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P4P4P4P4!!!!!!!!! Insane

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Where is P4???!!! :


I have now been waiting 2 months since they received our P3 and still nothing.

Last time I asked them they said name checks.....putting the stuff together....etc


As you can all see AF Shiery sent in his P3 in on the 25th of feb and got P4 on the end of March, and their visa on the 14th of May, where as I sent mine in on the 15th of March, so apparently even though it is a difference of near two weeks on the receiving end, my difference will be months.

If the problem was name checks and all then some one would have got P4 and some not, but actually there is a whole bunch of people waiting, all who sent their P3 in after the beginning of March, None have got them.


There is obviously a problem at the GZ consulate that they are unwilling to even admit to when responding to emails. This is making me really upset now, I have been in China for 9 months to accompany my fiance through this.


What IS the problem over there at GZ???

This is rather unreal.


I hoped someone enjoyed my rant, now does anyone have any real info to contribute?

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We are right there with you. My wife's P3 got to GZ on March 15.


I have made comments in other areas and received many responses.


First, some said it was the call center problems, then it was the Chinese holiday, then it was that they don't deliver P4s until the first of the month, now some say it is a routine cycle that happens every 2 months. I wonder what the next thought about the delays will be!


What seems like words of wisdom appearently are just best guesses. I don't think anyone really knows what's going on with the P4s, including GZ. This website is great for listing timelines (which are facts), venting, and sharing experiences. As far as figuring out what's happening at GZ, forget it! I've come to the conclusion that nobody knows. We are at the bureacracy's mercy and that is that.


Everyone says, "be patient". Screw that! I want my wife here NOW! We all have no choice but to be patient!


Good luck and best wishes. Lord knows as soon as my wife gets her P4, I'll post it so everyone will know things are moving again.

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We keep hearing about how busy they are, yet so far I've seen evidence of just one person (on 001) with an interview scheduled during that "busy" time. If they are not interviewing anyone, then what exactly are they busy with? The last person on this site to get a p4 got their visa last week... I guess this can become the "p4 rant" thread, it's frustrating to get so close and then get put on hold. All I hope is that a flood of p4s and interviews is coming over the next few weeks.

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one more equation we have to figure in GZ is, even though the call center did not effect the K-Visa directly it will have an indirect effect with more work load being used to cover the walk ups. Since there is not a single force on this earth that will get GZ moving faster then GZ wants any amount of floor pacing, Complaining, Stressing, Wringing of hand Etc..... is just a waste of energy, Yes I know easy to say a hell of a lot harder to do.

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If they work under US rules and China holidays, they must have regulatory vacation time. If it were me, I would take them together with the May holiday, plus add up the call center problem, and there's the delay. Does it makes sense? By the way, how many VO's are there in GZ?

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Remember - we're working with our government - Sarah was ready to send the P3 packet back to GZ. I said "make 3 copies." She said, "no, the Chinese Post Office does not lose mail." I said, "yes honey, it's not the China Post, it's the US Consualte in Guangzhou. I've been dealing with the government many. many years [side note - yes, I make 2 extra copies of all tax returns], so just make 3 copies, OK?" "OK, I will make 2 copies."


Living about 1 hour from DC and having a lot of friends who work for the Govt and the military I have to keep reminding myself who I am dealing with, our government. Not much of anything makes sense, has rhyme or reason, or blahblahblah...


All I can do is remain patient, pull out all of my hair so I will have to shave my head before Sarah gets here and do the old Army drill - "hurry up and wait!"

:angry: :angry: :D :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

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wow.. march p4's not out yet? Our's left NVC on April 6th and i have been watching DHL deliveries and Clearances closely. I figure / hope it went thru on may 10th so we were thinking....ok just a couple more months.


geeez!! now if what you are saying of mid july to mid aug that would put us maybe in sept?


Of course I and other's really don't know when we will get our interviews but as always hope for the best and plan for the worst. Bea and I were holding it together with the Idea of a short vacation to the states in late aug early sept so as to not being flying when she was so far along.


Now if this is correct even that little hope and cold comfort could be dashed. If this is the case i am doomed to live another year in China or leave my wife.. neither solution really works for me but in the end it isn't may choice to make.


Sooooo if our wizards of gov can come up with the money and a plan to out souce other visa scheduleing. well duh!! duh!! duh!! why not hire or use the already hired people to clean up this back log??


I'd be willing to bet of the so many visa's given out freely to this abused group zero would be fake applications and less than zero would be spies or other such bad people... Perhaps their most dispicable act would be to ...check every egg in the cartons to find the 5 they want to buy!!! :angry:


Now as for these tourist/businesmen hmmm not all spies are diplo's..


Mark and Bea

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I am waiting since february 25th

I think the vo's are on vacations


Wow, all these "newbies" :angry: :angry: :D icon2.gif icon2.gif icon2.gif


I've been waiting for my combined P3/P4 since September of 2003.... :blink: :blink: :blink: icon2.gif icon2.gif icon2.gif


Next week, we need to ask whether anybody has gotten a P3 or a P4 recently (I don't think I saw anybody post that they had for a couple of weeks). If not, then we should send a note to the head of visa section asking what is up. Of course, I assume she will be buried in the tourist visa fiasco, but we need to let her know that fiancee and spouses are equally important (if not more important) to tourists.


----- Clifford -----

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One more tidbit I forgot to mention from the info session I went to at GZ. The consular officer said the best way to find out information specific to your case is to email them. I felt like saying gee thanks! I love those canned responses.

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We sent in ours on march 10, and the last word we recieved was

the interview would be, at a guess, between mid july and mid

august.  Yes, it is a terrible system, and a terrible way to treat

people.  This process is very poorly done, in my opinion.

Danny, I would like to hear more about the mid July/August thing. Did GZ tell you that?? I have heard that before and am somewhat confused as to why. I have heard (rumor) that they are booked up with interviews until then. However, I haven't seen a single post stating they have an interview date in the near future. I'm really curios as to what is really going on!?!?!? My darlin' is already in the states but I have a friend who is waiting a P4- he recently emailed GZ and told me they said they are not currently working on K visas. I'm not sure he got that right.


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