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Nanning Get-Together

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Its geographic, not political!  

Sometimes there's very little difference.


But, you know I love ya, man, too bad you're not headed to Nanning, we'd show our Chinese friends how "Freedom of Speech" really works. And that, my friend, would be interesting.

Yup, very interesting. I'd like to participate in that. yup, I surely would.

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Hey LMark ~!


I'm serious!!  A casual (and friendly) get together of various Candle members in Oregon?


.....with R&L Marks under the same tent~?!?!? 


Now wouldn't that be worth the price of admission?

yup!!! heheheh


a regular P.T. Barnum side show....




Mark and Bea and baby

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I have suggested a national get together of CFL before but didn't get much response. I would definitely get behind one in Oregon. RMark and Dave, even though we don't agree politicallly you are still my CFL brothers and welcome in my home anytime.

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I talked to ShuPing last night and she likes the idea. Now we just have to find a place and determine a time. I'll keep everyone posted.


I'd really like to do a national candle get together (Papa Carl's Great Big Candle For Love Fest?). Heck, I'd even talk fishin' instead of politics for those less inclined.


Hey LMark, I'll be passing your way in a couple of days, though I don't plan to stay in ShenZhen or GZ for long. Let me know if you'll be in GZ on the 10th, maybe we can have lunch or something. Just not sure they make tents that big in China.

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I have suggested a national get together of CFL before but didn't get much response.  I would definitely get behind one in Oregon.  RMark and Dave, even though we don't agree politicallly you are still my CFL brothers and welcome in my home anytime.

Hey Carl and Bing;


We were just thinking about your suggestion today.


How about a 3 day weekend in Las Vages?

From the east coast, NYC and maybe Boston flights are cheap, around $100.00?? and not too far from the west coast and should be cheap trans from the middle of the country.


We have some people in the travel business and if they wanted to help I'm sure we could get some great deals on hotel rooms. Seems if 10 15 or 20 couples showed up that would be enough to get a good deal and maybe some great show tickets. B)


Doing it from a friday to sunday will give people who have the time a mini vacation there and if not swing by for a sat and sun. Plenty to do, food is cheap and best part yet!!!! NO one has to clean up after the party!! hehehe


Bea and I will not be back in the states for another 9 months.. spring time in the north east of the states so don't start with out us!! or lets do another one that summer..


Mark and Bea and baby..

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I talked to ShuPing last night and she likes the idea.  Now we just have to find a place and determine a time.  I'll keep everyone posted.


I'd really like to do a national candle get together (Papa Carl's Great Big Candle For Love Fest?).  Heck, I'd even talk fishin' instead of politics for those less inclined.


Hey LMark, I'll be passing your way in a couple of days, though I don't plan to stay in ShenZhen or GZ for long.  Let me know if you'll be in GZ on the 10th, maybe we can have lunch or something.  Just not sure they make tents that big in China.

Awww Mark!!


We are back in Shenzhen now and won't be going back that way for some time.. dec the soonest to get the baby's passport and birth report.


But sure lunch would be great..how about on your way back if you have time?


There is always an open door for you and yours here in Shenzhen.


So if not this trip plan for the next one..B)


Mark and Bea and Baby

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I have suggested a national get together of CFL before but didn't get much response.  I would definitely get behind one in Oregon.  RMark and Dave, even though we don't agree politicallly you are still my CFL brothers and welcome in my home anytime.

Hey Carl and Bing;


We were just thinking about your suggestion today.


How about a 3 day weekend in Las Vages?

From the east coast, NYC and maybe Boston flights are cheap, around $100.00?? and not too far from the west coast and should be cheap trans from the middle of the country.


We have some people in the travel business and if they wanted to help I'm sure we could get some great deals on hotel rooms. Seems if 10 15 or 20 couples showed up that would be enough to get a good deal and maybe some great show tickets. :angry:


Doing it from a friday to sunday will give people who have the time a mini vacation there and if not swing by for a sat and sun. Plenty to do, food is cheap and best part yet!!!! NO one has to clean up after the party!! hehehe


Bea and I will not be back in the states for another 9 months.. spring time in the north east of the states so don't start with out us!! or lets do another one that summer..


Mark and Bea and baby..

Vegas works for me and I assume Dave has some good guanxi there to help us pull it off. Next spring perhaps?

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Vegas is a long way for me. We should plan long range, lets do a Nanning get together. LOL. Next spring in Vegas will be hard. But I think an annual get together some where would be nice. There are many from Nanning here. My wife is a little reserved about a meeting. I think I can convince her.

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I think an annual CFL gathering would be a great idea. Finding the right place every year might be a bit of a problem. New York has to be a location that should be considered as a meeting place. The reason is the large Chinatown. I have been to Chinatowns in New York, San Francisco and Philadelphia. The Chinatown in New York must have more than 100,000 Chinese. This is a guess. The last time I was there I walked around for a couple of hours and at one point stopped seeing any caucasion people and all signage was in Chinese. I felt like I was in a Chinese city. It would be a great place to give the Chinese wives/husbands a little taste of home.

Just a thought!

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OK, this is the last post I'll make until I can find a computer in Nanning.


I'm thinking that the weekend of the 21st, does that work for everyone?


I still don't know where, but I'll figure that out when I get there. At this point I'm pretty much open to anything, if the dates don't work.


Post here and let me know and I'll check in in a couple of days.

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Greetings from muggy Nanning!


I am sitting next to my beautiful wife and adoring son in a computer kiosk in Nanning. Yes, it is friggin' hot. I think the worst thing though are the beds, or rather wooden torture racks. They sleep on small wooden tiles, kinda like scrabble pieces sewn together. ShuPing says it is to keep cool at night. I think it is to keep foriegners away.


Well, to quote an old Jimmy Buffett song, "The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful". I think I preferred QiQiHaer's sub-zero to Nanning's sweat-box, but at least I am with my woman and life is truly good.

Also, 2 days in GuangZhou will make you appreciate any other place on Earth.


OK, we've decided on August 22 at 6:00 PM to have this little get together. ShuPing knows of a local restaurant called HaoChiLang Zi zu Can. The address is YuanHuLu. Don't ask me for directions.



If you or your girl can make it, shoot me an e-mail or PM and I'll give you ShuPing's cell number. I'm hoping a few folks at least can get together. Remember, I'm also doing this to clear up some of the mis-information some of the girls are getting and get a support group together.


Gene, Mike, Al and Wayne, all you guys with MMs here, let's do this. If anyone else is here from America, please come along, it'd be nice to see another American.


I'll check back in a few days.

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Hey Mark,

Got your email, like I said I am not able to be there, saving for the interveiw trip. I will let Huahua know and give her your phone number. Also I saw your other post and I am not the least bit jealous...not one little bit.....of course ... well maybe just a little....... ;) ok ok a whole bunch :)


Have a lot of fun and be safe :D

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