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  1. No, I am not a plant. I have found this whole business as frustrating as anyone, and I am just trying to finds ways to stay positive. I can not believe it has taken some people 18 months to get through it, that is terrible!! It would be a easy thing for me to get all upset, to come in here and rant and rage, but that would not help. Whatever though, I will just be glad when this process is finally finished and we will be able to start our new lives here.
  2. I find this time of seperation, though extended, also brings my Dear one closer to me, in a way. It depends on how you look at it I suppose, but I believe that I am going to be more appreciative of the person I am with, rather then taking her for granted. Applied for the visa....June, 2003 NOA 1 received August 2, 2003 NOA 2 received December 22, 2003 Packet 3 Received.....march 10 2004 Packet 4 received................? Interview.....................?
  3. I was told that the person in charge in Guangzhou Consulant right now is Ms. Janxxxx. So I called there, and the switch board sent me to her phone. Very much to my surprise, she was familiar with me. She mentioned that they had heard from my congressman twice in the last couple of weeks, and Pastor Bill, a friend, had also called wondering what was holding things up. She said what she had told them was the reality, the visa interview will be in mid july to mid august. And, she said, they are very accurate with their estimates. We are lucky, she also said, as there are people she is already having to tell it will not be till mid october to mid november. This was not a canned response, she was very familiar with our case, and I hope that is a good thing. I do not want to offend her and find ourselves bumped back. So I think I will be greatful and not ask another congressman I have been in contact with to get involved. It is a comfort to me to talk to a real person there who knows what she is talking about. She is no nonsense, and I have not the slightest doubt now, that as long as I do not upset things, we will indeed have the visa in hand in august, if not in july. Praise God for progress, and seeing my dear one safely here. Bless you all. Please do not post names or personal contact info of DOS or GZ staff that are not listed on a public site.
  4. I am happy to hear about your new daughter. Gods Blessings to you!!!
  5. I tried to go through my congressman, but was told that I would have to go through his staff. His staff treated me poorly and were of no help at all. The next time they send me a letter asking for money, I am going to put a card in the return envelope that says "when I needed you, you were not there". I am talking now to another US Rep, who is a friend of a friend, let's say. How much can a rep do, if they really wanted to help? Could they insist and get a interview scheduled? Just what is it going to take to complete this process? Patience? It is becoming in short supply these days. I love my fiancee, and miss her dearly, it is real torture what they are putting us through!!!!!!
  6. It is the not knowing that makes it so bad. Why no packet fours and interviews for so long? What is the reason? Why are our lives being put on hold? It is very unkind and unfair way to treat people. Has anyone tried the emergency visa interview route? Does real danger qualify? Oh, it goes on and on and on and on. Last I heard, they are talking mid-september for a interview. how long will it end up being? What is it going to take to get some results? Being insane is understandable, it is a insane system we have here.
  7. Wow, what a exciting time. All the waiting finally coming to a end, and loved ones united forever finally. God Bless you on your journey. Keep the Faith and it will all be fine.
  8. I am happy for you Jeff. It was a great feeling when we recieved our packet 3, and had it all ready and sent out the next day. I was there visiting when it arrived and it was so special. I hope you are right, that they will now start the ball rolling on the packet fours and the interviews. 13 months, 14 months, is a long time to be kept apart from the ones that you love.
  9. I read on one of the sites that they accept emergency interview appeals that are faxed to them. Has anyone tried this? Is it a realistic thing to try? I have already sent one in earlier this week from my congressmans office, I hope they listen to it and it works. I have nothing to loose in trying, from what I see.
  10. I am very happy for you. What a relief it must be to finally have this behind you!! I wish you all happienss and good fortune in your futures together.
  11. We sent in ours on march 10, and the last word we recieved was the interview would be, at a guess, between mid july and mid august. Yes, it is a terrible system, and a terrible way to treat people. This process is very poorly done, in my opinion.
  12. I should mention that Porter Goss is my US rep, sorry.
  13. I met with The Porter Goss staff last tuesday, may fourth. They emailed the consulant for a progress report. This is what they had to say, When Ms.() file for review is complete, the IV Unit will schedule her formal interview. Due to the high volume of immigrant visa applicants being scheduled at this time our best guestimation for her interview will be mid-july to mid-August. We are always hopeful for earlier scheduling. Once Ms. () interview is scheduled her appointment packet with instructions will be sent approximately four weeks prior to her interview date to allow time for delivery and for Ms. () to make final preperation for her interview. The appointment packet will be sent to the address of the record via curior mail. We started this process last june, and sent in packet three on march 10. This is one sorry visa process, in my opinion.
  14. I find this all confusiing, and it upsets me greatly that they keep us on hold and do not give us any clear answers. I went today to speak with my US Rep, Porter Goss. I spoke with his person that handles the visas. She has promised me to look into it and find out what exactly is going on. It seems like they will pick things up after the may holiday week, I hope so. In any case, I will let you know what Porter Goss's office comes up with. Peace and God Bless all.
  15. But are visas on hold? All the article I got says is that they shut down the phone center due to overchargine. It was costing more to call the consulant then to call america from there. I belive they are still working on visas. Though the DOS says they are way backed up. I could be wrong, of course, would like more info if anybody has some. Thankyou
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