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Here he is, folks! It's finally over (or started???) Please let me introduce you all to my new baby boy.


Clayton 1 Clayton 2 Clayton 3


Here are the stats:


Born: March 10, 2004 @ 12:04 PM

Labor Time: Six Hours (Water broke @ 4 AM, contractions started @ 6 AM)

Weight: 6 Lbs, 10 oz.

Length: 17.5 in

APGAR: 9.9 (I'm really proud of that!)


Mom is doing great! She's so strong. She dilated to 6 cm before getting the epidural...wow! She was on her feet soon after. All the nurses were amazed.


The baby, on the other hand, had difficulty staying warm a few hours after the birth. He was taken to secondary care. The on-call pediatrician felt he was well...exact quote, "Why is he in secondary care???" They are running blood tests tonight to rule out an infection. It could also be a result of JM's gestational diabetes. Hopefully, both mom and baby are expected home tomorrow.


Ben (JM's 10 year old son) was a trooper too. A little too curious about the various gadgets in the birthing room (not to mention changing the date on my digital camera). But, he got very serious when he saw the baby born. The poor boy was exhausted at the end of the day....just like me. But, of course, I couldn't go to bed without sharing your new CFL brother with ya'll.


Now...are you ready for the irony? My 85 year old dad isn't expected to make it through the morning. If you recall, he's suffered from Alzheimer's for the last nine years. 16 months ago, he got pneumonia and we did all the heroic things for him. He pulled through that...but to what? He has pneumonia again but this time, but we're going to let him go. He's comfortable but still fighting as I write this (just like my dad!) Not to worry...I said goodbye to him a long time ago. I'll miss the man he was more than the man he's been. I feel so blessed that JM and Ben met him once when he was quite alert. That was a great time for them both...it was a sweet moment.


Okay, off to bed now. Gots a family to pick up in the morning!

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