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Anybody here getting P4's yet?

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I've been banging a few kettles trying to flush out some information on what's happening. So far nothing of real substance has turned up.


I had a dream early this morning that was very appropriate, though.


I got into some jeep that was supposed to be my car (although I have a Camry). I started to drive but couldn't control the vehicle. I was backing up trying to avoid other cars but the brakes didn't work well and it wouldn't stop. When I finally pressed so hard on the brake that it finally stopped I was sitting on a one-way street going the wrong way. Then I saw a cop coming up over the hill ahead of me, but he turned. I went down the one-way street to get turned around but ended up the wrong way on another one-way street. All the while the controls of the jeep were barely working and very frustrating to manipulate.


Does this sound like an apt metaphore for the visa process to anyone else? :(

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i see your point....but from what they told me, they said we will receive P4 in a matter of weeks, and the interivew is already scheduled for P4 to be sent out....so it SHOULD be that the interviews will occur in two months or so, not be scheduled then for two months later!!

i guess soon we will know!!

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I sent packet #3 back to GUZ on 09/18/03 and been waiting since. Unfortuntly, because when I originally filed in January this year, the background check was not done, so now they are doing it and I been waiting since. Keeping up with my weekly schedule of emailing GUZ or calling DOS every week, is still the same response...as soon as background check is done we will schedule interview.

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well i am assuming our background check was done earlier, so that is probably not a hold up for us, but anyway, still taking on that task of emailing them often. i dont go say....every week, but as soon as they do reply to me, i wait oh....about a week i guess, haha, and write them again. presently waiting on a reply now. we will see!


i have found more helpful info from calling DOS than emailing GZ....just my experience!!!

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I think you two are seeing the difference between the old system and the new system. By the Jan date you mentioned, Jello, I think you're on the old system where P3 was sent to GZ before the name check. Kimnjake, you're after me and definitely on the new system where they sent it after the name check.

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The observation was made on 001 that the P4s seem to be mailed out mostly in the beginning of the month. If you look on 001, you'll see that over two dozen P4s have been received this month, mostly from the people who received and turned in their P3 in early November. So it doesn't surprise me there has been no news the rest of the month. I would expect that all the January slots are taken since January is short one week anyway.


Personally, I'm expecting (well, hoping; one can't expect anything from GZ) to see a P4 the first ten days or so in January. DoS tells us there is no paperwork left to do, and we're in the computer, so... keeping fingers crossed!


I've also noticed that my fiancee has been in a much better mood ever since the P3 showed up. I don't know if there is a correlation between improved mood and P3. Has anyone else noticed this with their fiancee?



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Actually, things seem to be getting more difficult in our situation, emotionally speaking. After it was so easy to get a passport for Sonny some of Youyue's parent's friends started yakking. They started saying, "Maybe her husband is not doing anything to get his wife into the US. Maybe he only wants to take the baby and doesn't really want a wife."


Of course her family fought off these rumor-mongers but I think it still made them nervous. When I was there in November I got this strange question from Youyue. She asked, "So, do you think Sonny should go to the America with you?" I said, "No! Absolutely not! It is very important for a small child to be with his mother." I told her he can legally travel with me but I couldn't take our baby away from her. If he were desperately ill or in mortal danger I think we would agree to bring him here. Otherwise his place is with his mother.


I know how important how other people see you in China. I'm sure the situation is very complicated and difficult for her family. I do everything I can to reassure them that I am doing everything I can.


Then, on my side, I have been in this terrible separation funk. Here's my first born son and I can only watch him grow up for short periods of time when I can manage to drop my work here and travel there. Then my business suffers and I have to come back to try to get things back on schedule. I'm a husband/daddy in China and businessman in America.


When she asks, sometimes it's very hard to explain to Youyue why things are taking so long. Simple things don't make sense. Why, if we sent them the new address in CQ, are they asking for us to fax that address again? Why, if really everything has been completed, do we have to wait ANOTHER two months for the interview? It's exasperating for both of us.


We both know it's nearing the end but there is something about having a child that makes this last wait extra difficult.


Sorry to post such a depressive note.... :blink:

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Actually, things seem to be getting more difficult in our situation, emotionally speaking.  After it was so easy to get a passport for Sonny some of Youyue's parent's friends started yakking.  They started saying, "Maybe her husband is not doing anything to get his wife into the US.  Maybe he only wants to take the baby and doesn't really want a wife."




