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Blue.......Stupid Blue

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Is there an airline ticket complication in going to ACH? If not, I seriously don't see why you wouldn't go - even if you weren't successful. At least you can go home and say to yourself, "I did everything I could." Robert, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Kyle (see edit history)
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Is there an airline ticket complication in going to ACH? If not, I seriously don't see what you wouldn't go - even if you weren't successful. At least you can go home and say to yourself, "I did everything I could." Robert, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thanks Kyle I think I will go to the ACH on monday,

As usual Hui is the strong one, she is not worried, she is telling me we willbe fine.


Hui is a little upset with herself for not handing in the papers, she should have told them she had the co-sponsers papers also when she handed in my I-134. I told her it was nothing she did or did not do.


Why whould the woman who took my I-134 not take the I-134 sitting under it makered CO-SPONSER? who knows maybe if Hui had been more insistant about them taking all the papers they would have seen them but who can say.


I dont blame Hui for any of this at all.


On another note, maybe there is something to the new talk of instead of the Black pearl they now have a Asian woman who hands out the Blues and Whites. Hui said she was interviewed by a very stern asian woman.

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Is there an airline ticket complication in going to ACH? If not, I seriously don't see what you wouldn't go - even if you weren't successful. At least you can go home and say to yourself, "I did everything I could." Robert, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thanks Kyle I think I will go to the ACH on monday,

As usual Hui is the strong one, she is not worried, she is telling me we willbe fine.


Hui is a little upset with herself for not handing in the papers, she should have told them she had the co-sponsers papers also when she handed in my I-134. I told her it was nothing she did or did not do.


Why whould the woman who took my I-134 not take the I-134 sitting under it makered CO-SPONSER? who knows maybe if Hui had been more insistant about them taking all the papers they would have seen them but who can say.


I dont blame Hui for any of this at all.


On another note, maybe there is something to the new talk of instead of the Black pearl they now have a Asian woman who hands out the Blues and Whites. Hui said she was interviewed by a very stern asian woman.

Robert there is a reason they do not take documents when you have them. GZ talks about this in their FAQs on their Consulate website. When this happens, generally they just need more time to look at things. Obviously they have a problem with your income. Just give them what they ask for and do it asap! Nothing more, nothing less.


Good luck!!


Why didn¡¯t the interviewing officer take all my documents? I had everything with me at the window!

Consular officers will occasionally give applicants a refusal sheet requesting that they submit documents that they brought with them to the interview. This happens because the applicant also needs to provide other information that they did not have at the interview, and the officer would prefer to review everything together at a later time, either because the applicant was having difficulty locating documents in a timely manner, or the information was in a format that cannot be stored in the Consulate (such as a large photo album).

Edited by chilton747 (see edit history)
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Mr. Yang thinks it will not help to go to the ACH on monday. He thinks we should just mail in the papers now.

As Kyle said go to ACH and find out exactly what was the problem and hand in the co-sponser documents if they allow it. If they don't then immeditely go and mail them after leaving ACH -- only delays a few days and maybe you will be able to overcome without having them sit in the mail room for a few days (or months).


Good luck and I am curious to find out why they did not take the co-sponser's documents at the beginning.

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I am so sorry to hear of this mix up, Robert. I agree completely with all who say you should go to ACH or whatever they call it these days. If nothing else, you might get some clear info on exactly what you need to do. In the meantime, enjoy your time with your lady as much as possible. I know it will be tough to leave without here, but at least take some great memories home with you.


It irks me that these folks seem to act, at times, just on a whim rather than anything reasonable. As one who went through the original Black Hole fiasco, I can say with a great deal of personal experience that Murphy's Law is alive and well over there. But as others have said, and rightly so, just give them what they want and she will be with you before you know it.

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Mr. Yang thinks it will not help to go to the ACH on monday. He thinks we should just mail in the papers now.


Ya know Robert, ol' Mr. Yang is brutally right. It's Wednesday evening now for you, send in the evidence tomorrow morning.


In desperation I went to ACH the day after our administrative review

blue slip and I can tell you, they ARE NOT gonna take your evidence there. It would be a miracle if they did.


One guy, a few weeks ago did get a supervisor take his evidence and turned his woman's blue into a pink on the spot...THAT was a miracle.


I am assuming you went to ACH two days ago when you said you were bored and posted asking for directions to the consulate. You've probably already discussed the case, and the fact of your co-sponser with a VO already.


So the fact that you are in China for her interview and that you have a co-sponser was already in the interviewing VO's computer when your girl friend stepped up to the interview window.


THAT was when a person could have made the best use of ACH anyhow. Now, it's gonna be like your girlfriend going to window 30 AFTER the interview. The VO will NOT answer specific questions about your case, take anything from you, and will only tell you to send the evidence in.


If you believe in miracles, you could make copies of the notorized forms in the morning and send them in, then go to ACH next week and plead your case with your copies. Tell the VO the notorized forms are already in the consulate's mail room.


Good luck, having already been through this type of :bullshit: that's the best I know to help you.


tsap seui

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Sorry to hear that, Robert. Hopefully things change to the good soon. Is your parents' financial status rather good? I don't mean to ask your privacy, just to help you think of this aspect. I don't need an aswer for this question also, just a reminder. If their sponsor is financially strong, you will get pink soon. But if their status is not much better than yours, it will not be easy, but you still should get the pink.


Good luck!

Edited by fineart (see edit history)
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Sorry to hear this. Sounds like an easy overcome.


As for parents tax returns "W-2" is something issued by employers not SSA they will have something else documenting income like 1099. Better yet they should get simple IRS transcripts this provides the eevidence of income that the require.

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Sorry to hear about the Blue. As others have said it sounds like an easy overcome. If you think your parent's income information was the issue they can call the IRS and request the transcripts for whatever years you need they would receive them in about 10 days and could scan them and email them to you since you are going to be in China until the 19th. Again that is if that's all GUZ wants. I would still go to ACH and try to get some answers from them.

Don't forget you are dealing with HIGHLY TRAINED WELL EDUCATED MONKEYS who never make mistakes, nor admit to it when they do.

We got whited on our K-1, they took all the info and looked at it then gave it back to her along with the blue requisting more info, which we sent then a month later we got the white. I went back to China we got married and filed the CR-1. We had the same info as the K-1 plus the additional photos, receipts, and such since our first interview, and they never asked to see anything. My wife tried to give the VO the folder and the VO said I don't need to see it. Asked her three stupid questions and gave her a pink. Question 1 whats your husband's name. Question 2 how old is her daughter. My wife told them my name, told them the age of her daughter. Question 3 what will you do in America, answer first year learn English second year learn to drive a car. VO Congratulations you will be issued a visa. My wife's reaction :eyebrow: :sleep1:


Good Luck, hope the blue quickly turns to pink for both of you.



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Dude! That blows!
What he said! :angry:




It also underscores that they (GUZ) have their mind made up and don't want to be confused with more evidence during the actual interview if that's what is needed.




It's a delay (and a pain in the ...) but you will prevail. Give'em exactly what they want and exactly the way they want it.

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