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"Americans Are So Stupid"

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I had to share this one....


Jing Mei and I drove her son to school today before going to our OBGYN appointment. On the way, we saw three cars involved in a wreck on a large, open surface street (Alta and Hualapai for AZwolfman's information). The night before in the exact same place, I saw a different wreck. I commented to JM about the previous wreck and stated I was amazed that two serious wrecks could happen at such a quiet intersection. Although paraphrased, here's what she basically said:


"Americans are so stupid! In Las Vegas, the people are so friendly. The streets are so big. Everyone waits their turn and follow the changing lights. How can people hit each others' cars? At least in China, we have a reason for crashing into people....."


I hope you all see the same humor and profound insight in her observation.



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There is probably an element in the USA that everyone "expects" the others to follow the rules.


When a person runs a red light.... WELL, IT ISN'T EXPECTED.... And, thus, a major fender bender..... Well, even if it is a minor scratch in the paint, it will take the people an hour to figure out who is at fault, and how to fix it.


In China, or Egypt, and many other countries, bizzarre behavior behind the wheel is just expected.


I wonder if speed is also an issue. I am sure that many people speed in China & Egypt, but in the places where the heaviest traffic is, they just can't get up enough speed to do any real damage.


Of course, I haven't made it to China yet.... Something to do sometime as I meet new friends from that country. However, I was in Egypt, one of the countries with the WORST driving..... There, I noticed that almost every car that was more than 6 months old had MULTIPLE DENTS (mostly minor). Many cars had ornate taillight lense protectors. I don't really remember seeing any major accidents, but I would imagine that bumping and pushing is just a common part of driving.


---- CK ----

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I was involved in a minor accident last week. The valet driver tries to do a right on red on the left lane when the light turned green. I was on the right lane going straight. The turn cause the accident. The valet car was a brand new Lexus (3 months old). The valet driver was in a hurry to return the car to the owner. The owner was furious when he saw his scratched car. My car has damaged bumper. Now I am just trying to get the valet parking insurance company to pay for the damage.

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I think the big difference between driving in China and driving in the US is the average rate of speed. I've heard in the US the average speed cars travel is about 35 MPH. In China I'm sure it's closer to 15 MPH.


In the US, when people do stupid things in cars the consequences are far more catastrophic.

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Rob. Not sure where you get that information. But if the car only goes 15mph, I am sure I don't take that ride.


Driving in China much different from driving in America. Most drivers use their common sense and eyes, instead of expecting others to follow the lights.


It is an adventure in their taxi:)


Hi Dave, long time no see. Bet you are too busy to be online now. :blink:

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Rob.  Not sure where you get that information.  But if the car only goes 15mph, I am sure I don't take that ride.


Driving in China much different from driving in America.  Most drivers use their common sense and eyes, instead of expecting others to follow the lights.


It is an adventure in their taxi:)


Hi Dave, long time no see.  Bet you are too busy to be online now. :blink:

I'm actually very confident about the 35 MPH figure in the US. It's a very often quoted figure. This even accounts for all the traffic travelling 70+ on all the interstate hiways. Yet still the average is only 35.


Given that there is very little high speed traffic in China and given the amount of traffic I've seen moving slow or utterly stopped in SZ, GZ and CQ, I don't see how the average speed of traffic in China could be much higher than that.


I think what we tend to notice when we're riding in a taxi in China are the exciting moments. We're not tracking the actual average time it takes to move any particular distance.

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I think the biggest difference is that in China, most of the drivers are professional drivers. You see very few older or very young people driving....in the US, any one can drive and does....I did see some accidents in Qingdao - several Head-ons that looked pretty bad...

I also think there is just a fundamental difference in the Chinese approach to things, who are accustomed to having to push their way to the front of the line....they cut you off, but don't get offended when they in turn are cut off...like a line at McDonalds. If you don't push, you may never get to the front of the line.

Lastly, we as Americans are simply impatient and therefore often drive like idiots. I often find msyelf getting really upset about some little slight while driving...does it really matter if I get home 90 seconds later because of something someone else did? No, of course not.....but it still really pisses me off....God, do I need therapy......


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How many of the Chinese Drivers are Blonds??????  

:o :o :o

:huh: :P :blink:

You'd be surprised. :P On my last trip back, I was a at a popular department store frequented by young people, and I noticed that I was one of the very few people with black hair. I guess black hair is not the "in" thing with the young crowd nowadays...



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I think the biggest difference is that in China, most of the drivers are professional drivers. You see very few older or very young people driving....in the US, any one can drive and does....


Totally agree. I think that's the biggest differentiating factor. All the drivers I saw in China were experts, while here I swear there are people driving would have trouble with tricycles. I just can't figure out how drivers in China got to be that good. It's like they're missing this population of "beginning drivers".


they cut you off, but don't get offended when they in turn are cut off...like a line at McDonalds. If you don't push, you may never get to the front of the line.


I'm ashamed to say that I actually became accustomed to elbowing people behind me with a quick hard jab just to keep them from gluing themselves to my back in huge crowds. It wouldn't be so bad if it was cute girls doing this, but invariably it's just another impatient guy wanting to get a little too close for my comfort. :blink:


Surprisingly, this always got them to back off. I was half expecting a fight to break out, but never did... :P



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