..it's great knowing you and yours. We will be pulling for you come this fall.


Yes Jason and Jun.. finally on the other side..;) WOW.. life has really changed for Bea and I, a big sigh and ahhh. ;)


Thanks Terrence and Linda, yes no more waiting! well just for the baby but that! has a definite date.. heheh Wishing you and Linda the best in your new life together as well. Great couple!


Thanks Neal... I know the last month has pushed you two to the limits, hope it is easing off.. from your time line seems you should be hearing something..:lol: Here's to your day in GZ and a smooth one at that..B)


Thanks Wayne and Jiejun.. we finally did it.. here's a great and strong "We did it.." to you.:)


:) Frank and Jingwen... yes life is sweet! Thank you both and we'll be home soon, keep the lights burning!


heheheheh HEY! Sam and Nicola and little one!!.. thanks and thanks for holding us in your thoughts. You guys are the best! WE WILL be to the Big Easy when we get back....:)


Alright RMark!! Thanks and we will stop by the ole RR Best wishes and speed to you and ShuPing.. Don't forget to stop by SZ when you are over here!!


Don... wow I think you do know how "Special" this day really is. Thank you for all you have given to Bea and I. A kind word, an encouraging word and clear level headed info when we were frantic and stressed. You and PJ and others have gone beyond the call of duty!! A true and heart felt thank you.


Yes Phil and Ningning it has been a long road, but as clichés as it sounds it all seems so distant and worth it on this side... heheh :) the sunny side of the road. Thanks!


Thanks Sylinchinastill... one word says it all!.. I hope you and yours do come back to China from time to time, but I'm sure you and yours are enjoying life in the states..:)


Yes Kim.. phew!! it's a hard life being a poster child!!! hehehe Those are two of the sweetest words.. Close and Successful! Thanks...


Thanks Jim!!! you two are too good a looking couple AND from Portland!!! they just have to give your loved one her visa for those reasons alone!


AWWW Car and Bing..:) yes I know and I couldn't remember my password to my email account to let you two know :( finally was able to figure out the CFL one and post. Bea and I want to thank you both for sharing your time together with us here in China. You don't know the happiness and strength it gave us to be with you during your time. Again thank you and there has got to be a road trip to the north west in the cards for us!!


Thanks so much Gene! I was going through post the other night and saw I hadn't replied to you.. please forgive me. You have always had a strong word and great thoughts for us and others. It along with the cute face and wonderful smile in the red dress always lights things up! Here's to you two being together soon..


Thanks for all the smiles and sunshine Eddy and Jing-Ling! That one word sums it up.. happy.. I and Bea are truly happy now and can focus completely on the arrival of our baby girl. WOW!!! how lucky can one person be?? hehehe


Hey Squeaky and Ling!!! Thank you, been following your latest posts..:) We are so happy you two are together. Hopefully in your travels and ours we will meet and you can tell us of the greatest love story ever written..:) we are not sure but seems 9 months from now.. spring time in the north east.


Mari thanks..:) no more waiting for us, just "Blue skies.." Here's to you and yours, I see a 14 day turn around now lets see a 21 day to visa interview!! Best luck.


Hi Darrell! Thanks.:) I see you got Bea's details, she read peoples comments before she left for work.. made her so happy to know you and others thought so well of her words. Thanks. Now I see you will be in GZ over the weekend.. it's a wonderful 1 hour train ride to Shenzhen and just a brief walk to the number 12 bus which brings you right to our doorstep!!!

Hope you two can make it!!, love to have you.


Thanks Michael.. yup life is wonderful.:) Geeez!! seems everyone is in Portland... heheheh oh well just makes that road trip there all the more.. "Must do!"


heheheh yup! A big ole grin!!! Thanks Trigg, a good friend and great man. I still don't know what this werewolf thing is all about?? Thanks


Xian47..HUH??? heheheh hey!! I don't know Chinese hehehe how else could I survive over here!!?? If I did understand it than I'd know all the bad names they call me!!! hehehe Thanks. Hope you process runs smooth and fast.


eeyore.. :) thanks enjoy getting to know you and yours. Keep posting coz I think we have another clever one here..:)


I just want to add, like everyone has said, it is so worth it when it's all over and the time gone before seems like nothing. It is both a relief and a joy, to gain some closure and control. I am truly a happy and blessed man. Having had my wife by my side and I her's during this whole thing is worth more than I will most likely ever know. Looking forward to the birth of our daughter, feeling her kick and move about each evening as we sit on the couch. Seeing the strength and heartache of my Bea and sharing mine with her is our bond.


We can not even begin to imagine the stress, frustration, anger, joy and deep feelings you each share with your love while being separated. Our hats are off to you and yours and the love and strength you show to all in your every breath, and every moment. Now is the time to sing your praise and sing it loudly. Gods speed and love to you all... and know you are special.


We do.



Mark and Bea and Baby Elizabeth

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