Then, on my side, I have been in this terrible separation funk.  Here's my first born son and I can only watch him grow up for short periods of time when I can manage to drop my work here and travel there.  Then my business suffers and I have to come back to try to get things back on schedule.  I'm a husband/daddy in China and businessman in America.  


When she asks, sometimes it's very hard to explain to Youyue why things are taking so long.  Simple things don't make sense.  Why, if we sent them the new address in CQ, are they asking for us to fax that address again?  Why, if really everything has been completed, do we have to wait ANOTHER two months for the interview?  It's exasperating for both of us.


No, I can understand what you mean.. my fiancee isn't very close to her family, but she still sees them a few times a week. The adults are convinced I'm not working at all to bring her here and that she's living a dream, and the younger ones are telling her there's no way I would like "such an ugly girl" (which, btw, couldn't be further from the truth :blink:).. At least once I month I try to explain the process to her, but it doesn't really get through (she's not really familiar with how beaurocracy works in the US). All she knows is that I'm working very hard and miss and love her very much.


As far as the seperation anxiety.. I think we all go through that. I would expect it would be doubly-difficult for those with children involved. December 13 makes one year since the last time I've seen my fiancee. I look back, and I can honestly tell you that I have no clue what I've done or accomplished this past year... its all a blur.. all I can really remember is working on our paperwork and juggling information with the government. Once she gets here, I certainly plan on slowing _way_ down to enjoy my life together with her..

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Actually, things seem to be getting more difficult in our situation, emotionally speaking.  After it was so easy to get a passport for Sonny some of Youyue's parent's friends started yakking.  They started saying, "Maybe her husband is not doing anything to get his wife into the US.  Maybe he only wants to take the baby and doesn't really want a wife."




Then, on my side, I have been in this terrible separation funk.  Here's my first born son and I can only watch him grow up for short periods of time when I can manage to drop my work here and travel there.  Then my business suffers and I have to come back to try to get things back on schedule.  I'm a husband/daddy in China and businessman in America. ?

When she asks, sometimes it's very hard to explain to Youyue why things are taking so long.  Simple things don't make sense.  Why, if we sent them the new address in CQ, are they asking for us to fax that address again?  Why, if really everything has been completed, do we have to wait ANOTHER two months for the interview?  It's exasperating for both of us.


No, I can understand what you mean.. my fiancee isn't very close to her family, but she still sees them a few times a week. The adults are convinced I'm not working at all to bring her here and that she's living a dream, and the younger ones are telling her there's no way I would like "such an ugly girl" (which, btw, couldn't be further from the truth :)).. At least once I month I try to explain the process to her, but it doesn't really get through (she's not really familiar with how beaurocracy works in the US). All she knows is that I'm working very hard and miss and love her very much.


As far as the seperation anxiety.. I think we all go through that. I would expect it would be doubly-difficult for those with children involved. December 13 makes one year since the last time I've seen my fiancee. I look back, and I can honestly tell you that I have no clue what I've done or accomplished this past year... its all a blur.. all I can really remember is working on our paperwork and juggling information with the government. Once she gets here, I certainly plan on slowing _way_ down to enjoy my life together with her..

Rob and Bobby, like you, I think that I am also beginning to feel some of the frustration that our wives and fiancees have been feeling for a while. I forget sometimes that the frustration we on the US side feel is fueled by an inane bureaucratic system. We may not like it and we may not understand why the system remains so f***ed up, but we know the system is the reason for the delays. But, the frustration on the China side is hard to attribute to anything concrete. Telling them, if effect, that the mighty United States government can't seem to get its act together just doesn't seem to ring true in their ears. Their frustration seems to be fueled more by uncertainty, doubt, and lack of familiarity with the system made worse by friends and family who know even less about it.


I too have tried so hard to explain the system, but I really don't have good answers for Jingwen. Did you try this? Yes. Did you try that? Yes. I hear the consulate lets Americans in to talk about the visa. Well, yes, but not our specific case. Why is it so easy to make war but so hard to get a visa? - didn't have a real good answer for that one.


Jingwen has shown more patience than I thought possible. But, each day when we chat on Yahoo, I have to tell he that I don't have any good news to share. I don't like to see her cry, but waiting more than a year for a visa is something that I don't think she really expected, and the disappointment on her face really makes me feel powerless.


I know that we will all survive this ordeal. Rob, your wife and son will be with you soon, and the separation funk will fade into the past. Bobby, you and your fiancee will celebrate each day when you are finally together. And Jingwen, my love for you grows every day. I will see you soon.

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